

<div class="mw-no-invert notheme" style="background:Lua错误:expandTemplate: template "Sydney Metro color" does not exist。; height:4px; color:#000;">
运营範圍Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
服務類型Rapid transit
所屬系統Sydney Metro
路線長度23 km(14 mi)
電氣化方式Template:25 kV 50 Hz from overhead catenary[1]
使用车型Siemens Inspiro[2]
計劃通車2026 (planned)
擁有者Transport for NSW

悉尼地铁西悉尼机场线(前身为悉尼地铁大西线)是大西悉尼地区目前正在建设的捷运铁路项目。该项目是悉尼地铁系统的一部分,涉及修建一条23公里的地铁线路 [3]。该线路将在圣玛丽斯 (St Marys)和 柏灰溪航空城 (Badgerys Creek Aerotropolis)之间运行,在圣玛丽斯 (St Marys) ,西悉尼机场线将与悉尼铁路T1线相连,途经西悉尼机场 (Western Sydney Airport) 。它旨在为即将建成的西悉尼机场提供公共交通。 [4]该线路于 2022 年 12 月开工建设,预计将于 2026 年底西悉尼机场建成时完工。[5] [6]

这条线将构成拟议的南北铁路线的第一阶段,这条线将向北延伸到寺科田,连接到里士满铁路线,向南延伸至麦克阿瑟的主要南部铁路线。 [7] [8]


  1. ^ Chapter 7: Project description - operation (PDF). Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport. [2021-10-25]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于25 October 2021). 
  2. ^ O'Sullivan, Matt. Why Sydney will end up with three incompatible metro train lines. The Sydney Morning Herald. 29 May 2023 [17 June 2023]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-16). 
  3. ^ About Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport – Project Overview. Sydney Metro. [14 September 2020]. (原始内容存档于14 September 2020). 
  4. ^ Sydney Metro Greater West. Sydney Metro Greater West. [2020-05-29]. (原始内容存档于19 April 2020) (英语). 
  5. ^ Western Sydney City Deal - Connectivity. Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities. [16 March 2018]. (原始内容存档于16 March 2018). 
  6. ^ Scott Morrison announces construction on Western Sydney Airport metro line to start this year. 7News. 1 June 2020 [1 June 2020]. (原始内容存档于9 June 2020). 
  7. ^ North South Rail Line and South West Rail Link Extension. Transport for NSW. 12 March 2018 [14 September 2020]. (原始内容存档于21 September 2020). 
  8. ^ North South Rail Line and South West Rail Link Extension corridor identification. Transport for NSW. 12 March 2018 [20 March 2020]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-20).