培根配什麼都美味 Everything Tastes Better with Bacon | |
作者 | 莎拉·佩里(Sara Perry) |
語言 | 英語 |
主題 | 烹飪 |
發行資訊 | |
出版機構 | 可若出版社(Chronicle Books) |
出版時間 | 2002年5月1日 |
出版地點 | 美國 |
頁數 | 132頁 |
規範控制 | |
ISBN | 0-8118-3239-2 |
OCLC | 47100742 |
LC分類法 | 2001037240 |
《培根配什麼都美味:70道絕佳日常菜餚》(英語:Everything Tastes Better with Bacon: 70 Fabulous Recipes for Every Meal of the Day)是一本介紹煙肉配合其他食品烹飪技巧的食譜,由《俄勒岡人報》(The Oregonian)專欄作家兼食品評論員莎拉·佩里(Sara Perry)創作,2002年5月1日經可若出版社(Chronicle Books)在美國出版,2004年又經蒙特婁權利出版社(Les Éditions de l'Homme)發行法語版。佩里在書中介紹糖和煙肉結合的原創食譜理念,其中包括有煙肉風味的菜餚和西點。
該書所獲評價多為正面,書中菜譜入選《2003至2004年最佳美國食譜》(The Best American Recipes 2003–2004)。《聖彼德斯堡時報》讚揚書中擁有「最風趣而獨特的食譜」,《匹茲堡郵報》刊文《2002年最愛食譜》也讚賞本書,《丹佛郵報》將之列入2002年最佳菜譜名單。不過,《多倫多星報》發表的一篇評論文章認為佩里在配方選擇上欠缺創意。此外還有其他相關食譜中含有本書的內容。
莎拉·佩里生活在俄勒岡州的波特蘭,是《俄勒岡人報》(The Oregonian)的專欄作家[1][2],還是一家電台的餐館評論員[3]和食譜作家。創作《培根配什麼都美味:70道絕佳日常菜餚》前,佩里已經寫出過四本書:《新版咖啡完全飲用指南》(The New Complete Coffee Book)、《新版飲茶指南》(The New Tea Book)、《聖誕小吃》(Christmastime Treats)和《與孩子們度周末》(Weekends with the Kids)[3]。可若出版社(Chronicle Books)的編輯建議她以煙肉作為一本食譜的主題。雖然煙肉的受歡迎程度和使用率都在增加,但佩里認為由於相應的食譜匱乏,這本書的創作過程會很艱難。回憶起自己對蜂蜜烤火腿的鐘愛,她把食糖和煙肉結合起來創造料理[4]。佩里意識到,可以通過在煙肉中增加調料來調整包括沙拉和義大利直麵在內各種菜餚的風味[5]。她注意到,煙肉可以增加食物中的甜度和鹹度[6]。2002年5月1日,《培根配什麼都美味》的英語平裝版由舊金山的可若出版社出版[7][8],其初次發行的價格為18.95美元[9][10]。2004年,蒙特婁權利出版社出版了本書的法語版本,作為該出版社的「多棒的一道菜」系列叢書之一[11][12]。
佩里在書的引言中介紹了她對煙肉的感覺,每天開始烹調時,煙肉的香味就能夠讓自己感到冷靜[13]。書的開頭介紹了「bringing home the bacon」(直譯為「把煙肉帶回家」,意譯為「養家餬口」)這一短語的來歷,向讀者介紹了煙肉的種類並描述了儲存方法[14]。這本書中提供有70種煙肉風味菜餚的食譜[15][16],並根據主題分成九個章節,其中包括早餐、綠葉蔬菜、義大利麵、小菜、聚會配餐、西點和前菜等[17][18][19]。這些食譜中包括有增加其他食材的煙肉三明治[20],把煙肉切碎再淋上冰淇淋[21],烘水果酥時澆上煙肉汁[16],以及配有煙肉的西式餡餅[22]。其中煙肉的烹調方法既可以用爐灶,也可以用烤箱,還可以利用烤爐來最大限度地表現其風味和外觀[19][23][24]。書中圖文並茂,裡面的照片由謝里·吉布林(Sheri Giblin)拍攝[25]。
《培根配什麼都美味》獲得了食物評論員和評論家的好評。《芝加哥論壇報》報道稱該書發行第一個月就賣出了3萬份[22]。《聖彼德斯堡時報》的珍妮特·F·基勒(Janet F. Keeler)對書名持正面評價[26],並指出有食品評論員將書中的食譜加入到有關煙肉的文章中[26]。基勒採訪了《2003至2004年最佳美國食譜》的作者弗蘭·麥卡洛(Fran McCullough),後者斷定本書和阿特金斯健康飲食法[註 1]提高了煙肉的受歡迎程度[26]。基勒還在文章中將本書列為「最有趣和獨特的食譜」[28]。謝里·吉布林所拍攝的照片得到了《堪薩斯城星報》(The Kansas City Star)作家辛迪·霍得爾(Cindy Hoedel)的好評[25]。2002年12月,《紐約時報》文學評論家德懷特·加納(Dwight Garner)將本書列入其最喜歡的近期出版食譜名單中[29]。他對書中甜點的配方提出了批評,但同意作者在烹飪中使用更多煙肉的整體意見[29]。
《亞利桑那每日星報》(The Arizona Daily Star)在其「熱門讀物」(Hot Reads)欄目中推薦了本書[30]。《達拉斯晨報》(The Dallas Morning News)的德克薩斯風味(Texas Taste)助理編輯蘿拉·H·艾赫雷特(Laura H. Ehret)稱讚這本書成功地傳授了料理煙肉的經驗[31]。 《洛磯山新聞》(Rocky Mountain News)的馬蒂·梅塔斯(Marty Meitus)稱這本書讓他對煙肉菜餚的食慾有所上升[32]。梅塔斯推薦了書中的西點食譜,包括榛果煙肉糖果酥、花生醬餅乾配煙肉酥,梨和蘋果酥上面加上紅糖和煙肉,以及紅葡萄乾配百果餡製成的撻[32]。丹佛的迪克森市區燒烤餐廳執行主廚史蒂夫·史密斯(Steve Smith)受到書中「楓葉聖代冰淇淋」(Maple Sundae)配方的啟發,自己創造出了一個新的澳洲堅果加煙肉緊縮冰淇淋甜點[33]。
《匹茲堡郵報》的馬琳·帕里什(Marlene Parrish)給本書良好評價,在她的文章《2002年最喜歡的食譜》中加以推薦[34],表示自己很享受抽檢書中食譜的過程[34]。她還認為,阿特金斯健康飲食法的創造者羅伯特·阿特金斯會很喜歡其中的書中的這道「煙肉古岡左拉起司堡加」[34]。《丹佛郵報》也將本書列入2002年最佳菜譜名單[35]。該報的另一篇文章推薦了書中的幾道菜,包括培根蛋麵、科布沙拉(Cobb salad)、梨和蘋果酥上面加上紅糖和煙肉以及煙肉酥[36]。不過,《多倫多星報》的一篇評論文章批評佩里在配方的選擇上缺乏創意[37],文章認為與其他同樣有關煙肉的食譜相比,這本書的表現還不錯,但其中包含的菜色較少,書的內容不夠全面[37]。米歇爾·安娜·喬丹(Michele Anna Jordan)在《新聞民主黨報》(The Press Democrat)的專欄中推薦了佩里的作品,並評論稱作者對煙肉的熱情是會傳染的[38]。
《芝加哥太陽報》和《聖彼德斯堡時報》認為,《培根配什麼都美味》是食譜類書籍中的一部小眾作品[18][28]。佩里表示,煙肉作為食材已經重新流行起來[10]。《基督科學箴言報》2003年的一篇文章中指出,雖然煙肉受到一些營養學家否定,但它在烹調中已經用得越來越多了[10]。書中的菜譜入選了《2003至2004年最佳美國食譜:來自書本、雜誌、報告和網際網路的熱門首選》(The Best American Recipes 2003–2004: The Year's Top Picks from Books, Magazines, Newspapers and the Internet)[39][40]。2003年的書籍《煙和香料:帶煙烹飪,實在的燒烤方式》(Smoke & Spice: Cooking with Smoke, the Real Way to Barbecue)就以本書中的一道「多汁煙肉裹蝦」(Succulent Bacon-Wrapped Shrimp)作為參考[41]。《2003至2004年最佳美國食譜》的作者弗蘭·麥卡洛稱讚本書是煙肉烹調領域的驚喜之作[26]。《大西洋》雜誌稱,本書出版三年後,煙肉一定會像巧克力或橄欖油般流行[42]。利亞·A·澤爾德斯(Leah A. Zeldes)2006年在《芝加哥太陽報》上發表文章稱,這本書有助於展現煙肉在菜譜中的廣泛適用程度[18]。馬修·阿姆斯特·伯頓(Matthew Amster-Burton)在2009年的《飢餓猴子》(Hungry Monkey)一書中對過去幾年有關煙肉的現象和書籍進行了評價,將本書與2006年出版的《被煙肉勾引》(Seduced by Bacon)和2007年出版的《煙肉食譜》(The Bacon Cookbook)相提並論[43]。2013年英國《獨立報》上的一篇文章將本書列為豬肉越來越受到關注的一個實例[44]。
- ^ Julian 2002,第33頁.
- ^ Browning-Blas 2002,第M7頁.
- ^ 3.0 3.1 Perry 2003,第121頁.
- ^ Keeler 2002,第1C頁.
- ^ The Sacramento Bee staff 2002,第F1頁.
- ^ Smith 2002,第D1頁.
- ^ WorldCat 2011a.
- ^ Perry 2002,第4頁.
- ^ Fabricant 2002.
- ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Paulson 2003,第16頁.
- ^ WorldCat 2011b.
- ^ Perry 2004.
- ^ Crooks 2002,第D1頁.
- ^ Saunders 2002,第C4頁.
- ^ English 2002.
- ^ 16.0 16.1 McCarthy 2002,第A1頁.
- ^ Perry 2002,第7頁.
- ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Zeldes 2006,第S1頁.
- ^ 19.0 19.1 Lawson 2003,第12D頁.
- ^ Meitus 2003b,第3D頁.
- ^ Longino 2002.
- ^ 22.0 22.1 Eddy 2002,第1頁.
- ^ Mahoney 2003,第D1頁.
- ^ Cichy 2003,第4E頁.
- ^ 25.0 25.1 Hoedel 2002,第E2頁.
- ^ 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 Keeler 2003,第1D頁.
- ^ Aldana 2005,第215頁.
- ^ 28.0 28.1 Keeler 2008,第5E頁.
- ^ 29.0 29.1 Garner 2002,第54頁.
- ^ Burch 2002,第F1頁.
- ^ Ehret 2002,第6F頁.
- ^ 32.0 32.1 Meitus 2003a,第5D頁.
- ^ Browning-Blas 2003,第F01頁.
- ^ 34.0 34.1 34.2 Parrish 2002,第F1頁.
- ^ Husted 2002,第FF9頁.
- ^ Browning-Blas 2002,第M-07頁.
- ^ 37.0 37.1 The Toronto Star staff 2002,第D05頁.
- ^ Jordan 2002,第D1頁.
- ^ McCullough 2003,第84–85, 280, 284頁.
- ^ Bonwich 2004,第1頁.
- ^ Jamison 2003,第340頁.
- ^ Kummer 2005.
- ^ Amster-Burton 2009,第63頁.
- ^ Muston 2013,第44–45頁.
- Aldana, Steven. The Culprit and The Cure. Maple Mountain Press. 2005: 215. ISBN 0-9758828-0-5.
- Amster-Burton, Matthew. Hungry Monkey: A Food-Loving Father's Quest to Raise an Adventurous Eater. Houghton Mifflin. 2009: 63. ISBN 0-15-101324-1.
- Bonwich, Joe. The Whites of Spring – Egg Recipes by the Dozen. St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Lee Enterprises). 2004-04-07: 1; Section: Let's Eat [2013-11-29]. (原始內容存檔於2013-12-03).
- Browning-Blas, Kristen. Italian cookbooks saucy stuff 'Sopranos' remains hot seller for stores. The Denver Post (The Denver Post Corp.). 2002-12-01: M–07.
- Browning-Blas, Kristen. Aficionados tell why everybody loves bacon; Breakfast meat back in style as high-end treat. The Denver Post (The Denver Post Corp.). 2003-02-26: F–01.
- Burch, Cathalena E. In the mood for melons. The Arizona Daily Star (Lee Enterprises). 2002-07-17: F1 [2013-11-29]. (原始內容存檔於2014-06-10).
- Cichy, Betty. A guide for bacon lovers. Bucks County Courier Times (Levittown, Pennsylvania). 2003-10-22: 4E.
- Crooks, Laura. Let bacon add a little sizzle to your meal. The Spokesman-Review (Cowles Publishing Company). 2002-08-07: D1 [2013-11-29]. (原始內容存檔於2002-09-16).
- Eddy, Kristin. Back to bacon ; A breakfast staple renews its image with new artisan brands. Chicago Tribune (Tribune Company). 2002-05-15: 1; Section: Good Eating [2013-11-29]. (原始內容存檔於2010-07-09). Also published by the Lexington Herald-Leader as "Bring it home and fry it up" on June 9, 2002, p. K5, the Sacramento Bee as "Back into the frying pan – Bacon is hot again – and look at all the sizzling varieties" on September 18, 2002, page F1, and the San Diego Union-Tribune" as " Hog wild" on October 30, 2002.
- English, Simon. US shoppers bring home the bacon for investors. The Daily Telegraph (London, England: Telegraph Media Group). 2002-10-11 [2013-11-29]. (原始內容存檔於2013-11-29).
- Ehret, Laura H. Bacon basics. The Dallas Morning News (A. H. Belo Corporation). 2002-06-23: 6F.
- Fabricant, Florence. Food Stuff; What to Do With It Once You Bring It Home. The New York Times (The New York Times Company). 2002-06-19 [2013-11-29]. (原始內容存檔於2013-11-29).
- Garner, Dwight. Cooking. The New York Times Book Review (The New York Times Company). 2002-12-08, 107 (49): 54 [2013-11-29]. (原始內容存檔於2013-11-29).
- Hoedel, Cindy. Mmmmm ... bacon. The Kansas City Star (The Kansas City Star Co.). 2002-07-31: E2 [2013-11-29]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-13).
- Husted, Bill. Fat Daddy serves up Starbucks. The Denver Post (The Denver Post Corp.). 2002-12-13: FF–09.
- Jamison, Cheryl Alters; Bill Jamison. Smoke & Spice: Cooking with Smoke, the Real Way to Barbecue. Harvard Common Press. 2003: 340. ISBN 1-55832-262-0.
- Jordan, Michele Anna. Smoking your own bacon offers flavorful reward. The Press Democrat (Santa Rosa, California: The New York Times Company). 2002-05-01: D1 [2013-11-29]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-19).
- Julian, Sheryl; Julie Riven. Bring home the bacon – Consumers are rediscovering the aromatic smoky pork that was once an American staple. The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts: Globe Newspaper Company). 2002-07-28: 33; Section: Magazine [2013-11-29]. (原始內容存檔於2014-06-10).
- Keeler, Janet K. Bacon with everything. St. Petersburg Times (Times Publishing Company). 2002-06-19 [2013-11-29]. (原始內容存檔於2003-07-27). Also published by The Cincinnati Post as "Add gusto with flavor of bacon" on July 10, 2002.
- Keeler, Janet K. She clips, you cook. St. Petersburg Times (Times Publishing Company). 2003-10-29: 1D [2013-11-29]. (原始內容存檔於2006-03-18).
- Keeler, Janet K. A Bounty of Good Cookbooks; New offerings give cookbook lovers a reason to rejoice. St. Petersburg Times (Times Publishing Company). 2008-11-12: 5E [2013-11-29]. (原始內容存檔於2013-11-29).
- Kummer, Corby. Better Bacon: Artisan producers are making bacon even more irresistible. The Atlantic (The Atlantic Monthly Group). 2005-11 [2013-11-29]. (原始內容存檔於2013-07-18).
- Lawson, Kate. Bacon's back in favor – Low-carb diets, adventurous cooks have more people living high on the hog. Detroit News (MediaNews Group; Detroit Media Partnership). 2003-07-10: 12D.
- Longino, Bob. BLT and beyond; Experimenting with new and classic cuts, chefs and home cooks get back to bacon. Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Cox Media Group). 2002-09-19: Section: Living and Arts [2003-02-20]. (原始內容存檔於2003-02-20). Also published by the San Mateo County Times on October 23, 2002 as "Come back to bacon, because it's a little strip of heaven".
- Mahoney, Louis. Strip tease – Wake up and smell the bacon. Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond Newspapers, Inc.). 2003-01-15: D–1 [2003-02-03]. (原始內容存檔於2003-02-03).
- McCarthy, Michael J. Bacon Leaves Frying Pan, Jumps Into $23 Entrees. The Wall Street Journal (Dow Jones and Company). 2002-10-10 [2013-11-29]. (原始內容存檔於2013-11-29). Also published by Deseret News as "Bacon is makin' a comeback (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)" on October 10, 2002.
- McCullough, Fran; Molly Stevens. The Best American Recipes 2003–2004: The Year's Top Picks from Books, Magazines, Newspapers and the Internet. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2003: 84–85, 280, 284. ISBN 0-618-27384-0.
- Meitus, Marty. Cookbooks don't blow smoke in bringing home the bacon. Rocky Mountain News (E. W. Scripps Company, operated by Denver Newspaper Agency). 2003-08-13: 5D.
- Meitus, Marty. Slices of life – How to perk up the same-old sandwich routine. Rocky Mountain News (E. W. Scripps Company, operated by Denver Newspaper Agency). 2003-09-03: 3D.
- Muston, Samuel. The best of British Bacon – Features What's the secret of a really tasty rasher, whether it's for a sandwich or to to add some sizzle to your stew? Samuel Muston joins the experts in a competition to pick Britain's finest. The Independent (London). 2013-03-22: 44–45; Section: Features; Edition: 1st [2013-11-29]. (原始內容存檔於2013-11-29). Online edition is titled "Finding Britain's best bacon".
- Parrish, Marlene. Favorite Cookbooks for 2002. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Block Communications). 2002-12-19: F–1; Section: Food.
- Paulson, Amanda. Bacon keeps on sizzling: Despite a bad rap from nutritionists, bacon is enjoying a renaissance among chefs, home cooks. Christian Science Monitor. 2003-06-11: 16 [2011-06-18]. (原始內容存檔於2003-12-10).
- Perry, Sara. Everything Tastes Better with Bacon. Chronicle Books. 2002. ISBN 0-8118-3239-2.
- Perry, Sara; Maren Caruso. The New Complete Coffee Book. Chronicle Books. 2003: 121. ISBN 0-8118-4021-2.
- Perry, Sara. Bacon, Tout un plat!. Les Editions de l'Homme. 2004. ISBN 978-2-7619-1953-1.
- Saunders, Lucy. Book serves up a huge slab of bacon ideas. The Seattle Times (Seattle Times Company). Newhouse News Service. 2002-08-07: C4 [2013-11-29]. (原始內容存檔於2013-11-29).
- Smith, Kathie. Tasty and trendy, bacon is back. The Blade (Toledo, Ohio: Block Communications). 2002-08-20: D1 [2002-09-24]. (原始內容存檔於2002-09-24).
- The Toronto Star staff. There's no mistakin', it's bacon. The Toronto Star (Toronto Star Newspapers Limited). 2002-06-05: D05.
- WorldCat. Everything Tastes Better with Bacon. Online Computer Library Center (www.worldcat.org). 2011. OCLC 47100742.
- WorldCat. Bacon, Tout un plat!. Online Computer Library Center (www.worldcat.org). 2011. OCLC 54460685.
- Zeldes, Leah A. Stripsearch: Getting to know everything about bacon. Chicago Sun-Times (Chicago Sun-Times, Inc.). 2006-10-04: S1 / Front.
- Jordan, Anna Michele. The BLT Cookbook: Our Favorite Sandwich. William Morrow Cookbooks. 2003. ISBN 0-06-008773-0.
- Lauer, Heather. Bacon: A Love Story, A Salty Survey of Everybody's Favorite Meat. William Morrow. 2009. ISBN 0-06-170428-8.
- Pruess, Joanna. Seduced by Bacon: Recipes & Lore about America's Favorite Indulgence. The Lyons Press. 2006. ISBN 1-59228-851-0.
- Villas, James. The Bacon Cookbook: More than 150 Recipes from Around the World for Everyone's Favorite Food. Wiley. 2007. ISBN 0-470-04282-6.