
性與法律 |
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具体罪行 (详见各司法辖区) |
性罪犯登记 |
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- 伴侶之間互相發送圖像。
- 伴侶之間互相發送圖像之後,把其分享給關係以外的人。
- 單戀者向目標對象發送圖像。
對於在傳統期望上,希望男性於性上作主動方的地區而言,性短訊能使得女性擁有更大的性自由,因为她們可成為主動方,提供裸照予男性伴侶[14][15]。 由於可能觸犯管制兒童色情物品的法規,所以主流媒體一般不鼓勵青少年或未成年人發送性短訊[14]。然而一項研究則發現與年輕男性相比,年輕女性較常在受到伴侶的脅迫底下,被迫發送自身的裸照[16]。
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- ^ Roberts, Yvonne. The one and only. Sunday Telegraph Magazine (News Corp Australia). 31 July 2005: 22.
Following a string of extramarital affairs and several lurid "sexting" episodes, Warne has found himself home alone, with Simone Warne taking their three children and flying the conjugal coop.
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- 期刊論文
- Gregory, Tim. Sexting and the politics of the image: when the invisible becomes visible in a consensus democracy. Porn Studies. October 2015, 2 (4): 342–355. doi:10.1080/23268743.2015.1059773.
- Lounsbury, Kaitlin; Mitchell, Kimberly J.; Finkelhor, David. The true prevalence of sexting. Crimes Against Children Research Center, University of New Hampshire. April 2011 [2019-11-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-10). Pdf. (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Nunziato, Dawn C. Romeo and Juliet online and in trouble: criminalizing depictions of teen sexuality (c u l8r:g2g 2 jail). Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property. Winter 2012, 10 (3): 57–92 [2019-11-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-08). Pdf. (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Renfrow, Daniel G.; Rollo, Elisabeth A. Sexting on campus: minimizing perceived risks and neutralizing behaviors. Deviant Behavior. November 2014, 35 (11): 903–920. doi:10.1080/01639625.2014.897122.
- Schmitz, Sandra; Siry, Lawrence. Teenage folly or child abuse? State responses to "sexting" by minors in the U.S. and Germany. Policy & Internet. May 2011, 3 (2): 25–50. doi:10.2202/1944-2866.1127.
- Scholes-Balog, Kirsty; Francke, Nicole; Hemphill, Sheryl. Relationships between sexting, self-esteem, and sensation seeking among Australian young adults. Sexualization, Media, and Society. April–June 2016, 2 (2): 237462381562779. doi:10.1177/2374623815627790.
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- "Nothing shameful about sexting?" findings of a new report, "Young People and Sexting in Australia: ethics, representation and the law" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)