


布鲁塞尔效应(英語:Brussels effect),是指欧盟事实上(但不一定是法律上)通过市场机制将其法律推廣至境外,导致其单边监管全球化的过程。因為布鲁塞尔效应,受监管的实体,特別是公司,最终会出于各种原因,即使處在欧盟之外,也遵守欧盟法律。


2012年,哥倫比亞大學法律教授布雷佛德英语Anu Bradford创造該術語[1][2][3],以美国类似的概念「加州效應」(英語:California effect)命名。[4]


欧洲联盟的市场规模、市场重要性[1]、相對嚴格的標準與監管能力[5] 促使國際業者發現若在非欧盟市场上保持低标准,在经济上、法律上或技术上都是不切实际的。非歐盟公司為在全球範圍貿易,统一采用歐盟制定的标准是有益的。 [6][7]


加州效應布魯塞爾效應都是監管競爭的某種形式。處在多種监管环境中的公司有誘因採用最严格的标准,以更容易在全球範圍內生产與出口。[8][9][10] 與此相反,德拉瓦州效应(英語:Delaware effect)則是司法辖区有意降低监管要求,以吸引寻求最不严格标准的企业。[11]

迄今为止,学者们无法通过经验驗证布鲁塞尔效应在国际法中的界限,特别是世贸法中的界限。[12] 不僅如此,是否發生布鲁塞尔效应,無須積累地滿足布雷佛德英语Anu Bradford設定的先决条件。[13] 研究顯示,根据所涉法规的背景,欧盟的监管权力有很大差异。[14][15]




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Bradford, Anu. The Brussels Effect. Northwestern University Law Review (PDF). Columbia Law and Economics Working Paper No. 533. 2012, 107 (1) [2024-03-16]. SSRN 2770634可免费查阅. (原始内容存档于2022-07-02). 
  2. ^ Lecture, March 2012 – "The Brussels Effect: The Rise of a Regulatory Superstate in Europe页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)"
  3. ^ Bradford, Anu. The Brussels Effect: How the European Union Rules the World. Oxford University Press. 2020 [2024-03-16]. ISBN 978-0-19-008858-3. doi:10.1093/oso/9780190088583.001.0001. (原始内容存档于2022-07-28) (英语). 
  4. ^ Vogel, David. Trading Up: Consumer and Environmental regulation in a global economy需要免费注册. Harvard University Press. 1995. ISBN 9780674900837. 
  5. ^ Bach, David; Newman, Abraham. The European regulatory state and global public policy: micro-institutions, macro-influence. Journal of European Public Policy. 2007. doi:10.1080/13501760701497659. 
  6. ^ Hot U.S. Import: European Regulations. The Wall Street Journal. 7 May 2018 [2024-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-12). 
  7. ^ The Brussels Effect: The Rise of a Regulatory Superstate in Europe. Columbia Law School. 8 January 2013 [17 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于4 May 2018). 
  8. ^ Why the whole world feels the 'Brussels effect'. Financial Times. November 2017 [2024-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2018-05-18). 
  9. ^ Why the 'Brussels effect' will undermine Brexit regulatory push. Financial Times. July 2017 [2024-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2018-05-24). 
  10. ^ Bach, David. Three Questions: Prof. David Bach on the Reach of European Privacy Regulations. Yale Insights. 25 May 2018 [2024-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2023-09-25). 
  11. ^ Wright, Robert E. How Delaware Became the King of U.S. Corporate Charters. Bloomberg View. 8 June 2012 [18 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于16 March 2016). 
  12. ^ Sinopoli, Dominique; Purnhagen, Kai. Reversed Harmonization or Horizontalization of EU standards?: Does WTO Law Facilitate or Contrain the Brussels Effect?. Wisconsin International Law Journal. 2016: 92–119. 
  13. ^ Sinopoli, Dominique; Purnhagen, Kai. Reversed Harmonization or Horizontalization of EU standards?: Does WTO Law Facilitate or Contrain the Brussels Effect?. Wisconsin International Law Journal. 2016: 92–119. 
  14. ^ Young, Alasdair R. "The European Union as a global regulator? Context and comparison." Journal of European Public Policy 22, no. 9 (2015): 1233-1252.
  15. ^ Young, Alasdair R. "Europe as a global regulator? The limits of EU influence in international food safety standards." Journal of European Public Policy 21, no. 6 (2014): 904-922.


  • Bradford, Anu. The Brussels Effect: How the European Union Rules the World. Oxford University Press. 2020. ISBN 978-0190088583.