卓锦万代兰 | |
属 | 萬代蘭屬 Vanda |
杂交亲本 | 虎克万代兰(Vanda hookeriana) × 棒叶万代兰(Vanda teres) |
栽培品种 | 卓锦 'Miss Joaquim' |
卓锦万代兰 | |
科学分类 | |
界: | 植物界 Plantae |
演化支: | 维管植物 Tracheophyta |
演化支: | 被子植物 Angiosperms |
演化支: | 单子叶植物 Monocots |
目: | 天門冬目 Asparagales |
科: | 蘭科 Orchidaceae |
属: | 万代兰属 Vanda |
种: | 卓锦万代兰 V. '. Joaqium'
二名法 | |
Vanda 'Miss Joaqium' |
卓锦万代兰(学名:Vanda 'Miss Joaquim')为万代兰属自然杂交种,是新加坡国花。
1893年,新加坡植物园园长亨利·尼古拉斯·里德利在描述这个品种时写道:“几年前,居住在新加坡的著名女园艺家艾格妮丝·卓锦成功将新加坡无处不在的虎克万代兰(Vanda hookeriana)和棒叶万代兰(Vanda teres)杂交。”[1][2]里德利、数名当代其他种植兰花者以及各胡姬花刊物,都认可这个新品种为雜交種。棒叶万代兰产于缅甸,而虎克万代兰产于马来半岛。[3]
- ^ Gardeners' Chronicle 24 June 1893, p. 740
- ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Our National Flower [我国国花]. Nparks(国家公园局). [2013-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-04) (英语).
- ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Arunasalam, Sitragandi; Ong, Eng Chuan. Vanda Miss Joaquim. Singapore Infopedia. National Library Board. [2013-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2012-04-26) (英语).
- Arditti, J., and C. S. Hew. 2007. The origin of Vanda Miss Jaoquim. Pages 261-309 in K. M. Cameron, J. Arditti and T. Kull (eds.), Orchid Biology, Reviews and Perspectives, Vol. IX, The New York Botanical Garden Press, New York.
- Johnston H. and N. Wright, 2008 Vanda Miss Joaquim: Singapore’s National Flower and the Legacy of Agnes and Ridley, Suntree Media Pte Ltd, Singapore. Subsidized book
- Hew, C. S., T. W. Yam and J. Arditti. 2002. Biology of Vanda Miss Joaquim. National University of Singapore Press, Singapore.
- Teoh, E. S. 1982. A Joy Forever. Times Books International, Singapore.
- Teoh, E. S. 1988. A Joy Forever, 2nd edition. Times Books International, Singapore.
- Teoh, E. S. 1989. Orchids of Asia. Times Books International, Singapore.
- Wright N. H. 2000. The Origins of Vanda Miss Joaquim. Malayan Orchid Review 34; 70-73.
- Wright N. H. 2003 Respected Citizens: the History of Armenians in Singapore and Malaysia, Amassia Publishing, Middle Park, Australia.
- Wright N. H. 2004. After a re-examination of the origins of Vanda Miss Joaquim. Orchid Review 112: 292-2988.
- Yam, T. W. 1999. A possible solution to the parentage riddle of Vanda Miss Joaquim. Malayan Orchid Review 33: 53.