Text Appearing Before Image:
' Text Appearing After Image: Photo copyright, 1 = 09, by Hallen, N. Y. JOHN E. REDMOND, M. P.Chairman of the Irish Parliamentary Party. IRELAND YESTERDAYAND TODAY By HUGH SUTHERLAND WITH AN INTRODUCTIONBY JOHN E. REDMOND, M.P. •SSVW TUH 10N1S3HO MMtun 393-noo Noisoa THE NORTH AMERICAN PHILADELPHIA1909 COPYRIGHTED, 1909, BYTHE NORTH AMERICAN CO-PHIL ADEIJPHI A. 132018 INTRODUCTION The Irish people owe much to America—more, per*haps, than to any other nation in existence. The friendshipbetween the two countries has been of long standing. TheIrish exiles, driven forth by the exactions of landlordism inthe early years of the eighteenth century, powerfully con-tributed to the victory of Washington and to the establish-ment of the republic on a basis of strength and security.The idea of the Irish Volunteers, who won.Grattans Parlia-ment, came from America. In the dark and evil days of98, and during the post-Union struggles, down to the timeof the Great Famine, Ireland could always command a largeand generous sympatirelandyesterday00suth_0
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