丹麦 |
奥地利 |
奧地利和丹麥之間存在外交關係。奧地利在哥本哈根設有大使館,丹麥在維也納設有大使館。[1][2] 兩國都是歐洲委員會、經濟合作與發展組織和歐盟的正式成員。外交關係於1925年12月19日建立。[3]
- ^ Austrian representatives in Denmark. Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (Austria). [12 February 2011]. (原始内容存档于6 July 2011) (德语).
- ^ Danish embassy in Vienna, Austria. Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Denmark). [12 February 2011]. (原始内容存档于19 July 2011) (丹麦语及德语).
- ^ Bilateral relations between Austria and Denmark (Treaties). Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (Austria). [12 February 2011]. (原始内容存档于20 February 2012) (德语).
- Exchange of Notes for the provisional application to commercial relations between the two countries of the provisions contained in the Commercial and Maritime Convention of March 14, 1887, between Austria-Hungary and Denmark. Vienna, June 27 and 3o, 1923 (PDF). United Nations Treaty Series. United Nations Treaty Series. 27–30 June 1923 [12 February 2011] (英语及法语). [失效連結]