


科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 蜥形纲 Sauropsida
总目: 恐龙总目 Dinosauria
目: 鸟臀目 Ornithischia
演化支 颌齿类 Genasauria
演化支 新鸟臀类 Neornithischia
属: 叶牙龙属 Phyllodon
Thulborn, 1973
汉氏叶牙龙 Phyllodon henkeli
Thulborn, 1973




叶牙龙的模式标本(编号MGSP G5)是一个部分齿骨牙齿,发现于莱里亚市附近的褐煤矿层。Richard Thulborn叙述了叶牙龙,并加了一个前上颌骨牙齿(编号MGSP G2)。Thulborn认为叶牙龙属于棱齿龙科,并且主要根据牙齿来推测、重建[1]。数年后,彼得·加尔东(Peter Galton)重新研究侏罗纪晚期的北美洲棱齿龙科恐龙,发现叶牙龙的牙齿与侏儒龙的牙齿最相符,并根据叶牙龙的下颌牙齿前后侧并不对称,来确定叶牙龙属于棱齿龙科[2]

因为化石数量稀少,叶牙龙过去常被认为是基础鸟脚下目恐龙的一个疑名,而且是分类不明属[3][4]。然而,在原本地点新发现的化石可能属于叶牙龙,包含超过120颗牙齿,以及四个部分下颌。奥利佛·劳赫(Oliver Rauhut)叙述了这些新化石,因为当地并没有发现其他恐龙,所以暂时将它们归类于叶牙龙。这些牙齿非常小,宽约3毫米,可能来自于幼年体。他同时发现叶牙龙的独有衍征,包含非常高的下颌牙齿,显示它们为有效属。劳赫拿这些牙齿与其他棱齿龙类比较,发现它们与约同时代的北美洲莫里逊组德林克龙最为相符,许多特征显示它们有接近亲缘关系[5]。在2006年,加尔东也发现这些牙齿类似德林克龙与侏儒龙的牙齿[6]




  1. ^ Thulborn, Richard A. Teeth of ornithischian dinosaurs from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal, with description of a hypsilophodontid (Phyllodon henkeli gen. et sp. nov.) from the Guimarota lignite.. Memória Serivoços Geológicos de Portugal (Nova Série). 1973, 22: 89–134. 
  2. ^ Galton, Peter M. The cranial anatomy of Dryosaurus, a hypsilophodontid dinosaur from the Upper Jurassic of North America and East Africa, with a review of hypsilophodontids from the Upper Jurassic of North America. Geologica et Palaeontologica. 1983, 17: 207–243. 
  3. ^ Sues, Hans-Dieter; and Norman, David B. Hypsilophodontidae, Tenontosaurus, Dryosauridae. Weishampel, David B.; Dodson, Peter; and Osmólska, Halszka (eds.) (编). The Dinosauria 1st. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1990: 498–509. ISBN 0-520-06727-4. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Norman, David B.; Sues, Hans-Dieter; Witmer, Larry M.; and Coria, Rodolfo A. Basal Ornithopoda. Weishampel, David B.; Dodson, Peter; and Osmólska, Halszka (eds.) (编). The Dinosauria 2nd. Berkeley: University of California Press. 2004: 393-412. ISBN 0-520-24209-2. 
  5. ^ Rauhut, Oliver W.M. Herbivorous dinosaurs from the Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) of Guimarota, Portugal. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association. 2001, 112: 275–283. 
  6. ^ Galton, Peter M. Teeth of ornithischian dinosaurs (mostly Ornithopoda) from the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic) of the western United States. Carpenter, Kenneth (ed.) (编). Horns and Beaks: Ceratopsian and Ornithopod Dinosaurs. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. 2006: 17–47. ISBN 0-253-34817-X. 
  7. ^ Mateus, Octávio. Late Jurassic dinosaurs from the Morrison Formation (USA), the Lourinhã and Alcobaça Formations (Portugal), and the Tendaguru Beds (Tanzania): a comparison. Foster, John R.; and Lucas, Spencer G. (eds.) (编). Paleontology and Geology of the Upper Morrison Formation. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin (36). Albuquerque, New Mexico: New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. 2006: 223–231. 


  • 恐龙.NET——中国古生物门户网站。
  • Phyllodon on Thescelosaurus!, under Ornithopoda i.s.