




其特徵在於由 交流電流支付的工作,使用時,作為鐵心的克服阻力,這表明,通過調節磁特性的變化時勵磁電流的磁化電流。


铁芯損耗 / Core loss

In a transformer or inductor, some of the power that would ideally be transferred through the device is lost in the core, resulting in heat and sometimes noise. There are various reasons for such losses, the primary ones being:


磁滯損耗 / Hysteresis loss

When the magnetic field through the core changes, the magnetization of the core material changes by expansion and contraction of the tiny magnetic domains it is composed of, due to movement of the domain walls. This process causes losses, because the domain walls get "snagged" on defects in the crystal structure and then "snap" past them, dissipating energy as heat. This is called hysteresis loss. It can be seen in the graph of the B field versus the H field for the material, which has the form of a closed loop. The amount of energy lost in the material in one cycle of the applied field is proportional to the area inside the hysteresis loop. Hysteresis loss increases with higher frequencies as more cycles are undergone per unit time.


渦電流損耗 / Eddy current loss

The induction of eddy currents within the core causes a resistive loss. The higher the resistance of the core material the lower the loss. Lamination of the core material can reduce eddy current loss, as can making the core of a nonconductive magnetic material, like ferrite.

電磁感應引起的渦電流,Ş內芯會導致電阻損耗。越高電阻所述芯材的損耗越低。 層壓的核心材料,可以減少渦電流損失,可以使非導電的磁性材料製成的核心,如[[鐵素體(磁性體芯)|鐵氧體]。

