


蛰伏 (拉丁文:Torpor)是动物体内生理活动降低的一种状态,通常是由于体温代谢率降低而引起的。蛰伏使动物能够在食物供应匮乏的时期生存下去。[1]术语“蛰伏”可以指休眠者在低体温和代谢率下度过的时间,持续数至数,或者少于24小时时间





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  6. ^ Bartels, W.; Law, B. S.; Geiser, F. Daily torpor and energetics in a tropical mammal, the northern blossom-bat Macroglossus minimus (Megachiroptera). Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology. 7 April 1998, 168 (3): 233–239. PMID 9591364. S2CID 16870476. doi:10.1007/s003600050141. 
  7. ^ Geiser, Fritz. Metabolic Rate and Body Temperature Reduction During Hibernation and Daily Torpor. Annual Review of Physiology. March 2004, 66 (1): 239–274. PMID 14977403. S2CID 22397415. doi:10.1146/annurev.physiol.66.032102.115105. 
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