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This image is a derivative work of the following images:
File:America-blank-map-01.svg licensed with GFDL-retouched, PD-self
2009-03-20T02:16:16Z DavoO 1945x1885 (635478 Bytes) size
2008-12-20T20:23:15Z XZise 389x377 (625862 Bytes) New version based on [[:File:BlankMap-World6.svg]] instead.
2008-12-17T16:47:51Z XZise 878x1192 (573437 Bytes) {{Information |Description={{de|Leere politische Karte Amerikas}} {{en|Blank Politic Map of America}} |Source=[[:Image:World Map Blank.svg]] (Source: [[:Image:World map pol 2005 v02.svg]]) {{Inkscape}}{{ValidSVG}} |Date=16:46
2008-02-08T18:40:41Z CarolSpears 878x1192 (664152 Bytes) version that validates
2006-04-14T14:53:39Z Haylli 878x1192 (665496 Bytes) [[Category:SVG maps]]
File:AmericanConventiononHumanRights-map.gif licensed with Cc-by-sa-2.5-ca, Cc-by-sa-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0, GFDL
2008-04-02T14:40:42Z Padraic 427x625 (8162 Bytes) ratification changes
2007-10-24T17:55:30Z Padraic 427x625 (8183 Bytes) {{Information |Description=Map displaying the parties to the [[:en:American Convention on Human Rights]]. |Source=self-made; based on [[:Image:InterAmTortureConvMap.gif]] |Date=October 24, 2007 |Author={{User:Padraic/Template
Uploaded with derivativeFX
日期/時間 縮圖 尺寸 用戶 備註
目前 2013年1月6日 (日) 13:20 1,945 × 1,885(631 KB) Duesseljan Denunciation by Venezuela
2009年7月29日 (三) 19:59 1,945 × 1,885(630 KB) Duesseljan {{Information |Description={{de|Karte der Mitglieder der AMRK }}{{en|Map displaying the parties to the ACHR }} |Source=*File:America-blank-map-01.svg *[[:File:
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