
大型平庸豬籠草![]() | |
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生長於婆羅洲沙巴海拔100米至150米處的大型平庸豬籠草窄籠變型的上位籠 | |
科學分類 ![]() | |
界: | 植物界 Plantae |
演化支: | 維管束植物 Tracheophyta |
演化支: | 被子植物 Angiosperms |
演化支: | 真雙子葉植物 Eudicots |
目: | 石竹目 Caryophyllales |
科: | 豬籠草科 Nepenthaceae |
屬: | 豬籠草屬 Nepenthes |
種: | 大型平庸豬籠草 N. macrovulgaris
二名法 | |
Nepenthes macrovulgaris | |
異名 | |
大型平庸豬籠草(學名:Nepenthes macrovulgaris)是婆羅洲特有的熱帶食蟲植物。[3]其種加詞「macrovulgaris」,來源於希臘文和拉丁文「macro」和「vulgaris」,意為「巨型的」和「普通的,平庸的」。其通常生長於苔蘚森林及亞山地森林空地,海拔300米至1200米處。其僅存在於超基性基質的原生地中,包括婆羅洲沙巴的基納巴盧山、南布由康山(Mount Nambuyukon)、丹濃谷、塔灣山脈(Tawai Range)、馬廖山脈(Meliau Range)和塞蘭山(Mount Silam)。其捕蟲籠可高達25厘米,為綠色至褐色,通常具斑點。[4][5][6]
大型平庸豬籠草與剛毛豬籠草(N. hirsuta)和粗毛豬籠草(N. hispida)之間存在着密切的近緣關係。植物學家馬修·傑布和馬丁·奇克還認為大型平庸豬籠草豬籠草與菲律賓巴拉望省特有的菲律賓豬籠草(N. philippinensis)之間存在近緣關係。 [7][8]
大型平庸豬籠草、剛毛豬籠草與粗毛豬籠草之間形態特徵的區別(Steiner, 2002 after Clarke, 1997) | ||||
形態特徵 | 大型平庸豬籠草 | 剛毛豬籠草 | 粗毛豬籠草 | |
葉片 | 可長達30厘米,為長圓形至線形 | 革質可長達20厘米,為槽狀-匙形或倒卵形 | 革質,無柄,可長達28厘米,倒披針形-長圓形 | |
葉尖 | 急尖至鈍尖 | 急尖或圓形 | 漸尖-鈍尖,通常不等側 | |
葉基 | 漸狹為具翼的葉柄,基部翼較寬,包住莖周長的二分之一,不下延 | 基部漸狹,橫向平展,包住莖周長的二分之一 | 基部漸狹,抱莖,常下延至節間 | |
縱脈 | 中脈兩側各2至3條 | 不明顯 | 中脈兩側各3條 | |
毛被 | 成熟的捕蟲籠和莖無毛被,發育中的捕蟲籠有少量的短毛 | 莖覆蓋着褐色的長毛 | 莖覆蓋着濃密的紫灰色粗毛 |
約翰·R·特恩布爾(J.R.Turnbull)和安妮·T·米德爾頓(A.T.Middleton)在1988年對大型平庸豬籠草進行了正式描述,並介紹了其種加詞的來由:[注 1][9]
“ | ……除了它的植株較為巨大,並沒有其他與別的豬籠草相區別的形態特徵。詞尾「vulgaris」表示的意思是普通的,平庸的。種加詞是希臘文和拉丁文的非規則組合。該名稱曾被用於野外以確定發到種植者手上的是哪個類群。這個非正式的名稱現在被廣泛的用於植物玩家間。我們認為更改這名稱會造成不必要的混亂。 | ” |
- N. albomarginata × N. macrovulgaris[10]
- N. macrovulgaris × N. rajah[4]
- N. macrovulgaris × N. reinwardtiana[4]
- N. macrovulgaris × N. tentaculata[4]
- ^ 約翰·R·特恩布爾和安妮·T·米德爾頓對其種加詞的解釋原文:[9]
“ [...] indicate a relatively large plant and to indicate that no single characteristic uniquely distinguishes this taxon from all others. The suffix vulgaris does not indicate that this species is either common or ordinary. On the contrary, it is quite striking. The epithet is an irregular combination of Greek and Latin. The name was used in the field to identify living material which was distributed to growers and this informal name is now commonly used by collectors. We feel that to change the name now would create unnecessary confusion. ”
- ^ Turnbull, J.R. & A.T. Middleton 1988. A new species of Nepenthes from Sabah, Malaysia. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 96(4): 351–358. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.1988.tb00690.x
- ^ Kurata, S. 1976. Nepenthes of Mount Kinabalu. Sabah National Parks Publications No. 2, Sabah National Parks Trustees, Kota Kinabalu.
- ^ 夏洛特. 食蟲植物觀賞&栽培圖鑑. 台北: 商周出版. 2007: 76. ISBN 978-986-124-850-9.
- ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Clarke, C.M. 1997. Nepenthes of Borneo. Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu.
- ^ Steiner, H. 2002. Borneo: Its Mountains and Lowlands with their Pitcher Plants. Toihaan Publishing Company, Kota Kinabalu.
- ^ Phillipps, A., A. Lamb & C.C. Lee 2008. Pitcher Plants of Borneo. Second Edition. Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu.
- ^ Cheek, M.R. & M.H.P. Jebb 1999. Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) in Palawan, Philippines. Kew Bulletin 54(4): 887–895. doi:10.2307/4111166
- ^ Schlauer, J. 2000. Literature Reviews.PDF Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 29(2): 53.
- ^ 9.0 9.1 Phillipps, A. & A. Lamb 1996. Pitcher-Plants of Borneo. Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu.
- ^ McPherson, S.R. 2009. Pitcher Plants of the Old World. 2 volumes. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole.
- Adam, J.H., C.C. Wilcock & M.D. Swaine 1992. The ecology and distribution of Bornean Nepenthes.PDF Journal of Tropical Forest Science 5(1): 13–25.
- Adam, J.H. 1997. Prey spectra of Bornean Nepenthes species (Nepenthaceae) in relation to their habitat.PDF Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science 20(2–3): 121–134.
- Adam, J.H. & C.C. Wilcock 1999. Palynological study of Bornean Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae).PDF Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science 22(1): 1–7.
- Bauer, U., C.J. Clemente, T. Renner & W. Federle 2012. Form follows function: morphological diversification and alternative trapping strategies in carnivorous Nepenthes pitcher plants. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25(1): 90–102. doi:10.1111/j.1420-9101.2011.02406.x
- Beaman, J.H. & C. Anderson 2004. The Plants of Mount Kinabalu: 5. Dicotyledon Families Magnoliaceae to Winteraceae. Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu.
- Fretwell, S. 2013. Back in Borneo for giant Nepenthes. Part 1: Mesilau Nature Reserve, Ranau. Victorian Carnivorous Plant Society Journal 107: 6–13.
- Kurata, S. 2002. Revision trial in recent enumeration of Nepenthes species.PDF Proceedings of the 4th International Carnivorous Plant Conference: 111–116.
- McPherson, S.R. & A. Robinson 2012. Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Borneo. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole.
- Meimberg, H., A. Wistuba, P. Dittrich & G. Heubl 2001. Molecular phylogeny of Nepenthaceae based on cladistic analysis of plastid trnK intron sequence data. Plant Biology 3(2): 164–175. doi:10.1055/s-2001-12897
- (德文) Meimberg, H. 2002. Molekular-systematische Untersuchungen an den Familien Nepenthaceae und Ancistrocladaceae sowie verwandter Taxa aus der Unterklasse Caryophyllidae s. l..PDF Ph.D. thesis, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Munich.
- Meimberg, H. & G. Heubl 2006. Introduction of a nuclear marker for phylogenetic analysis of Nepenthaceae. Plant Biology 8(6): 831–840. doi:10.1055/s-2006-924676
- Meimberg, H., S. Thalhammer, A. Brachmann & G. Heubl 2006. Comparative analysis of a translocated copy of the trnK intron in carnivorous family Nepenthaceae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 39(2): 478–490. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2005.11.023
- Thong, J. 2006. Travels around North Borneo – Part 1.PDF Victorian Carnivorous Plant Society Journal 81: 12–17.
- Turnbull, J.R. & A.T. Middleton 1981. A preliminary review of the Sabah species of Nepenthes, including a regional list and some selected localities. Unpublished mimeograph report to the Sabah Parks Trustees.
- Schnell, D., Catling, P., Folkerts, G., Frost, C., Gardner, R. et al. Nepenthes macrovulgaris. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2000. [11 May 2006]. Listed as Vulnerable (VU A1cd v2.3).
- Thorogood, C. 2010. The Malaysian Nepenthes: Evolutionary and Taxonomic Perspectives. Nova Science Publishers, New York.