Can you see it? The round face with the nose to the right? The common name for this one is the Gabriela Mistral Nebula as some think the face looks like a Chilean poet of the same name.
While this image is taken in true colour, narrowband versions reveal much nicer structure to the energised “bubble” of emission nebula being lit up by the open cluster of stars within. This object is fairly bright and beautiful but doesn’t get a whole lot of attention because it’s next to the greater Carina nebula, which is nuts.
Taken last night in one good run, 120mins in Ha and 40 mins in RGB using the Celestron 9.25″ Edge HD with F6.3 Focal Reducer.
Public domain, released on creators website with public domain notice
Some of these beautiful images have already been released on Flickr and imported to Commons, but these seem to be new to us. It would be a shame not to have them on Wikimedia Commons, especially because of their license.