// for rendering, use commands:
// povray -Q9 +A +UL +UV +W3200 +H2400 -Idomino.pov
// pngtopnm domino.png | pnmtojpeg >domino.jpg
#include "colors.inc"
#include "stones.inc"
#include "woods.inc"
#declare camX = <-30,0,0>; // observer's left-right offset
camera { location camX+<0,-50,-18> look_at camX+<0,0,-10> }
light_source { camX+<150,-100,-350> color White }
light_source { camX+<1500,-1500,-50000> color rgb<0.2,0.2,0.2> }
// sky
background { color rgb <.7, .7, 1> }
// ground
plane { <0,0,1>, 10.0 texture { T_Stone19 scale 20 } }
// a single domino stone
#declare piece = box { <0,0,2>, <4,0.5,10> }
// "infinite" chain, reachable by induction
#declare radB = <3600,0,0>; // radius of big circle segment
#declare i=0;
object { piece
translate radB
rotate <0,0,i*0.07>
translate -radB
texture { T_Wood10 scale 5 }
#declare i=i+1;
// junk terms, not reachable by induction
#declare radW = <40,0,0>; // radius of small circle
#declare i=0;
object { piece
translate radW
rotate <0,0,i*4>
translate -radW
translate <-15,70,0>
texture { T_Wood2 scale 5 }
#declare i=i+1;