< User:三猎
- Luyt, Brendan; Tan, Daniel. Improving Wikipedia's credibility: References and citations in a sample of history articles. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 2010, 61 (4): 715-722.
- 谈参考来源的质量问题。
- Luyt, Brendan. A wound that has been festering since 2007: The Burma/Myanmar naming controversy and the problem of rarely challenged assumptions on Wikipedia. Journal of Documentation. 2017, 73 (4): 689-699.
- 谈“地域中心”规则。兼谈规则的扭曲现象。
- Gallert, Peter; van der Velden, Maja. Reliable sources for indigenous knowledge: Dissecting Wikipedia's Catch-22 (PDF). Nicola Bidwell; Heike Winschiers-Theophilus (编). At the intersection of indigenous and traditional knowledge and technology design. Informing Science. 2015: 117-132. ISBN 9781932886993.
- 谈条目分布不平衡——学科与文化。兼谈规则的扭曲现象。
- Ford, Heather; Wajcman, Judy. ‘Anyone can edit’, not everyone does: Wikipedia’s infrastructure and the gender gap. Social studies of science. 2017, 47 (4): 511-527.
- 谈条目分布不平衡——性别。从infrastructure的角度反思内容方针。
- Jemielniak, Dariusz; Aibar, Eduard. Bridging the gap between wikipedia and academia. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 2016, 67 (7): 1773-1776.
- 谈学术界与维基百科。
- Liao, Han-Teng. Conflict and Consensus in the Chinese version of Wikipedia. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine. 2009, 28 (2): 49-56.
- 谈维基百科在跨文化交流中的潜能。