


腦垂腺柄pituitary stalkinfundibular stalkFenderson's funnelinfundibulum)是下丘腦和腦垂腺後葉英语Posterior pituitary之間的連接部分。第三腦室英语Third ventricle底部因向下延伸而形成漏斗狀的凹陷部分,進入到垂體頂點附著的漏斗部[1]。它會穿過軸突硬腦膜,因為它攜帶的軸突從下丘腦的巨型細胞神經分泌細胞英语Magnocellular neurosecretory cell向下延伸至腦垂腺後葉,並且在此處將神經下垂體激素英语Neurohypophysial hormone催產素抗利尿激素釋放到血液中。這種連接稱為下丘腦-垂體通道(hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract)或下丘腦-神經垂體通道(hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal tract)。

腦垂腺柄的損傷會阻止抗利尿激素的釋放,從而導致多渴症多尿症。有研究指出[2],在腦垂腺柄損傷後,軸突並不能突破鞍膈英语Diaphragma sellae進入垂體後葉,而損毀端的赫令體英语Herring bodies可形成新的神經葉樣結構,但此結構並不能完全代償損傷後下降的AVP釋放能力。這可能受限於伸長細胞對正中隆突神經-血管的連接的屏障作用[3]腦垂腺柄阻斷綜合徵英语Pituitary stalk interruption syndrome是指由於垂腺柄明顯變細或阻斷[4],而引起垂體功能減弱的臨床系列症候群,其往往併發垂體結構異常,例如垂體前葉發育不良、垂體後葉缺失或異位等,可引致垂體激素缺乏[5]


  1. ^ Marieb, Elaine. Anatomy & physiology Fifthition. Pearson Education, Inc. 2014 [2020-01-17]. ISBN 978-0321861580. 
  2. ^ Feng, Z; Ou, Y; Zhou, M; Wu, G; Ma, L; Zhang, Y; Liu, Y; Qi, S. Functional ectopic neural lobe increases GAP-43 expression via PI3K/AKT pathways to alleviate central diabetes insipidus after pituitary stalk lesion in rats.. Neuroscience letters. 2018-04-23, 673: 1–6 [2020-01-17]. PMID 29486290. doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2018.02.038. [永久失效連結]
  3. ^ Mullier, A; Bouret, SG; Prevot, V; Dehouck, B. Differential distribution of tight junction proteins suggests a role for tanycytes in blood-hypothalamus barrier regulation in the adult mouse brain.. The Journal of comparative neurology. 2010-04-01, 518 (7): 943–62 [2020-01-17]. PMID 20127760. doi:10.1002/cne.22273. [永久失效連結]
  4. ^ Jang, KM; Ko, CW. Delayed diagnosis of pituitary stalk interruption syndrome with severe recurrent hyponatremia caused by adrenal insufficiency.. Annals of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism. 2017-09, 22 (3): 208–212 [2020-01-17]. PMID 29025209. doi:10.6065/apem.2017.22.3.208. 
  5. ^ Wang, W; Wang, S; Jiang, Y; Yan, F; Su, T; Zhou, W; Jiang, L; Zhang, Y; Ning, G. Relationship between pituitary stalk (PS) visibility and the severity of hormone deficiencies: PS interruption syndrome revisited.. Clinical endocrinology. 2015-09, 83 (3): 369–76 [2020-01-17]. PMID 25845766. doi:10.1111/cen.12788. [永久失效連結]