

出生1879年1月11日 编辑维基数据
毕尔巴鄂 编辑维基数据
逝世1970年9月23日 编辑维基数据 (91歲)
杜兰戈 编辑维基数据
墓地杜兰戈 编辑维基数据
职业政治人物律師 编辑维基数据
政党保守派同盟、傳統主義西班牙國家工團主義進攻委員會方陣 编辑维基数据
奖项Grand Cross of the Order of Isabella the Catholic、Grand Cross of the Order of St. Raymond of Peñafort、Grand Cross of Naval Merit with white badge、大十字级卡洛斯三世勋章、Grand Cross of the Imperial Order of the Yoke and Arrows 编辑维基数据

埃斯特万·德·毕尔巴鄂·埃吉亚(西班牙語:Esteban de Bilbao Eguía,1879年1月11日—1970年9月23日),是西班牙律师长枪党政治人物。毕尔巴鄂作为同情卡洛斯主义的保王派人士[1]内战期间加入了佛朗哥阵营,并在战后担任司法大臣英语Ministry of Justice (Spain),任内他主持建立了欧洲最具管制性的司法体系之一[2]。其后他于1943年3月出任众议院议长,直到1965年9月因年事已高而卸任[3]


  1. ^ Stanley G. Payne, The Franco Regime, Madison 2011, ISBN 0299110745, 978-0299110741, p. 235
  2. ^ During early Francoism some 1% of the population went through jails and some 1,1‰ were judicially executed. Comparative background might be provided by similar European post-civil-war cases. In Poland (until 1953) there were 250,000 political prisoners, ca. 1% of the population, Tomasz Łabuszewski (ed.), Śladami zbrodni. Projekt edukacyjny IPN, Warszawa 2007, p. 6. Military tribunals, dealing with crimes against state, sentenced at least 5,800 to death. The number of those executed remains obscure and is estimated at few thousand, 0,2-0,3‰ of the population, Dariusz Burczyk, Igor Hałagida, Alicja Paczoska-Hauke (eds.) Skazani na karę śmierci przez Wojskowe Sądy Rejonowe w Bydgoszczy, Gdańsku i Koszalinie (1946-1955), Gdańsk 2009, ISBN 9788376290553, pp. 9, 17. In Greece there were 65,000 political prisoners, some 0,9% of the population, Minas Samatas, Greek McCarthyism: a comparative assessment of Greek post-civil war repressive anticommunism and the U.S. Truman-McCarthy era, [in:] Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 13 (1986), p. 38. In 1949 the Athens government admitted 3,150 death sentences for contributing to the revolt; at least 1,233 have actually been executed, some 0,2‰ of the population, Bickham Sweet-Escott, Greece: A Political and Economic Survey 1939-1953, London 1954, p. 73, though some authors claim there were 5,000 executed by court-martial, which would constitute 0,7‰ of the population, Stanley G. Payne, Civil War in Europe, 1905-1949, Cambridge 2011, ISBN 9781107648159, p. 223. In both Polish and Greek cases numbers do not include death sentences on theoretically non-political charges, extrajudicial executions and – in case of Greece – death due to atrocious conditions in labor camps. In long-established democracies which experienced minor fratricidal violence, by no means comparable to a civil war, the number of politically-motivated death penalties administered by the judicial system was not negligible. In case of post-1944 Belgium there were 2,940 Nazi collaborators (some 0,4‰ of the population) sentenced to death, though the number of those actually executed was 242, Payne 2011, p. 204
  3. ^ Entrevista a Esteban Bilbao, [in:] Esfuerzo común 102 (1969)


  • Martin Blinkhorn, Carlism and Crisis in Spain 1931-1939, Cambridge 1975, ISBN 9780521207294
  • Julian Casanova, Francisco Espinosa Maestre, Conxita Mir, Francisco Moreno Gómez, Morir, matar, sobrevivir: la violencia en la dictadura de Franco, Barcelona 2004, ISBN 8484325067