着色杆菌科![]() | |
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科学分类 ![]() | |
域: | 细菌域 Bacteria |
门: | 假单胞菌门 Pseudomonadota |
纲: | γ-变形菌纲 Gammaproteobacteria |
目: | 着色菌目 Chromatiales |
科: | 着色杆菌科 Chromatiaceae (Bavendamm, 1924)Imhoff, 1984 |
模式种 | |
Thiorhodovibrio winogradskyi Overmann,Fischer and Pfennig. 1993
- 别样希瓦氏菌属 Alishewanella Fonnesbech Vogel et al. 2000
- Allochromatium Imhoff et al. 1998
- Allochromatium humboldtianum Serrano et al. 2015
- Allochromatium minutissimum (Winogradsky 1888) Imhoff et al. 1998
- Allochromatium palmeri Kyndt and Meyer 2020
- Allochromatium phaeobacterium Srinivas et al. 2009
- Allochromatium renukae Anil Kumar et al. 2008
- Allochromatium tepidum Madigan et al. 2022[1]
- Allochromatium vinosum (Ehrenberg 1838) Imhoff et al. 1998
- Allochromatium warmingii (Cohn 1875) Imhoff et al. 1998
- 可变杆菌属 Amoebobacter Winogradsky, 1888
- Caldichromatium Saini et al. 2020
- Caldichromatium japonicum Saini et al. 2020[2]
- 着色菌属 Chromatium Perty 1852
- 盐着色菌属 Halochromatium Imhoff et al. 1998
- Imhoffiella Nupur et al. 2017
- Isochromatium Imhoff et al. 1998
- 闪杆菌属 Lamprobacter Gorlenko et al., 1988
- 闪囊菌属 Lamprocystis Schroeter, 1886
- Marichromatium Imhoff et al. 1998
- 亚硝化球菌属 Nitrosococcus Winogradsky 1892
- Pararheinheimera Sisinthy et al. 2017
- 芬尼氏菌属 Pfennigia Tindall 1999
- Phaeobacterium Nupur et al. 2015
- Phaeochromatium Shivali et al. 2012
- 杆状色菌属 Rhabdochromatium (ex Winogradsky 1888) Dilling et al. 1996,棍着色菌属
- 莱茵海默氏菌属 Rheinheimera Brettar et al. 2002
- Rhodothece Molisch 1906
- 热着色菌属 Thermochromatium Imhoff et al. 1998
- 硫碱球菌属 Thioalkalicoccus corrig. Bryantseva et al. 2000
- 硫橄榄菌属 Thiobaca Rees et al. 2002
- 荚硫菌属 Thiocapsa Winogradsky, 1888,硫匣菌属
- 硫球菌属 Thiococcus (ex Eimhjellen et al. 1967) Imhoff et al. 1998
- 囊硫菌属 Thiocystis Winogradsky, 1888,硫囊菌属
- 网硫菌属 Thiodictyon Winogradsky, 1888,硫网菌属
- 硫磺球菌属 Thioflavicoccus Imhoff and Pfennig 2001,硫黄球菌属
- 硫盐匣菌属 Thiohalocapsa Imhoff et al. 1998
- 硫明卵菌属 Thiolamprovum Guyoneaud et al. 1998
- 板硫菌属 Thiopedia Winogradsky 1888
- Thiophaeococcus Anil Kumar et al. 2008
- 硫红球菌属 Thiorhodococcus Guyoneaud et al., 1998
- 硫红弧菌属 Thiorhodovibrio Overmann et al. 1993
- 硫螺旋菌属 Thiospirillum Winogradsky, 1888
- Thiothece Winogradsky 1888
- Vampirococcus Guerrero et al. 1986
- Vampirococcus archaeovorus Moreira et al. 2021
- Vampirococcus lugosii Moreira et al. 2021
- ^ Madigan MT, Absher JN, Mayers JE, Asao M, Jung DO, Bender KS, Kempher ML, Hayward MK, Sanguedolce SA, Brown AC, et al. Allochromatium tepidum, sp. nov., a hot spring species of purple sulfur bacteria. Arch Microbiol 2022; 204:115.
- ^ Saini MK, ChihChe W, Soulier N, Sebastian A, Albert I, Thiel V, Bryant DA, Hanada S, Tank M. Caldichromatium japonicum gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel thermophilic phototrophic purple sulphur bacterium of the Chromatiaceae isolated from Nakabusa hot springs, Japan. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2020; 70:5701-5710.