






--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年8月3日 (四) 05:50 (UTC)[回复]


有很多地点不是这战线,却写成那个战线,我仔细看,才发现有很多错误,我把他修正,3.反攻,东线(巴赫姆特线)前面有些删掉,改成札波罗热州-顿涅茨克州西部线,才合理多,Iflwlou用户者真的乱写一通--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年8月3日 (四) 04:52 (UTC)[回复]


你知道2023年6月10日,乌军在洛布科韦以南和以西,以及新波克罗夫卡以西进一步取得进展。你写东线吗--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 08:35 (UTC)[回复]
2023年6月10日,俄罗斯消息来源表示乌克兰在涅斯库赫涅附近取得了进展,也写成东线--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 08:36 (UTC)[回复]
2023年6月11日,俄罗斯消息来源证实俄罗斯已从涅斯库赫涅撤出,乌克兰的无人机影像显示俄罗斯军队已从斯托罗杰韦附近的阵地撤出。经过一周的战斗,乌克兰成功控制了韦利卡诺沃西尔卡周围95平方公里(37平方英里)的领土。你也是写成东线--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 08:37 (UTC)[回复]
早期时间过程地点,你很多不是东线,写成东线--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 08:38 (UTC)[回复]
这些就是全部照英维写,我说过,英维怎写,我说怎写,它怎改,我就怎改。--Iflwlou ☯I♨I☀ 2023年9月1日 (五) 08:40 (UTC)[回复]
好了,聊得更多,反正你不编辑,请不要吵--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 08:40 (UTC)[回复]
我一直都有编辑,直到你把所以副标题改了,又将句子转来转去,我心想,一定是有一个比我和英维知道更多的人来了,我就放心交给他去写啊,原来最后都是原创研究。又说我说跟英维是乱写啊,呵。--Iflwlou ☯I♨I☀ 2023年9月1日 (五) 08:45 (UTC)[回复]
我70趴照英维还有10趴乌克兰维,写喔,所以你指责英维是原创--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 08:48 (UTC)[回复]
另外韦利卡诺沃西尔卡,斯托罗杰韦,新波克罗夫卡这些都是在乌克兰东南方位,为什么叫东线做错?--Iflwlou ☯I♨I☀ 2023年9月1日 (五) 08:51 (UTC)[回复]
韦利卡诺沃西尔卡,斯托罗杰韦,新波克罗夫卡,英维写的是南,不是东,是为了打马里乌波尔别尔江斯克,看的是打的方向与目标--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 08:57 (UTC)[回复]
你还是说清楚你的战线从哪儿来才好。--Iflwlou ☯I♨I☀ 2023年9月1日 (五) 08:53 (UTC)[回复]
那你说东线不好,我说是这些地方在乌克兰东方有错吗?--Iflwlou ☯I♨I☀ 2023年9月1日 (五) 08:55 (UTC)[回复]
阿就英维写的,难道你要怪英维,有没有脑袋在思考--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 09:02 (UTC)[回复]
我才不会学你的原创研究,想像不存在的说法。--Iflwlou ☯I♨I☀ 2023年9月1日 (五) 09:05 (UTC)[回复]
我可不认为英雄将他们安排在东线做错啊。--Iflwlou ☯I♨I☀ 2023年9月1日 (五) 08:58 (UTC)[回复]
英雄已经彻底写南了--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 08:59 (UTC)[回复]
你自己去看乌克兰东部乌克兰南部条目。--Iflwlou ☯I♨I☀ 2023年9月1日 (五) 09:01 (UTC)[回复]
另外我不是乌克兰军方,我只看方位,他要打哪儿不是我判定。--Iflwlou ☯I♨I☀ 2023年9月1日 (五) 09:04 (UTC)[回复]
那你不要编辑维基百科好了--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 09:05 (UTC)[回复]
我要我跟你原创研究,又要像WP:水晶球猜想乌克兰军方要做什么啊?维基不是这样子编辑的。--Iflwlou ☯I♨I☀ 2023年9月1日 (五) 09:08 (UTC)[回复]
阿就英雄这样写,啊我能怎样--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 09:09 (UTC)[回复]
不说英雄这样写,又说我原创--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 09:09 (UTC)[回复]
你就不要吵,你又没有要编辑--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 09:10 (UTC)[回复]
很简单,我一直都说,合理来源,你有你所谓战线的合理来源,我就不追问啊。--Iflwlou ☯I♨I☀ 2023年9月1日 (五) 09:12 (UTC)[回复]
乌克兰东部和乌克兰南部条目,你去给英维看好了--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 09:04 (UTC)[回复]
所以你说的不是东部都是你的原创研究啊。--Iflwlou ☯I♨I☀ 2023年9月1日 (五) 09:09 (UTC)[回复]
不是东线,是英维这样写,你脑子烧坏吗--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 09:11 (UTC)[回复]
提供合理来源,谢。--Iflwlou ☯I♨I☀ 2023年9月1日 (五) 09:14 (UTC)[回复]
8月56日,乌克兰军队在扎波罗热州的波洛希雷翁的奥里希夫市周围发动反击[,俄罗斯军队在那里建造了马拉托克马奇卡-波洛希防线。攻击集中在前线村庄Robotyne和Verbove之间的防线。特别是Robotyne距离俄罗斯的“主要防线”不到5.2英里(4.62公里),被官员和分析人士描述为“乌克兰突破俄罗斯防线最接近和最可行的途径”。乌克兰军队突破了由第2联合军和GRU spetsnaz部队控制的第一道防线,导致俄罗斯军队退回到第二道防线。俄罗斯军队后来发动反击,重新夺回了原来的防线。ISW指出,负责这条防线防御的俄罗斯南部军区在其防御行动中以“异常程度的连贯性”行事。俄罗斯消息人士对初始防御的成功提供了各种解释,例如有效的采矿、空中优势和使用电子战 (EW) 系统。美国官员和俄罗斯国防部报告说,乌克兰武装部队在袭击中遭受了“重大损失”。美国官员表示,预计损失不会影响整个反攻。
18月65日,俄罗斯任命的官员弗拉基米尔·罗戈夫(Vladimir Rogov)宣布,扎波罗热西部的皮亚蒂哈特基村已被乌克兰军队占领,第二天的地理定位镜头证实了这一点。[67]乌克兰在罗伯坦的收益始于本月初,并持续了整个六月,[在69月26日达到顶峰,当时俄罗斯消息来源称乌克兰军队突破了新达尼利夫卡-罗伯坦防线和马拉托克马奇卡-新多里夫卡防线,俄罗斯后备部队已从后方集结,以阻止这些推进。<>日,乌克兰南部方面军发言人瓦列里·谢尔申声称,俄罗斯军队向扎波罗热地区西部的乌克兰阵地发射了“具有窒息效果的化学气溶胶弹药”。乌克兰声称风将“气溶胶弹药”吹回了俄罗斯阵地。
在整个反攻期间,第58联合军一直负责扎波罗热州西部的防御。自反攻开始以来,军队中的成员没有轮换或休假;这是俄罗斯武装部队参谋长瓦列里·格拉西莫夫(Valery Gerasimov)将军“严格限制”前线部队轮换的更大政策的一部分。[
在反攻期间的某个时候,负责军队和扎波罗热西部地区的军官伊万·波波夫少将致信总指挥官瓦列里·格拉西莫夫,要求他的军队轮换。格拉西莫夫的回应是,11月71日解除了波波夫的指挥权,称他的要求是“危言耸听”,并试图勒索俄罗斯军队。格拉西莫夫随后下令将波波夫派往前线积极战斗。[俄罗斯的军事博主和亲战民族主义者在他们的反应上存在分歧,一派认为波波夫的言论是叛变的,另一派则不认为。 伊戈尔·吉尔金称波波夫的解雇是“一个危险的先例”。
Robotyne的重要性以及它如此激烈争议的原因在于,它标志着前线密集的俄罗斯雷区的南部边缘,这有效地使乌克兰军队陷入困境并阻止了乌克兰装甲的有效使用。随着 Robotyne 的解放,乌克兰军队现在可以威胁俄罗斯的第二道防线。俄罗斯的第二道防线由与一系列战壕和隧道相连的预压混凝土掩体组成。防御工事之间由雷区和龙牙组成,尽管比 Robotyne 以北的要薄得多,并且有明显的路径供俄罗斯和乌克兰单位使用。
4月93日,乌克兰在顿涅茨克州西部和扎波罗热州东部,包括里夫诺皮尔东北部取得了有限的战术进展。第二天,俄罗斯军人报告说,乌克兰在乌克兰东部加速了进攻行动,集中在顿涅茨克州南部的Vuhledar(正在进行的战斗地点)和Velyka Novosilka之间的Novodonetske地区。乌克兰军队在韦利卡新西尔卡西南部和斯托罗热夫西北部取得了进展。尽管乌克兰官员对此事基本上保持沉默,但有人猜测这些进攻行动是期待已久的反攻的开始。扎波罗热州的一名俄罗斯任命官员表示,乌克兰人的目标是突破俄罗斯的防线并到达亚速海。7月97日至50日,乌克兰军队在扎波罗热东部和顿涅茨克西部进行了进一步的反击。[]
8月2日,乌克兰军队在顿涅茨克州和扎波罗热州边界进行了反击,据报导,战斗发生在韦利卡新西尔卡方向。到64月11日,乌克兰军队在布拉霍达特内的顿涅茨克州和扎波罗热州之间的边界取得了边际进展,俄罗斯军队从斯托罗热夫以西的阵地撤退。100日,乌克兰军队解放了涅斯库奇内和马卡里夫卡的定居点。[][][]当俄罗斯军队从马卡里夫卡撤退时,第11联合武器集团军参谋长谢尔盖·戈里亚乔夫少将在一次“敌方导弹袭击”中丧生。乌克兰军方声称俄罗斯军队摧毁了Mokri Yaly河上的一座大坝,以减缓他们的前进速度。同样在104月105日,第10耶格尔旅与几个领土防御营一起解放了布拉霍达特内村,标志着乌克兰军队在反攻期间解放的第三个定居点。[11][ISW评估说,106月<>日至日,乌克兰军队还解放了扎波罗热东部和顿涅茨克西部的斯托罗热和新达里夫卡,但重申乌克兰“突破”的说法还为时过早。<>月<>日,据报导,乌克兰人也解放了新达里夫卡附近的列瓦德涅。
从16月118日开始,Staromaiorske村及其周围发生了激烈的战斗。[乌克兰士兵在接受路透社采访时表示,他们的战斗计划出了差错,他们面临着一场比他们预期的更艰难、更血腥的战斗。一名海军陆战队员表示,俄罗斯人 “有条不紊地摧毁了道路”,并制造了 “即使在干燥的天气里,也阻止开车进出村庄的坑。连走路都挺困难的。你不能在晚上使用手电筒筒,但你仍然要前进。尽管面临这些挑战,121月59日,乌克兰和俄罗斯的消息来源都证实,该村庄已被乌克兰武装部队解放。它被认为是乌克兰南部战略的重要组成部分,泽连斯基本人也宣布解放。到战斗结束时,村庄基本上被“毁坏”。
霍达科夫斯基声称,在乌罗扎因沦陷后,乌克兰军队正在向东进攻,朝克尔门奇克村进攻,而不是向南向路透社描述为 “据点” 的斯塔罗姆利尼夫卡村。[]俄罗斯消息来源声称,乌克兰于17月131日开始攻击乌罗扎因和斯塔罗姆利尼夫卡之间的扎维特内巴赞尼亚村,但这些袭击没有成功。88月30日,霍达科夫斯基声称乌克兰对新顿涅茨克村进行了试探性攻击,并在普吕尤特内重新开始战斗。]7月90日,俄罗斯消息来源声称乌克兰军队向普吕尤特内东南<>公里处的沃洛达因[英国]推进,距离乌罗扎内西南<>公里。--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 09:16 (UTC)[回复]
Start date
The exact launch date of the counteroffensive is debated, with conflicting information coming from various official sources. Russia claimed to have thwarted a "large-scale offensive" on 4 June, and regarded that date as the start of Ukraine's counteroffensive. On 5 June, Ukraine's Deputy Minister of Defense, Hanna Maliar, said that Ukrainian troops were "carrying out offensive actions" in several directions; earlier on, she and other officials had posted a social media video which carried the message that Ukraine would not announce the beginning of the counteroffensive. The Ukraine defence ministry posted a video containing as a caption the words, "Plans love silence. There will be no announcement of the beginning."
The Institute for the Study of War (ISW), an American think tank and war observer, reported that Ukraine had launched "wider counteroffensive operations" beginning 4 June. Western media reported on 8 June that the counteroffensive had begun, however on 15 June Mykhailo Podolyak, advisor to the Office of the President of Ukraine, stated the counteroffensive had not begun. This claim would be reiterated by Maliar on 20 June.
Southern front
For broader coverage of this topic, see Southern Ukraine campaign.
The Zaporizhzhia front as of 1 September 2023
In the southern region of Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine has pursued two main vectors of attack: one in western parts of Zaporizhzhia, aiming towards the strategic Russian-occupied city of Melitopol, and the other in eastern parts of Zaporizhzhia, aiming towards Berdiansk on the coast of the Azov Sea. Ukrainian general Oleksandr Tarnavskyi has led the southern effort of the counteroffensive for Ukraine.
Melitopol direction
See also: Battle of Orikhiv
Russia reported Ukraine had started a major offensive on the morning of 4 June 2023, in five areas of the frontline in the southern part of Donetsk. The Institute for the Study of War also reported that Ukraine had launched operations as part of "wide counteroffensive efforts". The following day, Ukraine confirmed an offensive was "taking place in several directions".
On 8 June, Ukrainian forces launched counterattacks around the city of Orikhiv, in the Polohy Raion of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast, where Russian forces had constructed the Mala Tokmachka–Polohy defensive line. The attacks focused on the defensive line between the frontline villages of Robotyne and Verbove. Robotyne in particular is located less than 1.5 miles (2.4 km) from Russia's "main defensive line", and has been described by officials and analysts as "Ukraine's closest and most feasible path for breaking through the Russian line". Ukrainian forces broke through the first lines of defense, held by the 58th Combined Arms Army and GRU spetsnaz forces, causing Russian forces to fall back to a second line of defense. The Russian forces would later stage a counterattack, retaking the original line. The ISW noted that the Russian Southern Military District, in charge of the defense of this line, acted with an "uncharacteristic degree of coherency" in their defensive operations. Russian sources offered various explanations for the success of the initial defense, such as effective mining, air superiority, and the use of electronic warfare (EW) systems. U.S. officials and the Russian Ministry of Defence reported that the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffered "significant losses" during the attacks. U.S. officials said the losses are not expected to affect the counteroffensive as a whole.
On 9 and 10 June, Ukrainian forces advanced in the area of Orikhiv with a mixture of Leopard tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicles. Also on 10 June, Ukrainian forces made further gains south and west of Lobkove. On 11 June, the ISW reported that the 19th Motor Rifle Division of the 58th Combined Arms Army alongside the Tsar's Wolves militia, and the North Ossetian units "Storm Ossetia" and "Alania" were unable to hold onto Lobkove and withdrew, leaving the village in Ukrainian hands.
On 18 June, a Russian-installed official, Vladimir Rogov, announced that the village of Piatykhatky in western Zaporizhzhia had been secured by Ukrainian forces, which was confirmed with geolocated footage the following day. Ukrainian gains in Robotyne, which had begun early in the month and continued throughout June, culminated on 23 June, when Russian sources stated that Ukrainian forces broke through the Novodanylivka–Robotyne line and the Mala Tokmachka–Novofedorivka line, and that Russian reserve forces have been mustered from the rear in an effort to stop these advances. On 26 June, a spokesman for Ukraine's southern front forces, Valeriy Shershen, claimed that Russian forces fired a "chemical aerosol munition with suffocating effect" on Ukrainian positions in western parts of the Zaporizhzhia region. Ukraine claims that the wind blew the "aerosol munition" back to Russian positions.
For the entire duration of the counteroffensive, the 58th Combined Arms Army has been in charge of the defense of western Zaporizhzhia Oblast. Elements of the army have not been rotated or given leave since the counteroffensive began; this is part of a larger policy by Russian Armed Forces Chief of Staff Army General Valery Gerasimov of "severely limit[ing]" troop rotations across the front.
At some point during the counteroffensive, the officer in charge of the army and the western Zaporizhzhia sector, Major general Ivan Popov, sent a letter to overall commander, Valery Gerasimov, requesting his army be rotated. Gerasimov responded by dismissing Popov of his command on 11 July, stating his request was "alarmist" and an attempt to blackmail the Russian army. Gerasimov then ordered Popov be sent to active combat on the front lines. Russian milbloggers and pro-war nationalists were split in their reactions between those who agreed Popov's statements were mutinous and those who did not. Igor Girkin called Popov's dismissal "a dangerous precedent".
On 27 July, there were widespread reports of Ukrainian troops breaching Russian defenses near Robotyne, and launching a "significant mechanized operation" to push toward the village. The village would be the site of harsh urban combat starting from 11 August, with fighting spilling over into neighboring Nesterianka and Kopani. On the 23 August, the 47th Mechanized Brigade hung the Ukrainian flag over the village's administrative building signalling that the urban center of the town was under Ukrainian control. It wouldn't be until 28 August when the Ukrainian ministry of defense claimed that the armed forces had liberated the whole of Robotyne, and until 31 August when The Wall Street Journal and Meduza also supported this statement. Nevertheless, Russian sources continue to dispute this claim, stating that fighting is still ongoing in the southern outskirts and central part of the settlement.
The importance of Robotyne, and why it is so heavily contested, is that it marks the southern edge of the dense Russian minefield along the front, which has effectively bogged down Ukrainian forces and prevented the efficient use of Ukrainian armor. With the liberation of Robotyne, Ukrainian troops can now threaten the second line of Russian defenses. The second line of Russian defenses consists of prefrabricated concrete bunkers connected with a series of trenches and tunnels. Between the layers of fortifications consists of minefields and dragon's teeth, although much thinner than those north of Robotyne, and with marked pathways for Russian, and by extension, Ukrainian, units to use.
On 29 August, geolocated footage confirmed that Ukrainian forces advanced 5km southeast of Robotyne and were de-mining the Robotyne area. Also on the 29th, Russian sources stated their situation in Verbove was "very dangerous." On 30 August, Ukrainian troops entered the northwestern outskirts of Verbove. On 31 August, Ukrainian deputy defense minister Maliar announced that Ukrainian forces have gained a foothold in Novoprokopivka, directly south of Robotyne.
Berdiansk direction
During 4 June, Ukraine made limited tactical gains in western Donetsk Oblast and eastern Zaporizhzhia Oblast, including northeast of Rivnopil. The next day, Russian milbloggers reported accelerated Ukrainian offensive actions in eastern Ukraine, concentrated against the Novodonetske area, between Vuhledar (the site of an ongoing battle) and Velyka Novosilka in southern Donetsk Oblast. Ukrainian forces made gains southwest of Velyka Novosilka and northwest of Storozheve. Although Ukrainian officials remained largely silent on the matter, there was speculation that these offensive actions were the beginning of the long-awaited counteroffensive. A Russian-appointed official in Zaporizhzhia Oblast said the Ukrainians aimed to break through Russian lines and reach the Sea of Azov. Between 6 and 7 June, Ukrainian forces conducted further counterattacks in eastern Zaporizhzhia and western Donetsk.
On 8 June Ukrainian forces conducted counterattacks on the border between Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia Oblasts, with fighting reported in the direction of Velyka Novosilka. By 9 June, Ukrainian forces had made marginal gains on the border between Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia Oblasts in Blahodatne, and Russian forces had retreated from positions west of Storozheve. On 11 June, the settlements of Neskuchne and Makarivka were liberated by Ukrainian forces. As Russian forces withdrew from Makarivka, Major General Sergei Goryachev, chief of staff for the 35th Combined Arms Army, was killed in an "enemy missile attack", according to a Russian milblogger. The Ukrainian military claimed Russian forces destroyed a dam on the Mokri Yaly river to slow down their advance. Also on 11 June the 68th Jaeger Brigade, alongside several territorial defence battalions had liberated the village of Blahodatne marking the third settlement to be liberated by Ukrainian forces during the counteroffensive. The ISW assessed that on 10–11 June, Ukrainian forces had also liberated Storozheve and Novodarivka in eastern Zaporizhzhia and western Donetsk but reiterated that claims of a Ukrainian "breakthrough" were premature. On 12 June, it was reported Ukrainians had also liberated Levadne, near to Novodarivka.
In their 12 June report, the ISW assessed that fighting had shifted away from Orikhiv and reiterated claims of an advance along the Velyka Novosilka front. They also reported that Russian forces in the village of Rivnopil in southern parts of Donetsk Oblast are facing encirclement, but their exact situation is unclear. On 24 June, Maliar reported that Ukrainian forces had liberated Rivnopil, which was confirmed independently on the 26th.
On 4 July, a Russian source claimed that Ukrainian forces reached the outskirts of Pryiutne, a village 15 kilometres southwest of Velyka Novosilka. Pryiutne is a Russian logistical hub, being used to send supplies to all Russian forces on the Velyka Novosilka front. Should it fall, Russian forces would be forced to retreat to Staromlynivka and abandon several villages. Russian sources claimed Ukrainian forces reached the outskirts of the settlement on 9 July and that there was heavy fighting in that direction. On 14 July, Russian sources claimed that Ukrainian forces achieved a breakthrough towards Pryiutne, and also advanced 1.7 km towards Melitopol. On 22 July, Russian state media claimed that Rostislav Zhuravlev, a war correspondent for RIA Novosti, was killed by a cluster munition strike against Russian forces in Pryiutne. Additionally, another RIA Novosti reporter was injured, alongside two Izvestia reporters, but none of their injuries were life-threatening.
Starting on 16 July, there was heavy fighting in and around the village of Staromaiorske. Ukrainian soldiers, speaking to Reuters, said their plans for the battle went awry, and they had faced a much tougher and bloodier battle than they had expected. One marine stated that the Russians "methodically destroyed the roads", and created "pits that prevented driving in and out of the village, even in dry weather. Even walking was quite hard. You can't use flashlights at night, but you still have to advance." Despite these challenges, on 26 July, both Ukrainian and Russian sources confirmed that the village was liberated by the Ukrainian armed forces. It was considered to be a critical component of Ukraine's strategy in the South, and Zelenskyy himself had announced its liberation. By the end of the fighting, the village was largely "ruined".
Fighting continued south of Staromaiorske, towards the village of Urozhaine which was being defended by the Vostok Brigade, commanded by Alexander Khodakovsky. The New York Times has called Urozhaine a "Russian stronghold", an important part of Russian defenses in the area. Fighting for the village began on 6 August, when Khodakovsky claimed Ukrainian forces had "temporarily" crossed the stream separating Staromaiorske from Urozhaine. The village would be the scene of heavy fighting as the Vostok Brigade was largely left to its own devices to defend the village. On 15 August, Khodakovsky stated that Russian forces had lost the settlement and on 16 August, Ukraine announced that they had liberated the village with members and officers of the 35th Marine Brigade posing for pictures in front of the village's WWII memorial, which was heavily damaged in the fighting. Russian forces retreating from the village took high casualties due to there only being one road out, the T0518, which Ukraine heavily shelled with both conventional and cluster munitions. Several Ukrainian drones captured footage of entire units being wiped out in artillery strikes along the road.
Khodakovsky claimed that following the fall of Urozhaine, Ukrainian forces are attacking east, towards the village of Kermenchyk instead of south towards the village of Staromlynivka, which Reuters has described as a "stronghold." Russian sources claimed that Ukraine had begun to attack Zavitne Bazhannia, a village between Urozhaine and Staromlynivka, on 17 August, but that these attacks were unsuccessful. On 23 August, Khodakovsky claimed that there was a Ukrainian probing attack on the village of Novodonetske and renewed fighting in Pryiutne. On 30 August, Russian sources claimed Ukrainian forces advanced towards Volodyne [uk], 6km southeast of Pryiutne 7km southwest from Urozhaine.
Eastern front--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 09:16 (UTC)[回复]
确定英维是把韦利卡诺沃西尔卡,斯托罗杰韦,新波克罗夫卡写到南,不是写东--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 09:17 (UTC)[回复]
这些是哪儿来的啊,连结呢。--Iflwlou ☯I♨I☀ 2023年9月1日 (五) 09:18 (UTC)[回复]
就英维写的--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 09:20 (UTC)[回复]
没有要编辑,请不要吵--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 09:24 (UTC)[回复]

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023 Ukrainian counteroffensive

现在是这样说,当时不是,我只写到6月,当然没有知道乌克兰会去哪个方位打,英维不知,英维引用的合理来源也不知,另外你也是以英维为标准啊--Iflwlou ☯I♨I☀ 2023年9月1日 (五) 09:24 (UTC)[回复]
我一直编辑到6月,为什么不能说?--Iflwlou ☯I♨I☀ 2023年9月1日 (五) 09:26 (UTC)[回复]
因为我要处理事情,但我怕有人会乱改,但确实这里暂时不需要编辑了,明天才会编辑--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 09:29 (UTC)[回复]
还有我们聊得更多,希望不要再留言,否则我无法处理事情--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 09:31 (UTC)[回复]
那你的原创研究怎办?--Iflwlou ☯I♨I☀ 2023年9月1日 (五) 09:32 (UTC)[回复]
我那个是照英维写,很难是原创研究,而且是有连结,战争研究所9月1日状况,是要明天才有结果--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 09:35 (UTC)[回复]
另外我也是停下编辑手上的条目根你说清楚,麻烦你不要胡乱说我们编辑者在乱写,我至少都有跟英维写,而因为情势改变了,不是我无中生有,而你那一堆战线却不知从何而来。--Iflwlou ☯I♨I☀ 2023年9月1日 (五) 09:38 (UTC)[回复]


时间点要放前面,会比较好--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年7月14日 (五) 06:01 (UTC)[回复]

其实可以把年去掉了。--超级核潜艇留言2023年9月2日 (六) 08:41 (UTC)[回复]
好吧,谢谢你的建议--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月2日 (六) 08:56 (UTC)[回复]


巴赫穆特是大陆用法,台湾用法是巴赫姆特,要全面改成巴赫姆特,这是为了统一叫法--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年7月26日 (三) 06:09 (UTC)[回复]

没必要费劲巴力改。只要添加转换组就行了(我已经加上去了)。这样大陆读者看到的就是“穆”、台湾读者看到的就是“姆”了。--超级核潜艇留言2023年9月1日 (五) 02:07 (UTC)[回复]
谢谢--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月1日 (五) 07:38 (UTC)[回复]


请Hoben7599不要在乌克兰反攻右上角图给它乱移,否则会是为破坏,而且英维没有这样编辑,并且它的图本来就在这,还有你增加2023年9月,乌克兰军队在札波罗热地区(札波罗热州 - 顿涅茨克州西部线 )进行轰炸还放在右上角来取代原来图,事实上跟乌克兰反攻整体主题无关,所以我把它改回来,因为这是乌克兰反攻包括任何战线,不是只写某战线,任何况右上角是要跟乌克兰反攻整体有关,又不是只跟某战线有关,更且也不要删死人,因为他是对某战线很重要的指挥官,更不要说被摧毁卡霍夫卡大坝下游赫尔松州的洪水的图给乱移到东线(巴赫姆特线)

--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月27日 (三) 16:13 (UTC)[回复]

  • 没有删死人,请复检一次后再来进行指控。
  • 请麻烦先看WP:破坏,然后你再好好思考一下什么叫做破坏行为。
  • 本人只不过是将该地图放至下面,反而阁下使用的CSS模板会令到页面不美观。
  • 麻烦不要删除{{ubl}}模板,那个是用来建立列表的。
  • 我不知道你是从哪里得到该图片“事实上跟乌克兰反攻整体主题无关”的结论。
  • 麻烦请用全形标点,指挥官列表:国旗和名称之间麻烦留一个空格。
我不想跟你废话,也不要跟我说“而且英维没有这样编辑”,也不想提阁下不知道从何而来的原创译名。--Hoben7599 | 支持立场新闻 2023年9月27日 (三) 16:56 (UTC)[回复]
见到阁下不管什么不满的全部都第一时间指控“破坏”、“乱写一通”,实在让我心都凉了半截。最后提醒你:这里是中文维基百科他们有做不代表一定对。--Hoben7599 | 支持立场新闻 2023年9月27日 (三) 17:00 (UTC)[回复]
但2023年9月,乌克兰军队在札波罗热地区(札波罗热州 - 顿涅茨克州西部线 )进行轰炸,并没有没有东线(巴赫姆特线)有关,也没关赫尔松左岸有关--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月27日 (三) 17:01 (UTC)[回复]
我先不说你所添加的战线是哪里出处的 ( 之前已经有人跟你说过有原创研究的嫌疑 ) ,请问照片是不是一定要涵盖所有战线?--Hoben7599 | 支持立场新闻 2023年9月27日 (三) 17:08 (UTC)[回复]
既然格式手册没有特别说明,本人也只是将该图片放在infobox下方,有何不可?--Hoben7599 | 支持立场新闻 2023年9月27日 (三) 17:10 (UTC)[回复]
算了,你说的麻烦请用全形标点,指挥官列表:国旗和名称之间麻烦留一个空格。--Hoben7599 | 支持立场新闻 2023年9月27日 (三) 23:35 (UTC)[回复]
我就保留,就不改回来,但右上角的图我改回来了--HYHJKJYUJYTTY留言2023年9月27日 (三) 17:22 (UTC)[回复]

条目冗长,且过于依赖 understandingwar.org单一来源

条目篇幅超过英文维基,引用understandingwar.org即达数百次。建议核查、精简。 --Zhenqinli留言2023年10月10日 (二) 14:47 (UTC)[回复]


2.10月17日读到俄军反击的部分,发现原本的内容基本删没了;这样修改,本条目有沦为“大本营战报”的风险,其客观性、真实性会受影响。不知道的还以为俄军空有5-7:1的炮兵优势,一直抱头鼠窜、被动挨打。--超级核潜艇留言2023年10月17日 (二) 08:47 (UTC)[回复]

基本同意意见(他似乎没有看过WP:NOT),反正我就是没有这个力气帮他修改,不然的话他又要说我乱改。--Hoben7599 | 支持立场新闻 2023年10月20日 (五) 11:17 (UTC)[回复]



  1. 为什么乌军进攻反而损失更少?
  2. 看信息框日期已经打了5个月,为什么战线形势图感觉没什么进展?
  3. 看正文,一直在强调乌军每天的战果,但这反倒与上一条更显得割裂。
  4. 看分析,感觉西方媒体并不满意结果,同样与正文的进展相割裂。


  1. 信息框所引乌军伤亡为8月4日的信息,俄军伤亡为9月2日的信息,这多少有点不合适吧。(虽然俄国防部信息是9月的,但读者总会认为上下两段时间是一致的,甚至有俄国防部比俄媒体夸大2万余人的错觉)
  2. 全文一直站在乌方的语境下,因此乌方不管多细枝末节的信息都会收录。相反,俄军方面的信息少得可怜,如7月24日,既然说了俄军“寸土必争”,那他们取得了什么进展?再如10月18日引用了一个上尉的消息说乌军跨过铁路线,但对10月10日那3个俄军摩托化旅的进展却没什么跟踪了。相似问题还有很多,不一一列举了。
  3. 很多信息自我矛盾。如7月22日,俄军既然夺回了阵地,那为什么还说反击没有成功?9月14日乌国防部副部长“过早宣布”代表实际于14日以后占领,后一句“实际上已于15日”又代表副部长于15日以后落后发布,让人疑惑。
  4. 对俄军信息的报道相当片面,全文提到俄军都是被驱逐、被击杀、军官内斗、补给不足,那他们如何拖住装备精良的乌军的?
  5. 9月以后的战斗信息数量与6、7月信息数量差距过大。




本人对俄乌局势了解有限,没有能力对条目进行大规模改良,还望有余力的编者能够协助改善作品状态,在此由衷感谢!--XuasdYX留言2023年11月8日 (三) 03:56 (UTC)[回复]

是的,双方在战时肯定是有利于自己的宣传;而西方媒体的报道通常由于立场,可能也有亲乌的倾向(毕竟乌克兰得到大多数西方阵营支持);应该想方设法找找中国啊、中东啊、印度这些的报道,综合筛选。--超级核潜艇留言2023年11月10日 (五) 08:47 (UTC)[回复]
俄军“寸土必争”倒是真在12月把乌军要塞马林卡拔掉了。--超级核潜艇留言2024年1月19日 (五) 11:52 (UTC)[回复]