2018年,英国计算机科学家朱纳德·阿里使用k-匿名性及加密散列函数创建了一个通讯协议,可以供人匿名地验证密码是否已经泄露、但又不公开所涉及的密码;k-匿名性因此得到了媒体的广泛报道。[5][6]这一协议作为一个公用API部署在了托里·亨特创立的Have I Been Pwned?服务中,且被包括一些密码管理器[7][8] 和浏览器扩展[9][10]在内的程序广泛使用。随后,谷歌的密码检查功能也使用了这一方法。[11][12][13]
姓名 | 年龄 | 性别 | 居住地 | 宗教信仰 | 疾病 |
丁一 | 30 | 女 | 北京 | 佛教 | 癌症 |
胡二 | 24 | 女 | 上海 | 佛教 | 病毒性疾病 |
张三 | 28 | 女 | 北京 | 伊斯兰教 | 结核病 |
李四 | 27 | 男 | 广东 | 不信教 | 无疾病 |
王五 | 24 | 女 | 上海 | 基督教 | 心血管疾病 |
赵六 | 23 | 男 | 广东 | 道教 | 结核病 |
孙七 | 19 | 男 | 上海 | 佛教 | 癌症 |
周八 | 29 | 男 | 广东 | 佛教 | 心血管疾病 |
吴九 | 17 | 男 | 上海 | 基督教 | 心血管疾病 |
郑十 | 19 | 男 | 上海 | 基督教 | 病毒感染 |
- 数据抑制:此种方法将一些属性的值用星号“*”取代。可以取代一列中的所有值或部分值。在下面的匿名化表格中,我们将“姓名”一栏的所有值、“宗教”一栏的部分值用“*”取代。
- 数据泛化:此种方法将一些属性的精确值用更宽泛的类别取代。例如,“年龄”一栏中的“19”可以改写为“≤20”,“23”可以改写为“20<年龄≤30”,等等。
标识符 | 准标识符 | 目标属性 | |||
姓名 | 年龄 | 性别 | 居住地 | 宗教信仰 | 疾病 |
* | 20<年龄≤30 | 女 | 北京 | * | 癌症 |
* | 20<年龄≤30 | 女 | 上海 | * | 病毒感染 |
* | 20<年龄≤30 | 女 | 北京 | * | 结核病 |
* | 20<年龄≤30 | 男 | 广东 | * | 无疾病 |
* | 20<年龄≤30 | 女 | 上海 | * | 心血管疾病 |
* | 20<年龄≤30 | 男 | 广东 | * | 结核病 |
* | 年龄≤20 | 男 | 上海 | * | 癌症 |
* | 20<年龄≤30 | 男 | 广东 | * | 心血管疾病 |
* | 年龄≤20 | 男 | 上海 | * | 心血管疾病 |
* | 年龄≤20 | 男 | 上海 | * | 病毒感染 |
- 同质性攻击(英語:Homogeneous attack):如果目标属性(攻击者希望获知的属性)在k个条目中的取值都是相同的,则可以进行此种攻击。这时,就算一组数据已经被k-匿名化,目标属性在k条记录中的取值仍然可以被获取。
- 背景知识攻击(英語:Background knowledge attack):此种攻击可以利用目标属性与准标识符属性之间的联系来减少目标属性里可能值的数量。例如,Machanavajjhala等人的研究[18]表明,利用心脏病在日本人中的发病率较低这一事实,可以在医疗数据库中缩小一个敏感属性的取值范围。
k-匿名化方法不适用于高维(即具有很多属性)数据库的匿名化。[19] 例如,有研究[20]表明,如果给定4个地址,移动电话的时间戳-地点数据库單一性(,取的k-匿名性)可能高达95%。
Junade Ali提出了基于散列的k-匿名化方法;这种方法最早是为了进行密码泄露检查[23][5][6],后来也用于MAC地址的实时匿名化[24]。
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- ^ Narayanan, Arvind; Shmatikov, Vitaly. Robust De-anonymization of Large Sparse Datasets (PDF). [2021-08-11]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2021-01-26).
- ^ Roberto J. Bayardo; Rakesh Agrawal. Data Privacy through Optimal k-anonymization (PDF). 2005: 217–28 [2021-08-11]. ISBN 978-0-7695-2285-2. ISSN 1084-4627. S2CID 17044848. doi:10.1109/ICDE.2005.42. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2020-11-23).
Data de-identification reconciles the demand for release of data for research purposes and the demand for privacy from individuals. This paper proposes and evaluates an optimization algorithm for the powerful de-identification procedure known as k-anonymization. A k-anonymized dataset has the property that each record is indistinguishable from at least k - 1 others. Even simple restrictions of optimized k-anonymity are NP-hard, leading to significant computational challenges. We present a new approach to exploring the space of possible anonymizations that tames the combinatorics of the problem, and develop data-management strategies to reduce reliance on expensive operations such as sorting. Through experiments on real census data, we show the resulting algorithm can find optimal k-anonymizations under two representative cost measures and a wide range of k. We also show that the algorithm can produce good anonymizations in circumstances where the input data or input parameters preclude finding an optimal solution in reasonable time. Finally, we use the algorithm to explore the effects of different coding approaches and problem variations on anonymization quality and performance. To our knowledge, this is the first result demonstrating optimal k-anonymization of a nontrivial dataset under a general model of the problem.
被忽略 (帮助) - ^ Adam Meyerson; Ryan Williams. On the Complexity of Optimal K-Anonymity (PDF). New York, NY: ACM. 2004: 223–8 [2021-08-11]. ISBN 978-1581138580. S2CID 6798963. doi:10.1145/1055558.1055591. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2014-05-28).
The technique of k-anonymization has been proposed in the literature as an alternative way to release public information, while ensuring both data privacy and data integrity. We prove that two general versions of optimal k-anonymization of relations are NP-hard, including the suppression version which amounts to choosing a minimum number of entries to delete from the relation. We also present a polynomial time algorithm for optimal k-anonymity that achieves an approximation ratio independent of the size of the database, when k is constant. In particular, it is a O(k log k)-approximation where the constant in the big-O is no more than 4. However, the runtime of the algorithm is exponential in k. A slightly more clever algorithm removes this condition, but is a O(k logm)-approximation, where m is the degree of the relation. We believe this algorithm could potentially be quite fast in practice.
被忽略 (帮助) - ^ Kenig, Batya; Tassa, Tamir. A practical approximation algorithm for optimal k-anonymity. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 2012, 25: 134–168. S2CID 14158546. doi:10.1007/s10618-011-0235-9.
- ^ Machanavajjhala, Ashwin; Kifer, Daniel; Gehrke, Johannes; Venkitasubramaniam, Muthuramakrishnan. L-diversity: Privacy Beyond K-anonymity. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data. March 2007, 1 (1): 3–es. ISSN 1556-4681. S2CID 679934. doi:10.1145/1217299.1217302.
Background Knowledge Attack. Alice has a pen-friend named Umeko who is admitted to the same hospital as Bob and whose patient records also appear in the table shown in Figure 2. Alice knows that Umeko is a 21-year-old Japanese female who currently lives in zip code 13068. Based on this information, Alice learns that Umeko’s information is contained in record number 1,2,3, or 4. Without additional information, Alice is not sure whether Umeko caught a virus or has heart disease. However, it is well known that Japanese have an extremely low incidence of heart disease. Therefore Alice concludes with near certainty that Umeko has a viral infection.
- ^ Aggarwal, Charu C. On k-Anonymity and the Curse of Dimensionality. VLDB '05 – Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Very large Data Bases. Trondheim, Norway. 2005. ISBN 1-59593-154-6.
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- ^ Angiuli, Olivia; Jim Waldo. Statistical Tradeoffs between Generalization and Suppression in the De-Identification of Large-Scale Data Sets. IEEE Computer Society Intl Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications. June 2016: 589–593. ISBN 978-1-4673-8845-0. S2CID 17716908. doi:10.1109/COMPSAC.2016.198.
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- ^ Thomas, Kurt; Pullman, Jennifer; Yeo, Kevin; Raghunathan, Ananth; Kelley, Patrick Gage; Invernizzi, Luca; Benko, Borbala; Pietraszek, Tadek; Patel, Sarvar; Boneh, Dan; Bursztein, Elie. Protecting accounts from credential stuffing with password breach alerting. 2019: 1556–1571 [2020-05-22]. ISBN 9781939133069. (原始内容存档于2021-04-15) (英语).
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