
米爾塔·弗朗西斯卡·德拉卡里達·迪亞斯-巴拉特·古鐵雷斯(西班牙語:Mirta Francisca de la Caridad Díaz-Balart Gutiérrez;1928年9月30日—2024年7月6日)是古巴革命領袖菲德爾·卡斯特羅的第一任妻子(1948年—1955年)。她是拉法埃爾·何塞·迪亞斯-巴拉特(1959年古巴革命前,活躍於古巴政壇,曾任古巴運輸部長和巴內斯市長)和亞美利加·古鐵雷斯的女兒。她與菲德爾·卡斯特羅有一個兒子:菲德爾·卡斯特羅·迪亞斯-巴拉特。1956年,迪亞斯-巴拉特與埃米利奧·努涅斯·布蘭科(前古巴駐聯合國大使埃米利奧·努涅斯·波圖翁多之子)結婚,後生有兩個女兒(包括米爾塔·努涅斯)。2004年,她在西班牙馬德里去世[1][2][3]。
- ^ Guerrilla Prince: The Untold Story of Fidel Castro, Georgie Anne Geyer, 2011. p. 63. "Fidel's courting of Mirta Díaz-Balart, the lovely green-eyed girl with the dark blond hair and the wistful smile, from one of Cuba's wealthiest families, marked the period in his life that was closest to a time when he lived like a relatively normal man, one who felt and acted on simple and even pure and uncalculated feelings."
- ^ On Becoming Cuban: Identity, Nationality, and Culture, page 434, Louis A. Pérez, Jr. "The twenty-two-year-old Fidel Castro and his bride Mirta Díaz Balart were among the many thousands of Cuban newlyweds to honeymoon in New York city. Cuban travel was both cause and effect of changes overtaking the Florida tourist industry. "
- ^ Frank País: Architect of Cuba's Betrayed Revolution, page 322, José Alvarez, 2009. "Fidel Castro and Mirta Díaz-Balart, members of families who were political enemies, married on 10 October 1948. They were divorced while Castro was in prison."