


塞思·温特劳布是一位美国记者和工程师。温特劳布创办了一系列以9to5開頭的消費電子產品以及科技公司新聞網站,例如9to5Mac英语9to5Mac[1]9to5Google、 9to5Toys,此外他還創辦了DroneDJ和Electrek英语Electrek[2][3]


1997年,温特劳布获得南加州大学工业与系统工程学士学位,同時辅修多媒体与创意技术。[4] 2002年,他获得了纽约大学电信硕士学位。[5] 與此同時,他還參與协助管理纽约大学医学院的IT部门。[6] 


2006年至2008年期間,温特劳布在巴黎定居。与此同时,他還為Computerworld撰文。[6] 2007年,温特劳布创建了9to5Mac英语9to5Mac網站,並在該網站上發表了一系列有关蘋果公司的文章。[7][8][9]

温特劳布因其对苹果的报道获得了2008年和2009年由软件和信息行业协会英语Software and Information Industry Association頒發的尼尔奖 (Neal Awards)。[10]




  1. ^ Streitfeld, David. Will the New Apple iPhone Have a Headphone Jack? Rumormongers Say It Won't. The New York Times. 2016-09-05 [2023-02-07]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  2. ^ Niedermeyer, Edward. Ludicrous: The Unvarnished Story of Tesla Motors. BenBella Books. 2019-08-20. ISBN 978-1-948836-32-6 (英语). 
  3. ^ Maxwell, Tom. Going beyond its Apple roots, 9to5 sees success in new verticals. Digiday英语Digiday. 17 May 2019 [5 January 2024]. 
  4. ^ Weintraub, Seth. Seth Weintraub. Computerworld. 2012-04-19 [2023-02-07] (英语). 
  5. ^ SETH WEINTRAUB. New York University. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Smith, Dave. How An IT Guy Stranded In Paris Turned Himself Into The Most Powerful Source Of Apple News. Business Insider. [2023-02-07] (美国英语). 
  7. ^ Welcome to 9to5Mac.com | 9 to 5 Mac. 2007-05-10 [2023-02-07]. (原始内容存档于2007-05-10). 
  8. ^ Satariano, Adam. Apple's Ad-Blocking Feature Is Sending Publishers Scrambling. Bloomberg. 2015-09-09. 
  9. ^ Siegler, M. G. Is Apple Finally Poised To Cut The Insanely Annoying Cords To My Head?. TechCrunch. 2010-11-09 [2023-02-07] (美国英语). 
  10. ^ Carpenter, Joyce. Apple Ink wins 2009 Neal Award. Computerworld. 2009-03-20. 
  11. ^ Siegler, M. G. 2011: The Year Android Explodes! Killing Innocent Women, Children, And iPhone Users. TechCrunch. 2010-12-27 [2023-02-07] (美国英语). 
  12. ^ Seth Weintraub. Fortune. [2023-02-07] (英语). 
  13. ^ Chen, Jiahong. Regulating Online Behavioural Advertising Through Data Protection Law. Edward Elgar Publishing. 2021-05-28. ISBN 978-1-83910-830-3 (英语). 
  14. ^ Seth Weintraub. Opinion - Mobile Carriers Ring Up Big Money on Customers' Backs. archive.nytimes.com. [2023-02-07]. 
  15. ^ Mandell, Nina. Google Plans To Open Retail Stores: Report. 2013-02-15. 
  16. ^ Panzarino, Matthew. Tesla Motors Just Invited Press To Come to Look At Its New D. TechCrunch. 2014-10-02 [2023-02-07] (美国英语).