苏俄民族事务人民委员部(俄语:Народный комиссариат по делам национальностей РСФСР)是苏俄时期和苏联早期,即1917年至1924年间运作的组织,主要负责处理非俄罗斯族裔事务。斯大林担任主席。[1]
- ^ Hirsch, Francine. State and Evolution: Ethnographic Knowledge, Economic Expediency, and the Making of the USSR, 1917–1924. Burbank, Jane; von Hagen, Mark; Remnev, Anatolyi (编). Russian Empire: Space, People, Power, 1700–1930. Indiana-Michigan series in Russian and East European studies. Indiana University Press. 8 August 2007: 161 (2007) [2015-07-23]. ISBN 9780253219114.
The new Soviet constitution of 1924 dissolved Narkomnats [...].