注意:保存之后,你必须清除浏览器缓存才能看到做出的更改。Google Chrome、Firefox、Microsoft Edge及Safari:按住⇧ Shift键并单击工具栏的“刷新”按钮。参阅Help:绕过浏览器缓存以获取更多帮助。
//Gary King, "User:Gary King/comments in local time.js," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed May 28, 2009).
(function($, mw) {
const langConv = require('ext.gadget.HanAssist').conv;
var CommentsInLocalTime = function() {
// mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') ='wgCanonicalNamespace')
var LocalComments = window.LocalComments || {};
if (typeof(LocalComments.dateFormat) === 'undefined') {
// Deprecated: LocalizeConfig
if (typeof(window.LocalizeConfig) !== 'undefined' && typeof(window.LocalizeConfig.dateFormat) !== 'undefined' && window.LocalizeConfig.dateFormat !== '') {
LocalComments.dateFormat = LocalizeConfig.dateFormat;
} else {
LocalComments.dateFormat = 'ymd';
if (typeof(LocalComments.timeFirst) === 'undefined') LocalComments.timeFirst = false;
if (typeof(LocalComments.dateDifference) === 'undefined') LocalComments.dateDifference = true;
if (typeof(LocalComments.twentyFourHours) === 'undefined') LocalComments.twentyFourHours = false;
if (typeof(LocalComments.dayOfWeek) === 'undefined') LocalComments.dayOfWeek = true;
if (typeof(LocalComments.utcOffset) !== 'number') LocalComments.utcOffset = -1 * new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
if (typeof(LocalComments.disablePages) !== 'function') {
LocalComments.disablePages = function() {
return false;
End Settings
if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') === '' || mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') === 'MediaWiki' || mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') === 'Special' || LocalComments.disablePages()) return;
var disabled_urls = new Array('action=history'),
unique_url = false,
wikiPreview = new Array('action=edit', 'action=submit');
for (var i = 0; i < disabled_urls.length; i++) {
if (document.location.href.indexOf(disabled_urls[i]) !== -1) return;
for (var i = 0; i < wikiPreview.length; i++) {
if (document.location.href.indexOf(wikiPreview[i]) != -1) unique_url = 'wikiPreview';
var element_id = unique_url ? unique_url : 'bodyContent';
replace_text(document.getElementById(element_id), /(\d{4})年(\d{1,2})月(\d{1,2})日 \([一二三四五六日]\) (\d\d):(\d\d) \(UTC\)/g, adjust_time);
function add_leading_zero(number) {
if (number < 10) number = '0' + number;
return number;
function adjust_time(original_timestamp, old_year, old_month, old_day, old_hour, old_minute, offset) {
var today = new Date(),
yesterday = new Date(),
tomorrow = new Date();
yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1);
tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1);
// set the date entered
var time = new Date();
time.setFullYear(old_year, old_month - 1, old_day);
// determine the time offset
var utc_offset = LocalComments.utcOffset;
if (utc_offset >= 0) {
utc_offset = '+' + utc_offset;
} else {
utc_offset = '−' + Math.abs(utc_offset);
time = new Date( +time + LocalComments.utcOffset * 36e5 );
// set the date bits to output
var year = time.getFullYear(),
month = add_leading_zero(time.getMonth() + 1);
var day = time.getDate();
var hour = parseInt(time.getHours()),
minute = add_leading_zero(time.getMinutes());
// output am or pm depending on the date and user config settings
ampm = '';
if (!LocalComments.twentyFourHours) {
ampm = hour <= 11 ? ' am' : ' pm';
if (hour > 12) {
hour -= 12;
} else if (hour === 0) {
hour = 12;
// return 'today' or 'yesterday' if that is the case
if (year == today.getFullYear() && month == add_leading_zero(today.getMonth() + 1) && day == today.getDate()) {
var date = '今天';
} else if (year == yesterday.getFullYear() && month == add_leading_zero(yesterday.getMonth() + 1) && day == yesterday.getDate()) {
var date = '昨天';
} else if (year == tomorrow.getFullYear() && month == add_leading_zero(tomorrow.getMonth() + 1) && day == tomorrow.getDate()) {
var date = '明天';
} else {
// calculate day of week
day_names = new Array('星期日', '星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六');
day_of_the_week = day_names[time.getDay()];
if (LocalComments.dateDifference) {
// calculate time difference from today and the timestamp
today = new Date(today.getYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate());
time = new Date(time.getYear(), time.getMonth(), time.getDate());
milliseconds_ago = today.getTime() - time.getTime();
days_ago = Math.round(milliseconds_ago / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24);
var difference,
difference_word = '',
last = '';
if (today.valueOf() >= time.valueOf()) {
difference = new Date(today.valueOf() - time.valueOf());
difference_word = '前';
if (days_ago <= 7) last = '';
} else {
difference = new Date(time.valueOf() - today.valueOf());
difference_word = langConv({
hans: '后',
hant: '後'
if (days_ago >= -7) last = '';
var descriptive_difference = [];
if (difference.getYear() - 70 > 0) {
var years_ago = (difference.getYear() - 70) + '年';
if (difference.getMonth() > 0) {
var months_ago = difference.getMonth() + langConv({
hans: '个月',
hant: '個月'
if (difference.getDate() > 0) {
var new_days_ago = difference.getDate() - 1 + '日';
descriptive_difference = ' (' + descriptive_difference.join('') + difference_word + ')';
} else {
descriptive_difference = '';
last = '';
// format the date according to user preferences
var formatted_date = '',
month_name = convert_number_to_month(time.getMonth()),
month = time.getMonth() + 1;
switch (LocalComments.dateFormat.toLowerCase()) {
case 'ymd':
formatted_date = year + '年' + add_leading_zero(month) + '月' + add_leading_zero(day) + '日';
case 'dmy':
formatted_date = day + ' ' + month_name + ' ' + year;
case 'mdy':
formatted_date = month_name + ' ' + day + ', ' + year;
formatted_date = year + '-' + month + '-' + add_leading_zero(day);
var date = '';
if (LocalComments.dayOfWeek) {
date = formatted_date + ', ' + last + day_of_the_week + descriptive_difference;
} else {
date = formatted_date + ', ' + descriptive_difference;
var time = add_leading_zero(hour) + ':' + minute + ' ' + ampm;
if (LocalComments.timeFirst) {
var return_date = time + ', ' + date + ' (UTC' + utc_offset + ')';
} else {
var return_date = date + ', ' + time + ' (UTC' + utc_offset + ')';
return return_date;
function convert_month_to_number(month) {
var output = new Date(month + ' 1, 2001');
return output.getMonth();
function convert_number_to_month(number) {
var month = new Array('一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月', '七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '十一月', '十二月');
return month[number];
function replace_text(node, search, replace) {
if (!node) {
} else if (node.nodeType == 3) {
value = node.nodeValue;
matches = value.match(search);
if (matches != null) {
node_parent_node = node.parentNode;
old_node = node;
// old_node_list = node.parentNode.childNodes;
new_node = document.createDocumentFragment();
var after_match = value;
for (match = 0; match < matches.length; match++) {
var position =;
var length = matches[match].toString().length;
var before_match = after_match.substring(0, position);
after_match = after_match.substring(position + length);
first_span = document.createElement('span');
first_span.setAttribute('style', 'font-size: 85%;');
second_span = document.createElement('span');
second_span.setAttribute('class', 'localcomments');
second_span.setAttribute('title', matches[match]);
second_span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(matches[match].toString().replace(search, replace)));
// new_node_list = new_node.childNodes;
// old_node_list = new_node_list;
node_parent_node.replaceChild(new_node, old_node);
} else {
var children = [],
child = node.firstChild;
while (child) {
children[children.length] = child;
child = child.nextSibling;
for (var child = 0; child < children.length; child++)
replace_text(children[child], search, replace);
window.CommentsinLocalTime = CommentsInLocalTime;
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if ($item.attr('id') === 'mw-content-text' && window.location.href.indexOf('&disable=loco') === -1) CommentsInLocalTime();
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