English: This image was created by Garry L. Booker for the public domain. Some text, an exemplary WBS for a custom bicycle project, is from the Practice Standard for Work Breakdown Structures (Second Edition), , and employed under fair use. This is because the original WBS example is substantially extended in this image to demonstrate step-wise construction of the WBS using a numerical method, which is not included in the cited reference. This image also includes a modification to demonstrate a coding scheme for terminal elements, which is also not included in the cited reference. Garrybooker 01:49, 3 December 2006 (UTC)
This image was created by Garry L. Booker for the public domain. Some text, an exemplary WBS for a custom bicycle project, is from the Practice Standard for Work Breakdown Structures (Second Edition), ISBN 1-933890-13-4, and employed under fair use. This