Done with Matlab.
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我,本作品著作权人,释出本作品至公有领域。这适用于全世界。 在一些国家这可能不合法;如果是这样的话,那么: 我无条件地授予任何人以任何目的使用本作品的权利,除非这些条件是法律规定所必需的。
Source code:
Lx1=-1.7; Lx2=2.3; Ly1=-2; Ly2=2; % box dimensions
N=60; % split the box into N x N grid
[X, Y]=meshgrid(Lx1:1/N:Lx2, Ly1:1/N:Ly2); % the grid
f=inline('-((y+1).^4/25+(x-1).^4/10+x.^2+y.^2-1)'); % draw the level sets of f
fx=inline('-2/5*(x-1).^3-2*x'); fy=inline('-4/25*(y+1).^3-2*y'); % partial deriv
Z=f(X, Y); % the function value
figure(1); clf; hold on; axis equal; axis off; % pop up a figure
h=0.5; % spacing between heights
v=[-20:h:0.8 0.85]; % the heights
[c,h] = contour(X, Y, Z, v, 'b'); % the level sets at those heights
x0=0.1333; y0=-0.0666; % coordinates of the top of the hill
delta=0.01; % descend from the top of the hill with this step size
Angles=linspace(0, 2*pi, 20); % will draw 19 descent curves with Angles(i)
for i=1:length(Angles)
x=x0+0.1*cos(Angles(i)); y=y0+0.1*sin(Angles(i)); % starting point
Curve_x=[x]; Curve_y=[y]; % will hold a descent curve following the gradient
% descend from the hill
for j=1:500
Curve_x=[Curve_x x]; Curve_y=[Curve_y y]; % append the updated values
if max(abs(x), abs(y)) > 5 % stop when going beyond the picture frame
plot(Curve_x, Curve_y, 'r') % plot the curve of steepest descent
axis([Lx1 Lx2 Ly1 Ly2]); % the picture frame
saveas(gcf, 'level_grad.eps', 'psc2') % save as color postscript. Use gimp to convert
% to png. Does anybody know how to reduce aliasing (gimp helps, but only a bit)?
Legend: (cur) = this is the current file, (del) = delete this old version, (rev) = revert to this old version.
Click on date to download the file or see the image uploaded on that date.