3D-render of partially-transparent Rhombic dodecahedron (dual of cuboctahedron Archimedean solid).
From en:Image:Rhombic dodecahedron.jpg
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Povray code
The file was produced via the command "povray rhombic_dodecahedron.ini" on a Mac OS X machine with the fink installation of POV-Ray . The following three files are used. (GFDL applies to all)
File "rhombic_dodecahedron.povi"
#declare A=sqrt(2);
#declare R=0.025;
#declare rhombdod =
intersection {
box { < -2, -2, -2>, <2,2,2> }
plane { < 1, 1, 0>, A }
plane { < 1,-1, 0>, A }
plane { <-1, 1, 0>, A }
plane { <-1,-1, 0>, A }
plane { < 1, 0, 1>, A }
plane { < 1, 0,-1>, A }
plane { <-1, 0, 1>, A }
plane { <-1, 0,-1>, A }
plane { < 0, 1, 1>, A }
plane { < 0, 1,-1>, A }
plane { < 0,-1, 1>, A }
plane { < 0,-1,-1>, A }
#declare tripod =
cylinder { <2,0,0>, <1,1,1>, R }
cylinder { <0,2,0>, <1,1,1>, R }
cylinder { <0,0,2>, <1,1,1>, R }
sphere { <1,1,1>, R }
#declare rhombdodedges =
union {
object { tripod }
object { tripod rotate 90*z }
object { tripod rotate 180*z }
object { tripod rotate 270*z }
object { tripod rotate 180*x }
object { tripod rotate 180*x rotate 90*z }
object { tripod rotate 180*x rotate 180*z }
object { tripod rotate 180*x rotate 270*z }
sphere { < 2, 0, 0 >, R }
sphere { <-2, 0, 0 >, R }
sphere { < 0, 2, 0 >, R }
sphere { < 0,-2, 0 >, R }
sphere { < 0, 0, 2 >, R }
sphere { < 0, 0,-2 >, R }
File "rhombic_dodecahedron.pov"
#include "colors.inc"
#include "rhombic_dodecahedron.povi"
global_settings{ ambient_light White }
background { color White }
#declare LX = 20;
#declare LZ = 50;
light_source { <LX,-LX,LZ> color White}
light_source { <-LX,LX,LZ> color White}
light_source { <LX,LX,LZ> color White}
light_source { <-LX,-LX,LZ> color White}
object { rhombdod
texture {
pigment { colour rgbt <1,1,0.4,0.3> }
finish { ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 phong 1 }
object { rhombdodedges
texture { pigment { colour Black } }
camera {
location 15*y
direction -y
right 0.3*x
up 0.3*z
rotate 10*x
rotate 30*z
File "rhombic_dodecahedron.ini"
+h256 +w256 Antialias=on