(重定向自Frederick William Hope)
腓特烈·威廉·赫波(英語:Frederick William Hope,1797年1月3日—1862年4月15日),英格蘭人,昆蟲學家,牛津大學昆蟲學系創立者(參閱牛津大學自然史博物館)。家中次子,1817年進入牛津大学基督堂学院就讀,1820年畢業。後為倫敦林奈學會成員、英國皇家學會院士。1817年,開始對昆蟲感到興趣,以鞘翅目的甲蟲為主,最初蒐羅的昆蟲包括31個大小不一的收集箱,其中有964個抽屜、存儲箱、1800冊圖書、249個書盒和18本標本冊等等。1833年後,分別成為伦敦动物学会創會會員和英國皇家昆蟲學會財務長、主席和副主席。
- Coleopterists Manual, containing the Lamellicorn beetles of Linnaeus and Fabricius,3 volumes, 1837.
- 文集付梓
- Catalogue of a Collection of Early Newspapers and Essayists, Formed by the Late John Thomas Hope, Esq., and Presented to the Bodleian Library by the Late Frederick William Hope (Nabu Press, 2010) ISBN 1-147-16630-7
- Catalogue of a Collection of Early Newspapers and Essayists: Formed by the Late John Thomas Hope, Esq., and Presented to the Bodleian Library by the Late ... Frederick William Hope, M.a., D.C.L (1865) (Cornell University Library, 2009) ISBN 1-112-18432-5
- :en:Hope, Frederick William. Dictionary of National Biography. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 1885–1900.
- Smith, A. Z. (1986) A History of the Hope Entomological Collections in the University Museum, Oxford with lists of Archives and Collections. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
- The Coleopterist's Manual - 3 Bände
- Containing The Lamellicorn Insects Of Linneus And Fabricius. Bohn, London 1837; digital
- Containing The Predaceous Land And Water Beetles Of Linneus And Fabricius. Bohn, London 1838; digital
- Containing Various Families, Genera, And Species, Of Beetles, Recorded By Linneus And Fabricius : Also Descriptions Of Newly Discovered And Unpublished Insects. Bridgewater, London 1840
- Catalogo dei crostacei Italiani e di molti altri del Mediterraneo. Fr. Azzolino, Neapel 1851; digital