用户:Addis-Bot/20140530/List of diplomatic missions of Denmark
This is a list of diplomatic missions of Denmark. Denmark maintains 76 embassies abroad, and the diplomatic network today reflects a modern strategy in many Western countries to maximise efficiency and relevance.[1]
- 阿尔巴尼亚
- Tirana (Embassy)
- 奥地利
- Vienna (Embassy)
- 比利时
- Brussels (Embassy)
- 保加利亚
- Sofia (Embassy)
- 克罗地亚
- Zagreb (Embassy)
- 赛普勒斯
- Nicosia (Embassy)
- 捷克
- 爱沙尼亚
- Tallinn (Embassy)
- 芬兰
- Helsinki (Embassy)
- 法国
- Paris (Embassy)
- 德国
- 希腊
- Athens (Embassy)
- 匈牙利
- Budapest (Embassy)
- 冰岛
- Reykjavík (Embassy)
- 爱尔兰
- Dublin (Embassy)
- 义大利
- Rome (Embassy)
- 拉脱维亚
- Riga (Embassy)
- 立陶宛
- Vilnius (Embassy)
- 卢森堡
- Luxembourg (Embassy)
- 荷兰
- The Hague (Embassy)
- 挪威
- 波兰
- Warsaw (Embassy)
- 葡萄牙
- Lisbon (Embassy)
- 罗马尼亚
- Bucharest (Embassy)
- 俄罗斯
- 塞尔维亚
- Belgrade (Embassy)
- 斯洛伐克
- Bratislava (Embassy)
- 斯洛维尼亚
- Ljubljana (Embassy)
- 西班牙
- Madrid (Embassy)
- 瑞典
- Stockholm (Embassy)
- 瑞士
- Bern (Embassy)
- 乌克兰
- 英国
North America
- 加拿大
- 墨西哥
- Mexico City (Embassy)
- 尼加拉瓜
- Managua (Embassy)
- 美国
- Washington DC (Embassy)
- Chicago (Consulate General)
- New York (Consulate General)
South America
- 贝宁
- Cotonou (Embassy)
- 布吉纳法索
- Ouagadougou (Embassy)
- 埃及
- Cairo (Embassy)
- 衣索比亚
- Addis Ababa (Embassy)
- 加纳
- Accra (Embassy)
- 肯尼亚
- Nairobi (Embassy)
- 马里
- Bamako (Embassy)
- 摩洛哥
- Rabat (Embassy)
- 莫桑比克
- Maputo (Embassy)
- 索马利兰
- Hargeisa (Representative office)
- 南非
- Pretoria (Embassy)
- 坦桑尼亚
- Dar es Salaam (Embassy)
- 乌干达
- Kampala (Embassy)
- 尚比亚
- Lusaka (Embassy)
- 阿富汗
- Kabul (Embassy)
- 孟加拉国
- Dhaka (Embassy)
- 不丹
- Thimphu (Representative office)
- 缅甸
- Yangon (Embassy)
- 柬埔寨
- Phnom Penh (Representative Office)
- 中华人民共和国
- 印度
- New Delhi (Embassy)
- 印度尼西亚
- Jakarta (Embassy)
- 伊朗
- Tehran (Embassy)
- 以色列
- Tel Aviv (Embassy)
- 日本
- Tokyo (Embassy)
- 韩国
- Seoul (Embassy)
- 黎巴嫩
- Beirut (Embassy)
- 马来西亚
- Kuala Lumpur (Embassy)
- 尼泊尔
- Kathmandu (Embassy)
- 巴基斯坦
- Islamabad (Embassy)
- 巴勒斯坦民族权力机构
- Ramallah (Representative Office)
- 沙乌地阿拉伯
- Riyadh (Embassy)
- 新加坡
- Singapore (Embassy)
- 叙利亚
- Damascus (Embassy)
- 中华民国 (Taiwan)
- Taipei (Danish Trade Organizations' Taipei Office)
- 泰国
- Bangkok (Embassy)
- 土耳其
- Ankara (Embassy)
- 阿联酋
- Abu Dhabi (Embassy)
- 越南
- Hanoi (Embassy)
- Ho Chi Minh City (Consulate General)
Multilateral organizations
- Council of Europe[2] (Strasbourg)
- 欧洲联盟[3] (Brussels)
- 北大西洋公约组织[4] (Brussels)
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development[5] (Paris)
- Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe[6] (Vienna)
- International Atomic Energy Agency[7] (Vienna)
- Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization[8] (Vienna)
- 联合国
See also
- ^ Organisation. [30 September 2011].
- ^ Denmark's Permanent Representation to the Council of Europe. [30 September 2011] (Danish).
- ^ Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU. [29 September 2011].
- ^ Permanent Representation of Denmark to NATO. [29 September 2011].
- ^ Permanent Delegation of Denmark to the OECD. [29 September 2011] (Danish).
- ^ Danish Mission to the OSCE, IAEA and CTBTO. [8 November 2011].
- ^ Danish Mission to the OSCE, IAEA and CTBTO. [8 November 2011].
- ^ Danish Mission to the OSCE, IAEA and CTBTO. [8 November 2011].
- ^ Permanent Mission of Denmark to the UN. [29 September 2011].
- ^ Danish UN Mission Geneva. [29 September 2011].
- ^ Danish UN Mission Vienna.