
User:Vanished user 1231123/沙盒/TS20

ReactOS 0.4.4版桌面
编程语言C, C++[1][2]
当前版本0.4.6 / 2017年9月1日,​7年前​(2017-09-01[3]
更新方式CD-ROMISOQEMU镜像,VirtualBox镜像, VMware镜像,或者源代码更新[4]
内核类别混合核心(为与Windows NT及以上版本兼容而设计)
默认用户界面图形用户界面 (ReactOS Explorer)
许可证GNU GPLv2+以及部分LGPLBSD许可证
ReactOS 0.3运行Firefox网页浏览器
ReactOS 0.3.1桌面:左侧为开始菜单右侧为ReactOS的文件管理器

ReactOS是一个为x86/x64架构的个人电脑开发与Windows Server 2003二进制兼容英语binary code compatibility程序驱动程序自由及开放源代码操作系统[5]

Windows 95复刻版英语clone (computing)计划于1996年开始,于1998年化为ReactOS继续发展并拥有新版本Windows的新功能。ReactOS一直认为是潜在的Windows和其他未被记录的Windows API[6]开源版替代品英语clone (computing)[7][8][9]。正如先前ReactOS官方网页上所写:

截至2017年9月 (2017-09),ReactOS仍处于Alpha版本。虽然一些特性还未完成,但许多Windows应用已可运行(Adobe Reader 6.0、OpenOffice[11][12] ,所以开发者只建议将ReactOS用于评估和测试用途。[13][14]

ReactOS主要由C写成,如文件管理器在内的其他元素用C++写成。此项目一部分补充了Windows API的功能且被移植到了AMD64指令集架构上。[15]作为自由和开源软件生态系统的一部分,ReactOS重新使用并与其他很多自由和开源软件[16][17],尤其是在类Unix系统上开发出Windows兼容层的Wine



大约在1996年,一组自由及开放源代码软件的开发者开始了一项名为FreeWin95的项目,旨在实现一个Windows 95复刻版英语clone (computing)操作系统。这个项目当时只停留在关于系统实现的讨论上。

虽然人们都翘首以盼FreeWin95的发布,但是到1997年末开发者团队都没有向公众发布任何版本。结果由杰森·费尔比(英文:Jason Filby)所带领的团队加入到了其中挽救这一项目。新项目的目标是复制Windows NT的功能性。[18]在创建这一新项目的过程中,开发者团队选取了ReactOS这一名字。ReactOS团队于1992年2月开始进行新NT内核和基础驱动的开发。[19]ReactOS这一名称是在开发者的一次IRC聊天的时候想出来的。“OS”代表操作系统(Operating System),“React”则是对微软的垄断地位英语Microsoft litigation做出的回应与内心的不满。[8]

Ekush OS分支

在2004年,ReactOS团队发现了有人将ReactOS以Ekush OS的名义分发,进而发现了对GPL协议发布的ReactOS代码(和其他FOSS代码)的盗版行为。[20][21][22]网站随后变得不可用。


为了防止版权诉讼,ReactOS的代码必须完全与Windows的代码不同,且ReactOS不能为Windows的衍生作品,此项工作需要进行得极其细致。[23] 2006年2月17日,前ReactOS开发者哈特穆特·博尔(Hartmut Birr)在邮件列表英语mailing list(ros-dev)上称ReactOS包含了源于反编译Microsoft Windows得到的代码。[24]博尔所争论的代码包含了在syscall.S中的函数BadStack[25]和其他未指明的代码。[26]对比从Windows XP反编译得到的库得出的结果,博尔发现这两份BadStack函数完全相同,而ReactOS团队只是做了简简单单的复制粘贴。这段代码的作者亚历克斯·约内斯库(英文:Alex Ionescu)宣称尚存疑的Windows XP库的确经过了反编译和研究,但这段代码并不完全是复制粘贴的,而是重新实现过的;约内斯库又提出之所以两个函数完全一致,是因为只有一种方法能实现此函数。[27]

2006年2月27日,ReactOS的开发者在进行了一次讨论关于对ReactOS指控的会议后禁止了公众对代码库的访问。当NewsForge英语Geeknet对微软进行采访的时候,微软拒绝对此事件作出评论。由于ReactOS是一个自由及开放源代码软件项目,此举导致了自由软件社群的负面反应;其中,尤其是Wine禁止非活跃开发者对Wine做出贡献的行为[28]。Wine与ReactOS的正式的高级合作也变得举步维艰。截至2006年 (2006-Missing required parameter 1=month!)[29],来自多个ReactOS的活跃开发者的代码提交都进行了定期审核,两个项目之间的低层次的代码修复合作仍在进行。

ReactOS网站上的陈述引用了对于净室反向工程造成了冲突的原因的多个不相同的司法定义。[30]包括美国在内的一些国家要求基于反编译后的代码进行重新实现的代码必须由非反编译者进行改写,[31][32]而其他国家要求反编译者和改写代码者为同一人。所以ReactOS宣称其知识产权政策声明符合美国法规在净室反向工程上的要求。ReactOS团队进行了一次内部代码审计,确保仅使用了净室反向工程所得的代码,而所有开发者被强制要求签署遵守项目中有关反向工程的政策。[29] 但为ReactOS添砖加瓦的贡献者并没有受到这些事件的影响,随后所有的软件开发工具都在短期内恢复。2007年9月,代码审计临近完成,ReactOS首页上的代码审计状态也被移除。虽然代码审计被完成了,但是具体的细节并未向公众开放,这项任务仅仅是为了确保项目遵守了项目本身的规章制度所做出的内部努力。[33]


同时,2004年的Windows源代码泄露英语source code leak事件[34]并未认为是ReactOS的法律风险。因为微软的商业机密被广泛传播,所以商业机密这一说法在法庭上是站不住脚的。[35]




ReactOS项目协调者阿列克谢·布拉金(左)向维克多·阿尔克斯尼英语Viktor Alksnis展示ReactOS
开发人员向俄罗斯总理德米特里·阿纳托利耶维奇·梅德韦杰夫 (左)展示ReactOS

ReactOS操作系统的演示主要向俄罗斯政治人物进行。2007年,维克多·阿尔克斯尼英语Viktor Alksnis接见了项目的协调者阿列克谢·布拉金(英文:Aleksey Bragin),布拉金向阿尔克尼斯展示在ReactOS上运行Total CommanderMozilla Firefox[39]2011年,开发者团队的一员当时任俄罗斯总统德米特里·梅德韦杰夫访问斯塔夫罗波尔伏内鲁思科的一个高中时向梅德韦杰夫展示了ReactOS。[40]

2012年7月31日,时任俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京访问谢利格尔青年论坛英语Seliger (forum)时,ReactOS开发者之一马拉·卡拉多芬(英文:Marat Karatov)向普京展示了ReactOS。[41]


2012年5月1日,一项目标用30000欧元支持ReactOS团队的额外开发项目的融资活动开始举行。[42][43]截止年末,ReactOS团队达到了大约50%的融资目标,他们决定无限期继续此项融资活动。[44]融得的资金随后流向ReactOS德国e.V。由于在德国税法英语tax law中,经民事登记过的协会注册机构英语Eingetragener Verein)无法使资金直接流向开发者[45],诸如ReactOS团队评估了发放薪俸英语stipend等间接方式。

钍核云端桌面项目(Thorium Core Cloud Desktop)



2014年4月,ReactOS项目在Indiegogo宣布了启动基于ReactOS 0.4版的社区版项目。这项灵活的集资活动将目标定为50000美元,此外还有一些额外的延伸目标。[50]ReactOS社区版的开发以社群为中心,ReactOS用户得以选择这一项目应支持哪些软件和硬件驱动。[51][52]2014年6月1日,这一在Indiegogo上进行的灵活募资活动获得了25141美元的捐款,[53][54]投票支持硬件和软件的工作很快开始。[55]





系统版本 发布日期 发布信息
舊版本,不再支援: 0.2.0 2004年1月25日 第一个运行GUI的发布版本
舊版本,不再支援: 0.2.1 2004-03-03 漏洞修复
舊版本,不再支援: 0.2.2 2004-04-27 漏洞修复
舊版本,不再支援: 0.2.3 2004-06-26 全新的LiveCD镜像,增强了内核和win32k的稳定性,对网络、外壳、命令提示符以及硬件驱动进行了优化
舊版本,不再支援: 0.2.4 2004-09-13 与Wine进行了代码同步、修复编译器以及清除文件头
舊版本,不再支援: 0.2.5 2005-01-02 从WINE中导入了记事本,并添加了日期/时间应用
舊版本,不再支援: 0.2.6 2005-04-09 添加对NVIDIA OpenGL硬件加速的支持, 创建生成系统调用数据库文件的NCITool
舊版本,不再支援: 0.2.7 2005-08-21 全新的命令提示符、我的电脑和ReactOS图标,改进了安装程序第一阶段的外观
舊版本,不再支援: 0.2.8 2005-10-29 检测VMWare,重写CSRSS
舊版本,不再支援: 0.2.9 2005-12-22 漏洞修复
舊版本,不再支援: 0.3.0 2006-08-27 第一个支持网络的官方版本
舊版本,不再支援: 0.3.1 2007-03-10 包含了程序管理器,开始重写内核
舊版本,不再支援: 0.3.2 跳过 建立了这个分支但从没有发布
舊版本,不再支援: 0.3.3 2007-09-12 内核和Win32k改进
舊版本,不再支援: 0.3.4 2008-01-22 重写支持了注册表、远程桌面以及即插即用
舊版本,不再支援: 0.3.5 2008-06-30 漏洞修复
舊版本,不再支援: 0.3.6 2008-08-06 支持RTL
舊版本,不再支援: 0.3.7 2008-11-04 改善x86-64;MSVC,新栈
舊版本,不再支援: 0.3.8 2009-02-04 在LiveCD中引入了PSEH和多分区HDD模式支持
舊版本,不再支援: 0.3.9 2009-04-26 24MB的最小RAM,加快了hyperspace(超级空间)映射,开始支持音效
舊版本,不再支援: 0.3.10 2009-07-05 开始支持SATA,USB键盘/鼠标支持,画图的复制,开始支持MSVC.[59][60]
舊版本,不再支援: 0.3.11 2009-12-16 重写kdcom;中文/韩文字体; 兼容性更新;声音系统改良
舊版本,不再支援: 0.3.12 2010-10-20 重写自陷处理程序;重写定时器和消息处理,支持NMI;支持SxS英语Side-by-side assembly;部分支持EMS[61]
舊版本,不再支援: 0.3.13 2011-03-22 重写堆管理器;改善了对SATA的支持,修复了图形界面的问题[62]
舊版本,不再支援: 0.3.14 2012-02-07 預設啟用ACPIWiFi支援(包含未加密的與WEP),主題支援,新的TCP/IP驅動程式,MSVC相容性改進,支援Scatter/GatherDMA操作,shell32重寫[63]
舊版本,不再支援: 0.3.15 2013-05-30 对于鼠标,键盘和存储设备的USB支持、工作階段管理重寫、跟隨著較新UniATA驅動程式的AHCI支援、ReactOS記憶體管理模組已經取代了幾乎所有其他的記憶體管理功能、使用WinDbg對ReactOS組件進行除錯的初步支援、基於從AutoHotkey應用程式測試套件處所得的結果進行了改進、對數個附帶的驅動程式以驅動程式驗證器執行後的結果進行了錯誤修復[64]
舊版本,不再支援: 0.3.16 2014-02-06 重写CSRSS,主题支持改善,RTL8139的网卡驱动程序, 让ReactOS的支持较新版本的QEMU的开箱即用[65]
舊版本,不再支援: 0.3.17 2014-11-05 引入了 NTVDM,改善字体,漏洞修复[66]
舊版本,不再支援: 0.4.0 2016-02-16 对USB更好的支持,完全实现了新的资源管理器,改善了网络以及用户友好的wifi设置,更好的音效支持
舊版本,不再支援: 0.4.1 2016-05-17[67] 改进活化上下文(Activation Context)、外壳、对Btrfs的支持,修复USB的漏洞,增加对虚拟机共用文件夹的支持
舊版本,不再支援: 0.4.2 2016-08-16[68] 增加了对Btrfs延伸檔案系統ReiserFSUFS/FFS的支持,引入了对.NET框架2.0和4.0版的支持,对外壳进行了修补与改进
舊版本,不再支援: 0.4.3 2016-11-16[69] 全新的Winsock库,对初始段的支持以及漏洞修复
舊版本,不再支援: 0.4.4 2017-02-16[70] 最初版打印堆栈支持,微小的字体修复,日常改进与修复
舊版本,不再支援: 0.4.5 2017-05-18[71] 改善了字体渲染和字体度量标准,重要内核和驱动修复,支持Microsoft Office 2010
當前版本: 0.4.6 2017-09-01[72] 修复了多个多重引导的问题,改善对主题的支持,添加了NFS的驱动,对内核与文件系统的几个问题进行了修复



ReactOS主要由C语言写成,内含有由C++写成的其他元素,比如ReactOS Explorer与音效栈。项目同时使用MinGWMicrosoft Visual Studio进行编译,并通过向其功能元素提交补丁的方式为其构建系统做出贡献。[73]

The developers aim to make the kernel and usermode APIs more compatible with Windows NT version 5.2 (Windows Server 2003) and to add support for more applications and hardware with plans to target newer versions of Windows as development matures.[74] DirectX support is undertaken through ReactX, an in-house implementation. 2D hardware-accelerated rendering is done natively, while other drawing functionality is redirected to OpenGL as a stopgap solution.[15]

The development progress is influenced by the size of the development team and the level of experience among them. As an estimate of the effort required to implement Windows 7, Microsoft employed 1,000 or so developers, organized into 25 teams, with each team averaging 40 developers.[75] 截至2011年9月2日 (2011-09-02), in the ReactOS entry in Ohloh英语Ohloh, the page followed through the "Very large, active development team" link lists 33 developers who have contributed over a 12-month period and a cumulative total of 104 present and former users who have contributed code to the project via Subversion since its inception.[76] In his presentation at Hackmeeting 2009 in Milan, ReactOS developer Michele C. noted that most of the developers learn about Windows architecture while working on ReactOS and have no prior knowledge.[77]

While ReactOS targets currently mainly the x86/AMD64 PC platform,[78] an effort to port to the ARM architecture was at one point "under way",[15] while it didn't produce much functionality and was abandoned.[79] Support for the Xbox, a variant IA-32 architecture, was added through the use of an architecture-specific HAL,[77] although this, along with a port to PowerPC, are no longer actively maintained.[13]

Collaboration and reuse

While ReactOS has the aim to build a Windows-compatible kernel as open-source software, much of the surrounding required functionality to create a complete OS is already available in the greater open-source ecosystem. When available and possible, ReactOS therefore builds on and collaborates with already existing open-source projects.[17] Conversely, projects like Wine,[16] former Captive NTFS英语Captive NTFS,[80] and Longene re-use the open-source ReactOS code-base as well.[81]

Hardware driver stack

On the hardware driver side, for instance the UniATA project provides Serial ATA drivers for ReactOS.[14][82] The project has also experimented with using the FullFAT library in its rewrite of its FAT Installable File System英语Installable File System.[83] ReactOS makes use of the USB stack from Haiku both as a reference and as a foundation for its USB support.[84][85] Mesa 3D provides OpenGL rendering.[14][73]


ReactOS's network stack is built on the TCP portion of OSKit's port of the network stack in FreeBSD, along with an internally developed implementation for packet-oriented protocols like IP.[86] Later, lwIP was integrated into the ReactOS's network stack.[38] Windows network services like LSASS, SAM英语Security Account Manager, NETLOGON, and print spooling are already available as open-source alternative by the Samba/Samba TNG project. A fork of rdesktop英语rdesktop is used as an implementation of a client software for Microsoft's proprietary Remote Desktop Protocol.

Wine cooperation

A simplified architecture diagram of ReactOS, with Wine dependencies indicated with the Wine logo. White boxes denote third party binary software. Green boxes are "userland" components, red are kernel components.

The ReactOS and the Wine projects share the goal to run binary Windows software natively and can share therefore many dependencies and development.[16][87] ReactOS uses portions of the Wine project so that it can benefit from Wine's progress in implementing the Win32 API.[87] While Wine's NTDLL, USER32英语USER32, KERNEL32, GDI32, and ADVAPI32 components cannot be used directly by ReactOS due to architectural differences, code snippets of them and other parts can be shared between both projects. The kernel is developed by ReactOS separately as Wine relies here on existing Unix-like kernels.[73][77]

Separately, the experimental Arwinss branch was created as an alternative means to improve USER32 and GDI32 support through an alternative implementation of the Win32 API. Whereas ReactOS's original Win32 subsystem was closely modeled after its equivalent in Windows, Arwinss combines the architecture of that subsystem with the corresponding implementation in Wine. To this end, Arwinss uses Wine's GDI32 and USER32 libraries with few changes to take fuller advantage of Wine's existing software compatibility. Arwinss also allows the user to optionally use a remote X server instead of a local display.[88]


The Tango Desktop Project initiative provides open-source design guidelines and resources (as icons) for applications on desktop environments. FreeType is an open-source software development library, used to render text on to bitmaps and provides support for other font-related operations.[14] The KernelEx project is an Windows-API extension and compatibility layer project, which provides open-source implementations of some Windows-APIs.[89] Other contributing projects are MinGW, SYSLINUX, adns英语adns, ICU英语International Components for Unicode, GraphApp, Ext2, GNU FreeFont, DejaVu fonts, and Liberation fonts.[90][91][92]



  • Ekush OS(2004)[20][21][22]
  • ReactOS服务器版[93][94]
  • OpenROS(2013)[95]
  • FusionOS(2013)[96]
  • ReactOS NG(2015)—着力于与Windows 8的兼容性[97]
  • Greentea OS(2016)—着力于加速和简化开发流程[98]


Various people have acknowledged ReactOS and the implications of having a viable open-source drop-in replacement英语clone (computing) for Windows.[8] A 2004 article and interview of the German weekly magazine Der Spiegel describes ReactOS as directed at Windows users who want to renounce use of proprietary commercial software without having to switch to Linux.[8] DistroWatch, a Linux distribution's monitoring website, lists also ReactOS and describes it as "a free and open-source operating system based on the best design principles found in the Windows NT architecture.".[99]

In his column for Free Software Magazine英语Free Software Magazine, David Sugar noted in 2006 that ReactOS would allow the use of applications depending on older versions of Windows whose APIs have been deprecated. He also recognized its potential to expand the total deployed base of free software, and as a resource for developers wanting to know undocumented英语undocumented feature Windows APIs in the course of writing portable applications.[6] PC Magazine columnist John C. Dvorak英语John C. Dvorak remarked in 2008 that the Windows NT architecture had remained largely unchanged, making it an ideal candidate for cloning, and believed that ReactOS could be "a bigger threat than Linux to Microsoft's dominance".[9] In response to Dvorak's column, ZDNet technology journalist Dana Blankenhorn noted in 2008 that a lack of corporate sponsors and partners had rendered the project harmless to Microsoft.[100][101] Echoing this, Thom Holwerda of OSNews英语OSNews in 2009 categorized ReactOS under a family of hobby operating systems maintained only by small groups of developers working in their spare time, lacking the financial support of more mainstream operating systems and the legacy of formerly mainstream ones such as RISC OS.[102]

In October 2015, a Network World review of ReactOS v0.3.17 noted impressed "It's just like running Windows 2000" and praised the extension by an application package manager, a feature the original Windows is missing.[103]


The ReactOS Project won on the annual Seliger Youth Forum英语Seliger (forum) "The Best Presentation" award with 100,000 Russian rubles (≈US$2700) in 2011, attended by Alexander Rechitskiy, one of the development team members.[104]

ReactOS was a featured project on SourceForge for the week beginning 27 February 2012, and 25 April 2013[105] along with several others. It was Project of the Month on Sourceforge for June 2013.[106]

In 2015, ReactOS was named by the Russian Ministry of Communications as support-worthy "client operating system / Server Operating System" alternative,[107][108] for its potential in reducing Russia's dependency from proprietary software imports.[7][109]

See also

  • Binary code compatibility英语Binary code compatibility
  • coLinux, a project allowing Microsoft Windows and the Linux kernel to run simultaneously in parallel on the same machine
  • FreeDOS, a clone of MS-DOS
  • Longene, a hybrid operating system kernel intended to be binary-compatible with both the Microsoft Windows and Linux ecosystem
  • NDISwrapper英语NDISwrapper, a recreation of Windows NT kernel parts inside the Linux Kernel to allow the use of Windows drivers in Linux
  • Wine, compatibility layer which runs Microsoft Windows applications on Unix-like operating systems


  1. ^ ReactOS on Open Hub. openhub.net. Black Duck Open Hub. [2014-10-24]. 
  2. ^ ReactOS on GitHub. github.com. GitHub. [2014-10-24]. 
  3. ^ ReactOS 0.4.6 released. ReactOS Project. ReactOS Foundation. 2017-09-01 [2017-09-01]. 
  4. ^ Download | ReactOS Project. www.reactos.org. [2017-07-28]. 
  5. ^ ReactOS Targets Windows 2003, Vista on OSNews英语OSNews posted by Thom Holwerda (March 2009)
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Sugar, David. A reaction to ReactOS. Free Software Magazine英语Free Software Magazine. 2006-01-31 [2009-12-11]. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Russland-erklaert-ReactOS-zu-favorisierter-Windows-Alternative on heise online英语heise online by Louis-F. Stahl (23 June 2015, in German)
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Sixtus, Von Mario. ReactOS: Das Nicht-Windows. Spiegel Online. 2004-02-20 [2009-12-11] (German). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Dvorak, John C. What A New OS Needs. PC Magazine. 2008-04-04 [2009-12-11]. 
  10. ^ Frontpage. ReactOS Web-page. ReactOS Foundation. [2013-06-23]. (原始内容存档于2012-09-20). 
  11. ^ Thom Holwerda. ReactOS Gets OpenOffice.org 2 Support; New Release Plans. OSNews英语OSNews. 2007-11-14. 
  12. ^ Tests_for_0.4.4 on reactos.org (February 2017)
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Kupfer, Matthias; Bragin, Aleksey. ReactOS - Das zu Windows binärkompatible Open-Source-Betriebssystem. Chemnitzer Linux-Tage. Chemnitz, Germany. 2010-03-14 [2010-03-15] (German). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Royal, Simon. ReactOS: A Windows Compatible Alternative OS. lowendmac.com. 2014-02-16 [2016-01-10]. While the main core of ReactOS is built from scratch, it has some dependencies on existing software and protocols. It uses parts of Wine, networking in the form of lwIP, USB from Haiku, as well as FreeType, Mesa3D, and UniATA. 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 15.2 Holwerda, Thom. ReactOS: Looking Back Upon 2008. OSNews英语OSNews. 2009-01-17 [2009-12-10]. 
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Vincent, Brian. Interview with Steven Edwards. winehq.com. 2004-05-15 [2016-01-06]. BV: Wine and ReactOS have had a mutually beneficial relationship. Is there anything Wine could do different that would help ReactOS development?[...] BV: You guys have certainly contributed a lot of your work back to Wine, including some of the utilities you've written. For instance, the task manager was recently ported from ReactOS. Do you guys have any plans in the works for developing more tools? Steven: I really want to see a solitaire clone make it in to Wine and ReactOS.[...] At some point we are going to have to develop replacement components for everything in Windows so if there is a program that Wine needs and ReactOS implements it then I will try to make sure it's released under a compatible license. 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 ReactOS gets USB Stack, with Help from Us. Haiku. 2012-02-20 [2016-01-02]. The ReactOS and Haiku projects have had a friendly working relationship for several years now, with each group helping the other whenever possible. 
  18. ^ Interview with Jason Filby from the ReactOS Project on OSNews英语OSNews by Eugenia Loli on 16 October 2001
  19. ^ Loschwitz, Martin, Projects on the Move (pdf), Linux Magazine英语Linux Magazine, March 2004: 87 [2009-11-18] 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 Ekush Emulator And its License Pains on OSNews英语OSNews by Eugenia Loli (10 November 2004)
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 Ekush OS – stolen source code/copyright violation (archived 2004)
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 EKUSH The Next Generation Operating System on akshor.com (archived 2004)
  23. ^ Hancock, Terry. What if copyright didn't apply to binary executables?. Free Software Magazine英语Free Software Magazine. 2008-08-29 [2016-01-25]. ReactOS aims to run actual Windows binary executable programs. This means that ReactOS must implement the entire Windows environment. Functions must do exactly what their Windows counterparts would do. In other words, like our notional parallel stew recipes, ReactOS and Windows should be functionally identical. In order to avoid copyright prosecution, though, ReactOS must be expressly completely distinct and non-derivative from Windows. This is a careful tightrope walk! ReactOS is a free, clean room re-implemented drop-in replacement for WindowsReactOS is a free, clean room re-implemented drop-in replacement for Windows So, consider this, especially regarding extremely simple library calls: is it legal for ReactOS to produce identical binary code to Windows? 
  24. ^ Birr, Hartmut. Bye bye. ros-dev (邮件列表). 2006-01-18 [2009-01-03]. 
  25. ^ BadStack in syscall.S. ReactOS. 2006-01-17 [2009-11-16]. 
  26. ^ Birr, Hartmut. Bye bye. ros-dev (邮件列表). 2006-01-18 [2009-11-16]. 
  27. ^ Ionescu, Alex. Bye bye. ros-dev (邮件列表). 2006-01-18 [2009-11-16]. 
  28. ^ Vincent, Brian. Interview with Steven Edwards. winehq.com. 2004-05-25 [2013-06-23]. BV: You guys have certainly contributed a lot of your work back to Wine, including some of the utilities you've written. For instance, the task manager was recently ported from ReactOS. 
  29. ^ 29.0 29.1 Feller, Stephen. ReactOS suspends development for source code review. Linux.com. 2006-02-01 [2009-12-10]. 
  30. ^ Reset, Reboot, Restart, legal issues and the long road to 0.3 on reactos.org by Steven Edwards (27 January 2006)
  31. ^ Schwartz, Mathew. Reverse-Engineering. computerworld.com. 2001-11-12 [2013-06-23]. To protect against charges of having simply (and illegally) copied IBM's BIOS, Phoenix reverse-engineered it using what's called a "clean room," or "Chinese wall," approach. First, a team of engineers studied the IBM BIOS—about 8KB of code—and described everything it did as completely as possible without using or referencing any actual code. Then Phoenix brought in a second team of programmers who had no prior knowledge of the IBM BIOS and had never seen its code. Working only from the first team's functional specifications, the second team wrote a new BIOS that operated as specified. 
  32. ^ Hogle, Sean. Clean Room Defeats Software Infringement Claim in US Federal Court. 2008-10-23 [2013-05-23]. [...] dirty room reverse engineering should be done in conjunction with clean room development by using two physically and electronically isolated teams where one team does dirty room reverse engineering and the other does clean room development. If a dirty room team exists, the clean room engineers can write a description of the portion of the specification that needs elaboration or clarification. The dirty room engineers then use that request to create additional functional specifications or tests. 
  33. ^ Bragin, Aleksey. Audit. ros-dev (邮件列表). 2007-09-18 [2009-01-03]. 
  34. ^ Windows Code May Be Stolen on PC World by Joris Evers (February 2004)
  35. ^ Reset, Reboot, Restart, legal issues and the long road to 0.3 "Now as for the issue of leaked source code, I want to try to put all fears to rest. We don't know what the legal ramifications are for someone downloading and having leaked code, as the party that maintains copyright ownership of that code might still try to claim Trade Secrecy on information contained in the sources in a court of law. It is our point of view that the source code leaks of Windows have been spread to a broad enough audience that it would be impossible to claim the product is still under Trade Secrecy." on reactos.org by Steven Edwards (27 January 2006)
  36. ^ Google Summer of Code 2006. This is a page lists the students and organizations that participated in the Google Summer of Code 2006 program. [...] ReactOS 
  37. ^ TCP/IP driver replacement for ReactOS, using lwIP. Google. [August 9, 2011]. 
  38. ^ 38.0 38.1 Gutman, Cameron. ReactOS is now using lwIP for TCP. lwip-devel (邮件列表). 2011-08-07 [2011-08-09]. 
  39. ^ Alksnis, Viktor. Виктор Имантович Алкснис – Знакомство с проектом ReactOS. 2007-06-06 [2009-12-11] (russian). 
  40. ^ Russian President Medvedev asked to fund Windows clone. BBC News. 2011-09-13 [2011-09-15]. 
  41. ^ Z98. ReactOS Presented to President Putin. ReactOS News. 2012-08-05 [2013-06-23]. 
  42. ^ Oliver Diedrich. ReactOS: Spenden gesucht. heise.de英语heise.de. 2012-05-03 (German). 
  43. ^ A personal appeal from ReactOS Project Coordinator Aleksey Bragin, accessed on 15 April 2013
  44. ^ Spenderliste 24 December 2012, accessed on 15 April 2013 (in German)
  45. ^ January 2013 Meeting Minutes. 2013-02-07 [2013-06-19]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-03). Late last year the German foundation learned that the contracts it was issuing for developers might not be compliant with German regulations involving non-profits. Due to this, the German foundation needed to temporarily halt payment to developers and consult with tax attorneys to determine how to proceed in a compliant manner. 
  46. ^ Sourceforge POTM June 2013. Sourceforge.com. 2013-06-17 [2013-06-17]. Well I don’t want to spread too many rumors, but I can say that we do have something in the works. If all goes well, it’s going to be announced within a week. While I cannot go into too many details, I can say that it involves Kickstarter and what we believe to be a viable commercial product based off of ReactOS. 
  47. ^ ReactOS Wants To Bring Open-Source Windows To The Cloud on Phoronix by Michael Larabel (22 January 2014)
  48. ^ Oliver Diedrich. ReactOS: Freier Windows-Klon braucht Unterstützung]. heise.de英语heise.de. 2014-01-21 (German). 
  49. ^ Aleksey Bragin/Steven Edwards. Thorium Core Cloud Desktop. Kickstarter.com. 2013-12-23 [2014-04-08]. 
  50. ^ Torsten Kleinz. XP ist tot, es lebe Windows [XP is dead, long live Windows]. Die Zeit. 2014-04-08 (German). 
  51. ^ ReactOS Working On A Community Windows OS on Phoronix by Michael Larabel (19 April 2014)
  52. ^ Silviu Stahie. ReactOS goes to Indiegogo, will run Windows apps natively. softpedia.com. 2014-04-04 [2014-04-08]. 
  53. ^ Hoffman, Chris. Why prominent 'hobbyist' operating systems face an existential crisis. PCWorld. 2014-11-14 [2015-12-29]. ReactOS raised more than $25,000 in an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign earlier in 2014, for the development of a community edition of the operating system. 
  54. ^ reactos-community-edition on Indiegogo (1 June 2014)
  55. ^ ReactOS: Große Fortschritte und Stipendien für Entwickler beim freien Windows-Nachbau on heise.de英语heise.de by Louis-F. Stahl (2 October 2014, in German)
  56. ^ Russland-erklaert-ReactOS-zu-favorisierter-Windows-Alternative on heise online英语heise online by Louis-F. Stahl "Einen weiteren Schub in der Entwicklung erhofft sich die ReactOS-Community vom ersten ReactOS Hackfest, das vom 7. bis zum 12. August 2015 in Aachen stattfindet." (23 June 2015, in German)
  57. ^ Russland macht ReactOS zu bevorzugter Windows-Alternative on Der Standard "Von 7. bis 12. August lädt die Entwicklergemeinde in Deutschland zum ersten ReactOS-Hackfest, das in Aachen über die Bühne gehen wird." (24 June 2015, in German)
  58. ^ ReactOS Hackfest 2015 from reactos.com (accessed 2015)
  59. ^ ReactOS 0.3.10. OS Revolution. [2009-12-09]. 
  60. ^ Holwerda, Thom. ReactOS 0.3.10 Released. OSNews. 2009-07-06 [2009-12-09]. 
  61. ^ Holwerda, Thom. ReactOS 0.3.12 Released. OSNews. 2010-10-20 [2010-11-08]. 
  62. ^ 0.3.13 - ReactOS, Reactos.org, [2014-02-10] 
  63. ^ 0.3.14 - ReactOS, Reactos.org, [2014-02-10] 
  64. ^ 0.3.15 - ReactOS, Reactos.org, [2014-02-10] 
  65. ^ ReactOS 0.3.16 Released, Reactos.org, [2014-02-10] 
  66. ^ ReactOS 0.3.17 Released, Reactos.org, [2014-11-05] 
  67. ^ ReactOS 0.4.1 Released, Reactos.org, [2016-05-17] 
  68. ^ ReactOS 0.4.2, Reactos.org, [2016-08-16] 
  69. ^ ReactOS 0.4.3, Reactos.org, [2016-11-16] 
  70. ^ ReactOS 0.4.4, Reactos.org, [2017-02-16] 
  71. ^ ReactOS 0.4.5 Released, Reactos.org, [2017-05-19] 
  72. ^ ReactOS 0.4.6 Released, Reactos.org, [2017-05-19] 
  73. ^ 73.0 73.1 73.2 Ionescu, Alex. The ReactOS Project – An Open Source OS Platform for Learning (PDF) (演讲). University of Waterloo, Canada. 2006-02-26 [2009-12-10]. 
  74. ^ ReactOS versioning. ReactOS. [2015-03-07]. 
  75. ^ Sinovsky, Steven. The Windows 7 Team. Engineering Windows 7, MSDN. 2008-08-18 [2009-12-09]. 
  76. ^ ReactOS. Ohloh. [2011-09-02]. 
  77. ^ 77.0 77.1 77.2 C., Michele. ReactOS is (not) Windows. Hackmeeting 2009. Milan. 2009-06-19. 
  78. ^ Installing. ReactOS. 2014-01-20 [2014-02-10]. 
  79. ^ https://www.reactos.org/wiki/ReactOS_ports
  80. ^ Captive: NTFS Read/Write Filesystem Addon for Linux on OSNews英语OSNews by Eugenia Loli "They are using WINE and ReactOS code to emulate parts of Windows environment needed to make the driver work." (4 December 2003)
  81. ^ Linux unified kernel "The LUK project does not develop the Windows and the Linux userland libraries. Those libraries are offered by the Wine (or Microsoft Windows/ReactOS) project and the Linux project."
  82. ^ Universal ATA/SATA/AHCI driver for Windows NT3.51/NT4/2000/XP/2003/7. Alter.org.ua. [2014-02-10]. 
  83. ^ Walmsley, James. Features - Portability. 2009 [2010-02-19]. 
  84. ^ ReactOS gets USB stack with Haiku's help on OSNews英语OSNews by Thom Holwerda
  85. ^ ReactOS gets USB Stack, with Help from Us. Haiku. 2012-02-20 [2012-03-02]. 
  86. ^ An interview with Art Yerkes, Network Developer for the ReactOS Project. Network Performance Daily. 2007-03-28 [2010-02-22]. 
  87. ^ 87.0 87.1 Acknowledgements. Wine. [2009-11-15]. 
  88. ^ Holwerda, Thom. ReactOS Proposes Radical New Win32 Subsystem. OSNews英语OSNews. 2010-01-18 [2010-01-18]. 
  89. ^ kernelex on sourceforge.net
  90. ^ Third party libraries - ReactOS. www.reactos.org. [2015-01-08]. 
  91. ^ FishEye: Annotated - reactos/trunk/reactos/media/doc/3rd Party Files.txt. code.reactos.org. [2015-01-08]. 
  92. ^ [reactos] Contents of /trunk/reactos/dll/win32/syssetup/syssetup.rc. svn.reactos.org. [2015-01-08]. 
  93. ^ ReactOS Server – Sourceforge
  94. ^ ReactOS Server Edition
  95. ^ OpenROS – Sourceforge
  96. ^ Fusion Operating System – Sourceforge
  97. ^ ReactOS NG – GitHub
  98. ^ Greentea Operating System – GitHub
  99. ^ reactos on distrowatch.com ReactOS is a free and open-source operating system based on the best design principles found in the Windows NT architecture. (accessed January 2016)
  100. ^ Blankenhorn, Dana. ReactOS no threat to Windows. ZDNet. 2008-05-13 [2009-12-22]. 
  101. ^ Blankenhorn, Dana. ReactOS needs a channel. ZDNet. 2008-05-13 [2009-12-22]. 
  102. ^ Holwerda, Thom. My OS Is Less Hobby Than Yours. OSNews英语OSNews. 2009-12-20 [2009-12-22]. 
  103. ^ Lunduke, Bryan. Linux cousins Part 2: Reviewing ReactOS, the Open Source version of Windows. Network World. 2015-10-28 [2016-01-04]. In short: It's just like running Windows 2000. Except Free and Open Source. Which makes makes it feel both awesome. And dirty. And profound... also infuriating. If I'm honest, I really don't know how ReactOS makes me feel. But it's damned impressive that it exists and works so well. Beyond simply being Open Source, ReactOS has one cool features that Windows never really provided properly: An application manager that is laid out and structured like a Linux package manager. From within it you can even install a large number of FOSS software staples, such as Firefox, LibreOffice, and GIMP. 
  104. ^ Russian president asked to Fund Windows Open Source Clone. Jordan Open Source Association. 2011-09-12 [2013-06-18]. At the forum, ReactOS won "The Best Presentation" award and a grant of 100,000 rubles (approximately 2,400 JDs). In addition, around twenty large investors became interested in the project. 
  105. ^ Featured projects, February 27, 2012. SourceForge.com. 2012-12-27 [2012-12-20]. 
  106. ^ Sourceforge POTM June 2013. Sourceforge.com. 2013-06-17 [2013-06-17]. 
  107. ^ Minutes of the expert evaluation of projects on import substitution infrastructure software according to paragraph 4-8 of import substitution plan software, approved by order of the Ministry of Communications of Russia from 1 April 2015 №96 «On approval of import software" Russian Ministry of Communications英语Russian Ministry of Communications "Direction "client operating system / Server Operating Systems" 1st place - the project "Corporate platform on the basis of domestic operating systems" [...] 2nd place - the project "Creation of the operating system open source based on ReactOS for PCs, laptops and other mobile devices," "Creating the operating system open source-based server ReactOS" (Fund "Reaktos" MSTU. AN Bauman, LLC "Parallelz Research" and others.)." (2 June 2015, translated)
  108. ^ ReactOS as a second OS in Russian government's software freedom effort on reactos.org (June 2015)
  109. ^ Russland macht ReactOS zu bevorzugter Windows-Alternative on Der Standard (24 June 2015, in German)
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