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// author: bluedeck <bluedeck@outlook.com>
// available under CC-BY-SA 3.0

function parseDb(sds)
	var clean = function(arr,criteria)	// delete any and all cells that is criteria.
		var brr=[];
		var kk=0;
		for(var jj=0;jj<arr.length;jj++)
		return brr;
	// preparation: toss away any and all returns. we never need them.
	sds = sds.split("\r").join("");		// still string.
	// first, we have to split the whole document by newlines.
	sds = sds.split("\n");
	// now look for any and all lines that start with @ sign. they are meta data lines.
	// store them in a special meta array.
	var meta = [];
	for(var i in sds)
			meta[meta.length] = sds[i];	// store such a line into a new meta line.
			sds[i] = "";				// clear this line so we remove it in the next step.
	// now we toss away any empty lines.
	sds = clean(sds,"");
	// before proceeding, tidy up the meta lines by tossing away things that are not meta.
	for(var i in meta)
	meta = clean(meta,"");
	// now we have a very beautiful meta array and a neat sds array.
	// we first parse metadata. create the standard object. note that all meta objects are strings, never boolean or num.
	var std = {"meta":{"name":"undefined","expandable":"true","cols":"auto","rows":"auto"},"h":[],"q":[]};
	// delete the "@meta\t" head from each line, then split all the cells.
	for(var i in meta)
		meta[i] = meta[i].split("@meta\t").join("");
	meta = meta.join("\t").split("\t");
	meta = clean(meta,"");
	// configure meta into std. we'll say goodbye to meta from now on.
	for(var i in meta)
		if(meta[i].split(":")[0]==="name")				{std.meta.name=meta[i].split(":")[1];}
		else if(meta[i].split(":")[0]==="expandable")	{std.meta.expandable=meta[i].split(":")[1];}
		else if(meta[i].split(":")[0]==="cols")			{std.meta.cols=meta[i].split(":")[1];}
		else if(meta[i].split(":")[0]==="rows")			{std.meta.rows=meta[i].split(":")[1];}
	// take a look at sds[0]. split it by ["\t"] and fit into std.h. of course we should do cleanup.
	std.h = clean(sds[0].split("\t"),"");
	// since sds[0] has been used, we discard it.
	sds = sds.slice(1);
	for(var i in sds)
		sds[i] = clean(sds[i].split("\t"),"");
	std.q = sds;
	// now parse cells. the head is still parsed although it can only contain strings.
	for(var i in std.h)
		std.h[i] = parseCell(std.h[i]);
	for(var i in std.q)
		for(var j in std.q[i])
			std.q[i][j] = parseCell(std.q[i][j]);
	// we're all set.
	return std;

function dbfy(std)
	// fool proof
	if(!std.meta){return false;}
	if(!std.meta.name){std.meta.name = "";}
	if(!std.meta.expandable){std.meta.expandable = "true";}
	if(!std.meta.cols){std.meta.cols = "auto";}
	if(!std.meta.rows){std.meta.rows = "auto";}
	// preprocess
	for(var i in std.h)
		std.h = cellify(std.h);
	for(var i in std.q)
		for(var j in std.q[i])
			std.q[i][j] = cellify(std.q[i][j]);
	var sds = "@meta\tname:"+std.meta.name+"\texpandable:"+std.meta.expandable+"\tcols:"+std.meta.cols+"\trows:"+std.meta.rows;
	var sds = sds+"\n"+std.h.join("\t");
	for(var i in std.q)
		sds = sds+"\n"+std.q[i].join("\t");
	return sds;

function cellify(json)
	if(typeof json ==="string")
		if(json === ""){return "$string:"}
		return json.split("\\").join("\\\\").split("\t").join("\\t").split("\n").join("\\n").split("\r").join("\\r").split("@").join("\\a").split("$").join("\\s");
	if(typeof json === "number")
		return "$double:"+json;
	if(typeof json === "boolean")
		return "$boolean:"+json.toString();
	if(json === null)
		return "$null";
	if(json === undefined)
		return "$undefined";
		return false;

function parseCell(cell)
	var ps = function (a)
		return a.split("\\a").join("@").split("\\s").join("$").split("\\r").join("\r").split("\\n").join("\n").split("\\t").join("\t").split("\\\\").join("\\");
		return undefined;
		var head=cell.split(":")[0];
		var body=cell.slice(head.length+1);
		if(head==="$int"||head==="$"||head==="$long"||head==="$unsigned"||head==="$unsigned long"||head==="$float"||head==="$double"||head==="$byte")
			return parseInt(body);
			return true;
			return false;
			return ps(body)[0];
			return ps(body);
			return null;
			return undefined;
		return ps(body);
	return ps(cell);