

Black Lives Matter运动的一部分
  • 哥伦布市的游行抗议
  • 一名示威者举着有五名涉事警察照片的标语牌
  • 一名黑人示威者举着“我很紧张”的标语
  • 一名示威者展示“停止对黑人的战争!”标语
  • 一名左翼示威者




2023年1月27日美国中部时间晚上8时21分,[1] 五名孟菲斯市警察局警察拦截了泰尔·尼科尔斯的车辆,理由是“鲁莽驾驶”。尼科尔斯在被警察攻击后尝试逃离自己汽车附近但失败,很久后才呼叫救护车,事发三天后尼科尔斯去世。[2]24日的尼克尔斯家属委托的私人尸检初步结果显示尼克尔斯死于“殴打导致的大量出血”[2]




孟菲斯的抗议活动于1月27日开始,此时泰尔·尼科尔斯死亡的录像已经被公开。孟菲斯的Black Lives Matter运动原定在允许的烈士公园集会,但当示威者意识到公园已经关闭时改为沿55号州际公路哈拉汉大桥英语Harahan Bridge。晚上9时抗议者逐渐离开[4][5][6]。尼克尔斯的家人在当地的一个滑板公园为尼科尔斯烛光守夜[7]。在第二天,尼科尔斯被警察殴打的路口成为了临时的纪念地[8]


华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,75名示威者于1月27日警察殴打尼科尔斯录像公开后在拉斐特广场示威。[9]同一天纽约市也有示威者举行游行[10],期间一名示威者跳上警车并试图打碎警车的挡风玻璃,这名示威者后来被拘留。纽约市警察局宣布因为示威者前往时代广场并聚集在纽约中央车站而关闭百老汇第48街到第42街的车辆南行[11][12],共有三名示威者在纽约被捕[13]。在波士顿,示威者在波士顿公园拥抱英语The Embrace雕像守夜[14]。在洛杉矶,民众在洛杉矶警察局前举行了守夜,守夜活动因为抗议者和警察的冲突而升高[15]社会主义和解放党在抗议期间组织了许多示威活动[16]。芝加哥的十几名示威者在1月27日于芝加哥警察局前示威[17]阿什维尔[18]亚特兰大夏洛特哥伦布达拉斯[19]丹佛底特律[20]哈特福德休斯顿[21]曼切斯特[22]纽瓦克[23]费城[24]凤凰城[25]匹兹堡波特兰[26]普罗维登斯萨克拉门托[27]盐湖城[28]圣迭戈[29]旧金山[30]西雅图[31]圣路易斯等城市也发生了抗议[32]


佐治亚州州长布莱恩·肯普英语Brian Kemp宣布佐治亚州进入紧急状态,并部署1000名国民警卫队到2月9日,部分原因为该州的治安情况出现动荡。华盛顿哥伦比亚特区警察局要求“所有的宣誓人员”保持活跃应对抗议活动[33]




  1. ^ Cardia, Alexander; Kao, Jason; Koettl, Christoph; Lutz, Eleanor; Singhvi, Anjali; Stein, Robin. A Timeline of Tyre Nichols's Lethal Police Encounter. 纽约时报. January 27, 2023 [January 27, 2023]. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Patil, Anushka. Here is a timeline of events in the death of Tyre Nichols.. 纽约时报. January 27, 2023 [January 27, 2023]. 
  3. ^ Hartfield, Elizabeth; Croft, Jay; Bradner, Eric; Ebrahimji, Alisha. Memphis releases video showing police stop that led to Tyre Nichols’ death. CNN. January 27, 2023 [January 27, 2023]. 
  4. ^ Moon, Melissa. Tyre Nichols protestors shut down I-55 bridge in Memphis. WREG-TV. January 27, 2023 [January 28, 2023]. 
  5. ^ Kennedy, Corinne; Amro, Dima; Watts, Micaela. As Tyre Nichols video is released, Memphians gather to protest his death. The Commercial Appeal. January 27, 2023 [January 27, 2023]. 
  6. ^ Alsup, Dave. Protesters block lanes on a highway near downtown Memphis. CNN. January 27, 2023 [January 27, 2023]. 
  7. ^ Butkovich, Gina. Skateboarders, activists, family gather to honor Tyre Nichols. The Commercial Appeal. January 27, 2023 [January 28, 2023]. 
  8. ^ Sarisohn, Hannah; Percy, Phin. Memphis residents gather in front of memorial on street where police beat and detained Tyre Nichols. CNN. January 28, 2023 [January 28, 2023]. 
  9. ^ Hermann, Peter; Silverman, Ellie; Williams, Clarence. Demonstrators gather in D.C. as Tyre Nichols video is released. The Washington Post. January 27, 2023 [January 27, 2023]. 
  10. ^ New York City protests erupt after release of Tyre Nichols video. NBC News. January 27, 2023 [January 27, 2023]. 
  11. ^ Protestors surround police car in NYC amid release of Tyre Nichols video. WABC-TV. January 27, 2023 [January 27, 2023]. 
  12. ^ Meko, Hurubie. In New York City, anger and muted protests.. The New York Times. January 27, 2023 [January 27, 2023]. 
  13. ^ McCausland, Phil. Police make multiple arrests at NYC protest. NBC News. January 28, 2023 [January 28, 2023]. 
  14. ^ Vigil, protest in Boston as Tyre Nichols police video released in Memphis. CBS News. January 27, 2023 [January 27, 2023]. 
  15. ^ Sackur, Leila. Los Angeles protesters gather outside police headquarters. NBC News. January 28, 2023 [January 28, 2023]. 
  16. ^ Dozens rally outside Ohio Statehouse demanding justice for Tyre Nichols. 10 WBNS. January 28, 2023. 
  17. ^ Hauck, Grace; della Cava, Marco; Wong, Kathleen; Cuevas, Eduardo. Protests seen in Chicago, NYC; more expected nationwide after release of Tyre Nichols video in Memphis. USA Today. January 27, 2023 [January 27, 2023]. 
  18. ^ Nefzi, Samiar. Protesters gather in Asheville's Pack Square as video of Tyre Nichols' arrest released. WLOS. 2023-01-27 [2023-01-29] (英语). 
  19. ^ Volmert, Isabella; Bahari, Sarah. Tyre Nichols video prompts outrage, peaceful protest in Dallas. The Dallas Morning News. January 27, 2023 [January 27, 2023]. 
  20. ^ Lozano, Virginia. See protests unfold across the country after release of Tyre Nichols video. NPR. January 27, 2023 [January 27, 2023]. 
  21. ^ Limehouse, Jonathan. Houston leaders, community protest to Tyre Nichols police beating video. Houston Chronicle. January 28, 2023 [January 28, 2023]. 
  22. ^ Yankowski, Peter. CT activists, officials condemn brutal beating of Tyre Nichols after release of 'horrifying' video. CT Insider. January 28, 2023 [January 28, 2023]. 
  23. ^ Meyers, Gene. Dozens gather in Newark to demand justice for Tyre Nichols. North Jersey Media Group. 2023-01-28 [2023-01-29] (美国英语). 
  24. ^ Protests begin in Memphis, other cities. ABC News. January 27, 2023 [January 28, 2023]. 
  25. ^ Protesters gather in Phoenix in wake of Tyre Nichols' death. The Arizona Republic. The Republic. [29 January 2023]. 
  26. ^ Sainz, Adrian. Tyre Nichols' brutal beating by police shown on video. Associated Press. January 27, 2023 [January 28, 2023]. 
  27. ^ Sacramento protesters lining up to march. KXTV. January 27, 2023 [January 28, 2023]. 
  28. ^ Chiwaya, Nigel; Wu, Jiachan. Map: tracking Nichols protests around the United States. NBC News. January 28, 2023 [January 28, 2023]. 
  29. ^ De La Fe, Rocio. San Diego rallies at Waterfront Park in response to Tyre Nichols' death. cbs8.com. January 27, 2023 [2023-01-29] (美国英语). 
  30. ^ Mayer, Phil. Tyre Nichols protest begins in San Francisco. KRON-TV. January 27, 2023 [January 27, 2023]. 
  31. ^ 31.0 31.1 Heyward, Giulia. Mostly peaceful protests held across the U.S. after release of Tyre Nichols footage. NPR. January 28, 2023 [January 28, 2023]. 
  32. ^ St. Louis protest group gathers in solidarity with Memphis protesters. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. January 27, 2023 [January 28, 2023]. 
  33. ^ Diaz, Jaclyn; Bowman, Emma; Olson, Emily; Sullivan, Becky. The city of Memphis releases videos of Tyre Nichols' arrest and beating. NPR. January 27, 2023 [January 27, 2023].