自殺潮(英語:Suicide epidemic)是指自殺行為的流行現象。例如在1990年代的後蘇聯中[1]、警察機構中[2]、印第安保留地中[3]以及密克羅尼西亞中[4]都曾出現過自殺潮。每當出現知名人物的自殺時,就可能會鼓勵到人們模仿他們進行自殺,這種現象又被稱為維特效應。[5]另外有人認為在課堂中教導羅密歐與茱麗葉的故事也可能會導致青少年自殺。[6]
- ^ E Brainerd, Economic reform and mortality in the former Soviet Union: a study of the suicide epidemic in the 1990s, European Economic Review, 2001 [2020-04-26], (原始内容存档于2020-08-14)
- ^ JM Violanti. Police suicide: Epidemic in blue. 2007. ISBN 978-0-398-07762-4.
- ^ JA Ward, J Fox, A suicide epidemic on an Indian reserve, Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, 1977
- ^ FX Hezel, Truk suicide epidemic and social change (PDF), Human Organization, 1987[永久失效連結]
- ^ J Thorson, PA Öberg, Was There a Suicide Epidemic After Goetheʼs Werther? (PDF), Archives of Suicide Research, 2003
- ^ DM Stupple, Rx for the suicide epidemic, English Journal, 1987, 76 (1): 64–68, JSTOR 818306, doi:10.2307/818306