四谷理音花/沙盒 |
{{Infobox cryptocurrency}}可用于概述一种特定加密货币的信息,如比特币或门罗币。
- 完整语法
{{Infobox cryptocurrency | currency_name = | image_1 = | image_2 = | image_background_1 = | image_background_2 = | image_width_1 = | alt1 = | image_width_2 = | alt2 = | image_title_1 = | image_title_2 = | superunit_name_1 = | subunit_name_1 = | superunit_ratio_1 = <!-- thru |superunit_ratio_5 = --> | superunit_name_1 = | subunit_ratio_1 = <!-- thru |subunit_ratio_5 = --> | subunit_name_1 = | plural = | symbol = | alt_symbol_title_1 = | alt_symbol_1 = | ticker_symbol = | previous_names = | nickname = | plural = | precision = | white_paper = | implementations = | initial_release_version = | initial_release_date = | code_repository = | status = | latest_release_version = | latest_release_date = | project_fork_of = | programming_languages = | operating_system = | author = | developer = | source_model = | license = | website = | block_explorer = | ledger_start = | split_height = | split_date = | split_from = | split_ratio = | hash_function = | issuance_schedule = | timestamping = | merged_mining_parent = | block_time = | block_reward = | circulating_supply = | supply_limit = | exchange_rate = | market_cap = | footnotes = }}
- 简化语法
{{Infobox cryptocurrency | currency_name = | image_1 = | alt1 = | symbol = | ticker_symbol = | white_paper = | initial_release_date = | status = | latest_release_date = | developer = | source_model = | license = | website = | circulating_supply = | supply_limit = | exchange_rate = | market_cap = | footnotes = }}
参数 | 描述 | 类型 | 状态 | |
Currency name | currency_name | Full currency name
| 字符串 | 必需 |
Image 1 | image_1 | First image | 文件 | 推荐 |
Image 2 | image_2 | Second image | 文件 | 推荐 |
Image background 1 | image_background_1 | First background image | 文件 | 可选 |
Image background 2 | image_background_2 | Second background image | 文件 | 可选 |
Image width 1 | image_width_1 | First image width
| 字符串 | 可选 |
Alternative text 1 | alt1 | First image alternative text | 字符串 | 可选 |
Image width 2 | image_width_2 | Second image width
| 字符串 | 可选 |
Alternative text 1 | alt2 | First image alternative text | 字符串 | 可选 |
Image title 1 | image_title_1 | First image title | 字符串 | 推荐 |
Image title 2 | image_title_2 | Second image title | 字符串 | 可选 |
Superunit ratio 1 | superunit_ratio_1 | First superunit ratio
| 字符串 | 可选 |
Superunit ratio 2 | superunit_ratio_2 | Second superunit ratio
| 字符串 | 可选 |
Superunit ratio 3 | superunit_ratio_3 | Third superunit ratio
| 字符串 | 可选 |
Superunit ratio 4 | superunit_ratio_4 | Fourth superunit ratio
| 字符串 | 可选 |
Superunit ratio 5 | superunit_ratio_5 | Fifth superunit ratio
| 字符串 | 可选 |
Superunit name 1 | superunit_name_1 | First superunit name | 字符串 | 可选 |
Superunit name 2 | superunit_name_2 | Second superunit name | 字符串 | 可选 |
Superunit name 3 | superunit_name_3 | Third superunit name | 字符串 | 可选 |
Superunit name 4 | superunit_name_4 | Fourth superunit name | 字符串 | 可选 |
Superunit name 5 | superunit_name_5 | Fifth superunit name | 字符串 | 可选 |
Subunit ratio 1 | subunit_ratio_1 | First subunit ratio
| 字符串 | 可选 |
Subunit ratio 2 | subunit_ratio_2 | Second subunit ratio
| 字符串 | 可选 |
Subunit ratio 3 | subunit_ratio_3 | Third subunit ratio
| 字符串 | 可选 |
Subunit ratio 4 | subunit_ratio_4 | Fourth subunit ratio
| 字符串 | 可选 |
Subunit ratio 5 | subunit_ratio_5 | Fifth subunit ratio
| 字符串 | 可选 |
Subunit name 1 | subunit_name_1 | First subunit name | 字符串 | 可选 |
Subunit name 2 | subunit_name_2 | Second subunit name | 字符串 | 可选 |
Subunit name 3 | subunit_name_3 | Third subunit name | 字符串 | 可选 |
Subunit name 4 | subunit_name_4 | Fourth subunit name | 字符串 | 可选 |
Subunit name 5 | subunit_name_5 | Fifth subunit name | 字符串 | 可选 |
Plural | plural | Plural form | 字符串 | 可选 |
Symbol | symbol | Symbolic character representation
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
Ticker symbol | ticker_symbol | Symbol representing the currency on exchanges
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
Previous names | previous_names | Former names of the currency | 字符串 | 可选 |
Nickname | nickname | Colloquial term | 字符串 | 可选 |
Precision | precision | Decimal precision of currency unit | 字符串 | 推荐 |
White paper | white_paper | Reference to white paper | 字符串 | 推荐 |
implementations | implementations | List of recognised software implementations | 字符串 | 推荐 |
Initial release version | initial_release_version | Version number of the first release
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
Date of the first release | initial_release_date | Date of the first release | 日期 | 推荐 |
Code repository | code_repository | Code repository | 字符串 | 推荐 |
Status | status | Development status | 字符串 | 推荐 |
Latest release version | latest_release_version | Version number of the latest release
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
Date of the latest release | latest_release_date | Date of the latest release | 日期 | 推荐 |
Project fork of | project_fork_of | Name of project codebase used
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
Programming languages | programming_languages | Programming languages used
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
Operating System | operating_system | Supported operating systems
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
Author | author | Original author(s)
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
Developer | developer | Developers(s) | 字符串 | 推荐 |
Source model | source_model | Source code availability
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
License | license | Software license
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
Website | website | Official website(s)
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
Block explorer | block_explorer | Block explorer(s)
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
Ledger start | ledger_start | Date the first block (or transaction) occurred | 字符串 | 推荐 |
Split date | split_date | Date of first block (or transaction) independent of network split from | 字符串 | 推荐 |
Split from | split_from | Name of network split from
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
Hash function | hash_function | Hash functions used
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
Issuance schedule | issuance_schedule | Method and specifications of currency issuance | 字符串 | 推荐 |
Timestamping scheme | timestamping | Consensus mechanism
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
Merged mining parent | merged_mining_parent | Parent blockchain for merged mining
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
Block time | block_time | Block time
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
Block reward | block_reward | Block reward
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
Circulating supply | circulating_supply | Circulating supply
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
Supply limit | supply_limit | Largest money supply possible
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
exchange_rate | exchange_rate | Conversion rate
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
Market capitalization | market_cap | Market capitalization
| 字符串 | 推荐 |
footnotes | footnotes | 无描述 | 未知 | 可选 |
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- Numismatics infobox templates