


下列图表展示了國際音標(IPA)在维基百科条目中表示苏格兰盖尔语发音的方式。对于有关在维基百科条目中添加IPA字符的指南,请参见{{IPA-gd}}与Wikipedia:格式手册/音标 § Notes

请参阅苏格兰盖尔语音系英语Scottish Gaelic phonology以更全面地了解苏格兰盖尔语的发音。

宽辅音英语Scottish Gaelic phonology 窄辅音英语Scottish Gaelic phonology 英语及其他语言中的相同或近似发音
IPA 示例 IPA 示例
f[2] fad, fead, pholl, pheann fade
ɣ dhà, deireadh, ghaol, dragh ʝ dh'iarr, dh'innis, gheall, ghin 西班牙语 luego; yard (but stronger)
h[2] thonn, thig, shùil, sheòl haste
j eala, beò, theàrn, iolaire, piuthar, shiùbhlainn, gràidh yard
k gaol, beagan, caileag, amharc gille, fairrge, thig, chunnaic scat; askew
[3] còta kʲʰ[3] cìr cup; cure
l̪ˠ làmh, balla, geal l mo leaba, cliathaich, baile, fuil health; lice
ʎ leaba, slige, gille health; scallion
m[2] mac, mic, lampa, ìm main
n̪ˠ nàire, snàmh, clann ɲ nighean, sneachda, cinneadh, ròin tenth; onion
n mo nàire, anail, bean tenth; nice
ŋ long ŋʲ aingeal think; angular
p[2] ball, nàbuidh, abair, corp space
[2][3] peann, poll pain
rud, riochd, oirre, orra 西班牙语 rojo
ɾ rud, mo riochd, crann, fear ɾʲ cridhe, fir crane; creed (均为蘇格蘭英語); 美式英語 atom
solas, speal, sgeulachd ʃ seòl, stiùir, slighe, snìomh soot; shade
dall, fada, ad, falt dìleas, maide, thèid, fuilt stock; stew (RP)
t̪ʰ[3] tana tʲʰ[3] tìr tide; tune (RP)
v[2] bhean, sàibh, mhàthair, deimhinn, làmh veil
x chòta, balach ç chì, balaich loch (蘇格蘭英語); huge
短元音 长元音 英语中的相同或近似发音
IPA 示例 IPA 示例
a mac, glaine làmh, àite, grr rat; rather (均为蘇格蘭英語)
e teth, fead, cheil glè, chèile, beud hit; hay (均为蘇格蘭英語)
ɛ fear, each ɛː cnàimh, sèimh let; flare (标准英音)
ə[4] fada, baile viva
i mise, fios ìseal, pìobaire, cinn reef
ɪ[4] uilig, capaill hit
o tobar, bodhar bò, còig load (蘇格蘭英語)
ɔ cnoc, sgoil, deoch ɔː bròn, mòine, cl, còrr dog
u ugh, bun, sgioltachd, fliuch cùl, sùil, diombach, trr, cunntas pull; rule
ɯ duine, uisge ɯː craobh, aois good; roof
ɤ dragh, coire ɤː fadhlach ago; blur (均为标准英音)
IPA 示例 英语中的相同或近似发音
ai claidheamh, chaill, cainnt price
au amharc, abhainn, ball, gann loud
ei seinn, beinn, peinnsean main
ɛu seall, theann, dream 西班牙语 euro
ia Niall, pian, feur, beul he and she
fiacail, iasg, ceud, deug, sìos, fìon idea
ɔu toll, tonn, com low (美式英語)
ua uamhasach, suaineadh, uaine you and me
fuar, uair, buaidh bluer
ɯi chraoibh, ghaoith, tuill, tuinn two years
ɤi maighdean, greim, coibhneil, oighre, coilltean, broinn bite (蘇格蘭英語)
IPA 示例 解释
ˈ uinneag [ˈɯɲak] 主重音 (置于重读音节前)
. naidheachd [ˈn̪ˠɛ.əxk] 音节中断
◌̃ samhradh [ˈs̪ãũɾəɣ] 鼻化元音



IPA Borgstrøm (1937)[5]
Borgstrøm (1940)[6]
Oftedal (1956)[7]
Ó Murchú (1989)[8]
Cox (2002)[9]
Ó Maolalaigh (2008)[10]
(跨地区英语Mid-Minch Gaelic)
Black (2006)[11]
Klevenhaus (2009)[12]
Bauer (2011)[13]
ç ç ç′ ç x′ ç ç ç ç
ʝ j j′ ǰ ɣ′ ʝ j j ʝ
k g̊, k g̬, k g ɡ g g g,[14] k[15] g
g̊′, k′ g̬′, k′ ǵ ɡ′ g̭' gʲ,[14][15]
k k k k k k
kʲʰ k′ʽ k′ʽ k′ k′
l̪ˠ L L L ɬ L ɫ̪ L L
ʎ L′ L′ L′ 不適用 L′ ʎ
l l′ l′ l l l l l l
n̪ˠ N N N 不適用 N ᵰ̪ N N
ɲ N′ N′ N′ 不適用 N′ ɲ
p b̥, p b̬, p b b b b b,[14] p[15] b
p p p p p p
R R, Ṛ R 不適用 R R R
ɾ r r r r r r r r
ɾʲ r′ r′, ð′ ð 不適用 ð
s s s s s s s s
ʃ ʃ ʃ ʃ š ʃ ʃ ʃ ʃ
d̥, t d̬, t d d d d,[14] t[15] d
d̥′ž, d̥′, t′ d̬′ž, d̬′, t′ d′ ǰ d′ dʲ,[14][15]
t̪ʰ t t t t t
tʲʰ tʽ′ʃ, tʽ′ tʽ′ʃ, tʽ′ t′ č t′
ɯ ʎ ʎ ɯ ɯ ɯ ɯ ʎ ɯ
ɤ ø ø ə ɤ ɤ ɤ ə ɤ
ɛ ɛ, æ ɛ, æ ɛ ɛ ɛ ɛ ɛ ɛ
a a a a ɑ a a a a


  1. ^ Scottish Gaelic contrasts between velarized ("broad") and palatalized ("slender") consonants. Velarized consonants, denoted in the IPA by a superscript ⟨ˠ⟩, are pronounced with the back of the tongue raised toward the velum, which happens to the /l/ in English pill in some accents like RP and General American and in all positions in Scottish English. Slender consonants, denoted in the IPA by a superscript ⟨ʲ⟩, are pronounced with the body of the tongue raised toward the hard palate, in a manner similar to the articulation of the ⟨y⟩ sound in yes. In Scottish Gaelic orthography, broad consonants are surrounded by the letters ⟨a⟩, ⟨o⟩, ⟨u⟩, while slender ones are surrounded by ⟨e⟩ and ⟨i⟩.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Neither broad nor slender, slender positions instead having an on- or off-glide /j/.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 In initial position, the aspirated stops /kʰ, kʲʰ, pʰ, t̪ʰ, tʲʰ/ are postaspirated [kʰ, kʲʰ, pʰ, t̪ʰ, tʲʰ]. In medial or final position after a stressed vowel, they are preaspirated [xk, çkʲ, hp, ht̪, htʲ].
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 [ə] and [ɪ] are never long and they only ever occur in unstressed position, the latter before a slender consonant.
  5. ^ Borgstrøm, Carl Hjalmar. The Dialect of Barra in the Outer Hebrides. Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap. 1937, 8: 71–242. 
  6. ^ Borgstrøm, Carl Hjalmar. The Dialects of the Outer Hebrides. A Linguistic Survey of the Gaelic Dialects of Scotland, vol. 1 (Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap suppl. vol. 1). Oslo: Aschehoug. 1940. 
  7. ^ Oftedal, Magne. The Gaelic of Leurbost. A Linguistic Survey of the Gaelic Dialects of Scotland, vol. 3 (Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap suppl. vol. 4). Oslo: Aschehoug. 1956. 
  8. ^ Ó Murchú, Máirtín. East Perthshire Gaelic. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. 1989. ISBN 0-901282-93-6. 
  9. ^ Cox, Richard A. V. The Gaelic Place-names of Carloway, Isle of Lewis. School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. 2002. ISBN 1-85500-192-6. 
  10. ^ Ó Maolalaigh, Roibeard. Scottish Gaelic in Twelve Weeks. Edinburgh: Birlinn. 2008. ISBN 978-1-84158-643-4. 
  11. ^ Black, Ronald. Cothrom Ionnsachaidh. Edinburgh. 2006. ISBN 0906981336. 
  12. ^ Klevenhaus, Michael. Lehrbuch der schottish-gälischen Sprache. Hamburg: Buske. 2009. ISBN 978-3-87548-520-2. 
  13. ^ Bauer, Michael. Blas na Gàidhlig: The Practical Guide to Scottish Gaelic Pronunciation. Glasgow: Akerbeltz. 2011. ISBN 978-1907165009. 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 Word-initial.
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 Medial or final.