沃兹杀亲案 Watts family murders | |
位置 | 美国科罗拉多州弗雷德里克 |
日期 | 2018年8月13日 |
主谋 | 克里斯·沃兹(Chris Watts) |
判决 | 五项一级谋杀罪及其他轻罪 |
沃兹杀亲案(英语:Watts family murders)是于2018年8月13日发生在美国科罗拉多州弗雷德里克的一起伦常命案,罪犯克里斯托弗·李·沃兹勒死孕妻珊南·凯瑟琳·沃茨后,用毯子闷死了四岁女儿贝拉和三岁女儿克勒斯蒂。2018年11月6日,法庭裁定沃兹犯多项一级谋杀罪,但考虑到沃兹有认罪,将处罚从死刑改成监禁。沃兹被判五项终身监禁刑期,不得假释,其中三项刑期连续服刑,两项同时服刑。
克里斯托弗·李·沃兹(Christopher Lee Watts)和珊南·凯瑟琳·沃茨(Shan'ann Cathryn Watts)分别是北卡罗来纳州春湖和阿伯丁生人。根据网络记录,两人于2010年结识,2012年11月3日在北卡罗来纳州梅克伦堡县结婚[1]。大女儿叫贝拉·玛丽·沃兹(Bella Marie Watts,2013年12月17日出生),小女儿叫克勒斯蒂·凯瑟琳·“茜茜”·沃兹(Celeste Cathryn "Cece" Watts,2015年7月17日)。一家人住在2013年购买的一间五居室房子里[2]。2015年,夫妇俩宣告破产[3]。克里斯任职于阿纳达科石油公司,珊南则是多层次传销公司Le-Vel的独立代表[4],负责销售一款名叫Thrive的产品[3]。珊南遇害时已经怀孕15周,夫妇俩给胎中的儿子取名为尼克·李·沃兹(Niko Lee Watts)[5]。
2018年8月13日,凌晨1点48分,珊南从亚利桑那州出差回来,由同事妮可·乌托夫特·阿特金森(Nickole Utoft Atkinson)载回家,当时克里斯和两个女儿在家[6]。当天晚些时候,阿特金森发短信提醒珊南按照约定去做产检,但没有人回应,阿特金森随向警方报告珊南和两个女孩失踪。珊南错过当天公司的会议后,阿特金森于中午12点10分来到沃兹家[7][8]。阿特金森按了门铃、敲了门,但没人回应。阿特金森认为克里斯在上班,于是打电话叫来了弗雷德里克消防局。下午1点40分,一名工作人员前来做健康检查.[9]。克里斯已经在家,还和工作人员讲了一些寻找失踪家人的办法[10]。检查期间,克里斯同意警察搜查住所,没有找到珊农和女孩们的踪迹,但找到了珊南的钱包,里面装着手机和钥匙。而珊南的车子就停在车库,还装着女孩们的婴儿车。珊南的婚戒在主人床上[11]。
克里斯·沃兹 Chris Watts | |
出生 | 克里斯托弗·李·沃兹 Christopher Lee Watts 1985年5月16日 美国北卡罗来纳州春湖 |
失踪情况 | 关押于道奇惩教所 |
国籍 | 美国 |
雇主 | 阿纳达科石油公司 |
刑事指控 | 五项一级谋杀罪、非法终结妊娠、三项糟蹋逝者遗体 |
刑事处罚 | 五项无期徒刑外加84岁,不得保释 |
配偶 | 珊南·凯瑟琳·沃茨 (2012年结婚—2018年丧偶) |
儿女 | 贝拉(已逝世)、克勒斯蒂(已逝世)、尼克(15周,周产期死亡) |
被捕日期 | 2018年8月15日 |
2018年12月,ABC新闻电视新闻杂志《20/20》采访了珊南的父母弗兰克(Frank)和桑卓拉(Sandra),是两人案发后首次接受媒体访问[29][30]。头条新闻电视台于同月播出特别报道节目《沃兹杀亲案揭秘》(Family Massacre: Chris Watts Exposed),首次披露了警方随身摄像头及沃兹接受警方审问的画面。科罗拉多州调查局也公布了一段审讯录像,其中沃兹的情妇妮可·凯辛格(Nichol Kessinger)表示沃兹杀人前几天行为异常[31][32]。
2018年12月,美国谈话节目《菲尔博士》采访了前检察官兼电视记者南茜·格雷斯、前联邦调查局罪犯侧写员坎迪丝·德隆、执法部门顾问史蒂夫·卡迪安和肢体语言专家苏珊·康斯坦丁(Susan Constantine)四位犯罪学专家。专家分析了沃兹的动机、私生活和性格特征[33]。2019年1月,谈话节目《The Dr. Oz Show》采访了协助案件调查的沃兹邻居[34]。
2020年1月26日,Lifetime电视台《新闻现场重现》("Ripped from the Headlines")栏目播出影片《克里斯·沃兹:杀人的认罪》(Chris Watts: Confessions of a Killer),肖恩·克莱尔扮演克里斯,阿什莉·威廉姆斯扮演珊南[35]。然而该影片被珊南的家人公开发对,表示电视台从未咨询过他们,直到制作阶段才知道影片的存在。他们表示从未拿影片赚钱,担心这只会加剧目前所遭遇的网络骚扰[12]。
- ^ Chris Watts: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know. Heavy. 2018-08-16 [2019-06-01]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-16) (英语).
- ^ Sady Swanson. Christopher Watts and Shannnon Watts: Their friends saw a 'perfect' family. What happened?. Fort Collins Coloradoan (USA Today Network). 2018-08-23 [2019-02-02].
- ^ 3.0 3.1 Colorado family struggled with finances before man allegedly killed pregnant wife, kids. CBS News. 2018-08-17 [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-30) (英语).
- ^ Kathleen Foody; Jonathan Drew. Colorado man arrested as hunt for family leads to body of pregnant wife, possible remains of young daughters. National Post (Frederick, Colorado: Postmedia Network Inc.). 2018-08-17 [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-22).
- ^ 5.0 5.1 American Murder: The Family Next Door | Netflix Official Site. www.netflix.com. [2020-09-25]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-07) (英语).
- ^ Helling, Steve. Mom & Kids Vanish, Husband Pleads for Help – Then 3 Bodies Turn Up: How Watts Murder Case Unfolded. People. 2018-09-18 [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-17) (英语).
- ^ Annelene Oberholzer. Man arrested for killing his pregnant wife and daughters, days after pleading for their return. Cape Town: News24. 2018-08-17 [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-17).
- ^ Amelia McDonell-Parry. Colorado Man Claims He Killed Pregnant Wife After She Strangled Their Daughters. Rolling Stone. 2018-08-21 [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-17).
- ^ Chris Watts case: Everything to know so far about the alleged murders of his wife, daughters. Atlanta: WGCL-TV. 2018-08-17 [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-17).
- ^ Video: Police interview Chris Watts after he murdered his family. Daily Mail (YouTube). 2018-12-03 [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-16).
- ^ Sady Swanson. Timeline: Key dates in investigation of deaths of Shannon Watts, two daughters in Colorado. Fort Collins Coloradoan (USA Today Network). 2018-08-21 [2019-02-02].
- ^ 12.0 12.1 WTVD. Shanann Watts' family denounces upcoming Lifetime movie about daughter's murder. ABC11 Raleigh-Durham. 2020-01-16 [2020-08-04]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-16) (英语).
- ^ Rob Low. The scent of death: Police dogs and the Chris Watts investigation. Denver, Colorado: KDVR. 2018-08-17 [2020-10-10]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-17).
- ^ Blair Miller. Chris Watts murder case: Everything we know so far about the deaths of his wife, daughters. Frederick, Colorado: KMGH-TV. 2018-08-21 [2020-10-10]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-22).
- ^ Chris Watts: Wife killed our girls, so I strangled her. Houston: KTRK-TV. 2018-08-20 [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-10-21).
- ^ Swanson, Sady Swanson; Coltrain, Nick. Christopher Watts will serve 3 life sentences for murdering wife Shannon, 2 daughters. Fort Collins Coloradoan. [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-15) (英语).
- ^ Madison Park. Chris Watts case: What we learned from unsealed affidavit. CNN. Cable News Network. 2018-08-20 [2020-10-10]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-11).
- ^ 存档副本. [2020-10-10]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-10).
- ^ When people kill close relatives: Explaining 'family annihilators'. ABC News. 2018-08-21 [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-25) (英语).
- ^ Emily Shapiro. When people kill close relatives: Explaining 'family annihilators'. ABC News. 2018-08-21 [2020-10-10]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-25).
- ^ ‘Chris Watts Is What We Call A Family Annihilator,’ Says Former FBI Criminal Profiles. Dr. Phil. [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-09).
- ^ Harfenist, Ethan. Chris Watts Says He Contemplated Suicide After Murdering His Wife And Two Daughters. Oxygen. 2019-03-08 [2019-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-09).
- ^ Dr. Phil exclusive: Chris Watts' confession and his daughter's final words. WRAL.com. 2019-03-05 [2019-03-05]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-05).
- ^ Burke, Minyvonne. Christopher Watts sentenced to life in prison without parole for killing his pregnant wife and young daughters. NBC News. 2018-11-19 [2018-11-19]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-07).
- ^ McLaughlin, Eliott C.; Murray, Kelly. Chris Watts sentenced to life for 'inhumane' killings of two daughters and pregnant wife. CNN. [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-26).
- ^ Hatziefstathiou, Nik. Killer Chris Watts Moved To Unknown Prison Due To 'Safety Concerns'. RadarOnline. 2018-12-14 [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-20).
- ^ Hatziefstathiou, Nik. Final Rotting Place: Chris Watts Arrives At Wisconsin Prison To Serve Life Sentence. RadarOnline. 2018-12-05 [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-25) (美国英语).
- ^ Anderson, Hannah. NBC15 Investigates: Inmate transfer process, Chris Watts confirmed in WI. Madison, Wisconsin: WMTV. 2018-12-14 [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-06) (英语).
- ^ Carlson, Adam. Chris Watts' In-Laws Didn't Want Him to Go on TV When Family Vanished – but They 'Thank God He Did'. People. Meredith Corporation. 2018-12-07 [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-14) (英语).
- ^ Collman, Ashley. 'He didn't give a flying flip': Shannon Watts' mother speaks about how emotionless her daughter's husband was when she was first reported missing. Insider. Insider Inc. 2018-12-07 [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-21).
- ^ Peltz, Kyle. Chris Watts appears nervous in hours after murder, new video shows. Shreveport, Louisiana: KTBS-TV. 2018-12-13 [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-14) (英语).
- ^ New evidence released in Chris Watts case. WKTV News. 2018-12-14 [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-29) (英语).
- ^ Dr. Phil | TV Guide. TV Guide. CBS Interactive. [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-22) (英语). 参数
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) (帮助) - ^ Dr. Oz to feature episode on Chris Watts case Tuesday afternoon on KOAA 5. Pueblo, Colorado: KOAA-TV. 2019-01-15 [2019-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-21).
- ^ Pederson, Erik. More ‘Ripped From The Headlines’ Pics Set At Lifetime With Nia Vardalos, Lyndsy Fonseca, Kirstie Alley, Jamie-Lynn Sigler, Jenn Lyon. Deadline. [2019-12-15]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-15) (美国英语).
- ^ American Murder The Family Next Door Trailer Released By Netflix: Describes The Story Of The 2018's Watts Family Murders. Moviespie. 2020-09-18 [2020-09-25]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-15).
- Chris Watts & Shanann Watts murder case (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) - KUSA 9NEWS Denver at YouTube
- DA describes how Chris Watts "coldly and deliberately ended four lives". KUSA 9NEWS Denver/YouTube. 2018-11-19 [2020-10-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-11). - Testimony from the district attorney of Weld County
- Judge officially sentences Chris Watts to life in prison. KUSA 9NEWS Denver. 2018-11-19 [2020-10-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-11).
- Investigators Discuss Chris Watts' Case | Criminal Confessions Highlights. Oxygen. 2019-12-11 [2020-10-10]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-07).
- How Chris Watts' Investigators Got a Confession Out of Him | Criminal Confessions Bonus Videos. Oxygen. 2019-12-09 [2020-10-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-08).
- What happened the morning pregnant mom, two daughters went missing (NIGHTLINE). ABC News. 2018-12-11 [2020-10-10]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-08).
- The People of the State of Colorado v. Christopher Lee Watts (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Documents from August 16, 2018, to November 27, 2018. Colorado Judicial Branch.
- Press Release: Christopher Lee Watts. Frederick Police Department. August 20, 2018. Archived September 25, 2018.